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The information in the information paradox is the variables that mathematical projections are using to describe the object; mass, color, density, structure, position, velocity and number of "atoms". The holographic principle appears to have sub layers per object solution ..not just large volumes of space. Every object has its own mathematical object associated with it.


Entanglement is when multiple quantum waves use the same complex mathematical object. All quantum behavior is using complex numbers with uncertainty.


The holographic principle is based on the projection of mathematical objects from a higher mathematical dimension to 3D representation with "physical" properties.


I question if living objects have associated math objects.

Posted (edited)

Is quantum information entropy and why it is on the surface area of the event horizon?



Is entropy quantum information in a mathematical projection?



If entropy makes mathematical projections physical, are physical objects passing the event horizon of a black hole still physical?

Edited by pittsburghjoe
Posted (edited)

A black hole will completely remove entropy from an object rendering it unphysical.

Whatever allows coherence will suspend entropy. No heat or incoherent light allowed. This means unobserved quantum waves don’t have entropy ..only uncertainty.

A Bose–Einstein condensate shouldn’t have entropy.

If we can control the entropy of an object, we can control its mathematical projection ..aka its physics.


Is Decoherence: Uncertainty to Entropy?

Edited by pittsburghjoe
Posted (edited)
Is reality complex 4D math being projected by time to 3D real number math that contains entropy (quantum variables)?


Is laser cooling slowing age and entropy?


Are bonded atoms entangled to the object they represent?


Have we carbon dated atoms there were in a Bose–Einstein condensate?


Does Time project physics as mathematical objects?


Can we genetically mod the code of new cells to repair themselves when they become damaged? Would these new lifeforms live forever?

Edited by pittsburghjoe
Posted (edited)

Do black holes generate entropy or is its entropy simply from the objects going past the event horizon? Is the entropy layer on a black hole the boundary between real number math and complex?


Is a black hole's size only from the entropy information growing on its event horizon?


A black hole is a bubble in real number math. Real numbers can’t describe what is happening past the event horizon. The bubble has mass ..but it is not physical mass, it is mass in the form of quantum information ..aka entropy.


There is a reason disorder is more probable than order. Coherent quantum waves are orderly waves, they don’t have entropy. Entropy is the key to decoherence. Entropy is what turns mathematical projections (physics) into something real.

Edited by pittsburghjoe

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