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Is The Reason Qm Can Give Rise To Physical Objects Because Physical Objects Are Not Real Either? Spatial And Temporal Are Being Applied To Virtual Wav

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Spatial and Temporal are being applied to virtual quantum waves to generate a hologram we claim is physical/real.

Is spacetime (spatial and temporal) the definition of our reality? Anything with less mass energy than a virus is not automatically included in our reality. Mass energy lower can be a wave packet that uses spacetime via decoherence.

Anything that isn’t using spacetime isn’t real. Coherent/plane waves do not use spacetime.

Matter without a Higgs boson is not able to wave collapse to a physical particle ..only wave packet. Dark matter doesn’t have a Higgs boson but can influence the virtual fabric of spacetime. It takes a certain level of mass energy for the fabric of spacetime to acknowledge it and bend.

A spacetime object is an object that can cause a wave to wave collapse against. A 30 micrometer object set to vibrate has the ability to interact with particles and not cause them to decohere/wave collapse.


Nothing is real in our universe. It's virtual at the root with simulation on top of simulation on top of simulation. I wonder if it is the same setup outside the bounds of our universe.


Is each law and constant of physics another layer of simulation?

Temporal, spatial, and the fabric of spacetime (gravity, limit of light speed, age, time dilation, the physical hologram of reality) are even more layers.


I think the realm of coherent/plane waves or spacetime is a where Math originates. The quantum realm sure doesn’t appear to care about math but that is because everything we know about it is unobservable. Maybe the quantum realm has the core of math and spacetime contributes to it. Pi is infinite and so is the quantum realm, maybe it originates there.

"π value appears in the equation of Einstein's field equation for General Relativity. Why? Because the mass warps the spacetime in a manner that resembles globular shape. Hence the π value is needed to describe the gravity, which is the spacetime warp induced by mass and energy. You cannot describe circles or globes without π."



- Ung-Jin Kim
GR is the same thing as spacetime ..so spacetime should have π everywhere in it.

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