Thoth101 Posted June 28, 2020 Report Posted June 28, 2020 BLM is Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc. It consist of Intersectional Feminist, “trained Marxist” and founders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi. “The project is now a member-led global network of more than 40 chapters” - “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” BLM was started because a “white passing person” Hispanic by the name of George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. Patrisse Khan-Cullors wrote: “I didn’t want George Zimmerman to be the period to the story. I didn’t want his name to be the name held up over and over again by the media, by his fellow white supremacists.” Interesting endorsements/backing they have. Jonathan Kozol and Bill Ayers among others. Kozol wrote "Children of the Revolution: A Yankee Teacher in the Cuban Schools" it's a book about how the United States should emulate the "great success" that is Communist Cuba's education system. Ayers is the former leader of the terrorist group the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to "overthrow imperialism". They conducted bombings throughout the United States while active. This is the 2020 Curriculum for Black Live Matter in schools: founders of BLM personal inspiration is Assata Shakur, real name Joanne Deborah Chesimard, former member of the Black Liberation Army a Black Power group. She's on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list. She now lives in Cuba where she was granted asylum. Looking through their literature it's plain to see that BLM is steeped in Intersectionality/Marxism/Critical Race Theory/Communism. It's about dismantling Western ideals. It's about dismantling Capitalism or as they called it until last week on their website “the white Christian Capitalist system” which they seemingly replaced with “White Supremacy”. It's about dismantling the "nuclear family". It's about dismantling individualism. It about dismantling language by redefining words. It's about Indoctrination. It's pro-globalism (don't ask me how they square that hole) and pro-Intersectional feminism. It's the oddest thing. 3 Self described "Queer Woman of Color" based their beliefs on many ideas of old white communist and yet they somehow manage to convince so many people around the world to support them uncritically.Interesting bits about Marx. Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German philosopher, economist, and sociologist whose writings formed the basis of modern communism. Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote “Manifesto of the Communist Party”"It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a n—–. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product." - Karl Marx 1867 Volume 1 of Das Kapital In his essay titled “On the Jewish Question”"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. … Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man—and turns them into commodities. … The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. … The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." - Karl MarxAbout Mexicans he said: “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” - Karl Marx Engels shared Marx’s racial philosophy. In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx’s son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Lafargue had “one-eighth or one-twelfth n—– blood.”In a letter to Lafargue’s wife, Engels wrote, “Being in his quality as a n—–, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.”I encourage you to look up their stuff online, search them by name. Check out the 40 chapters and who is running them. There’s far to much information put here. These people are radicals and very intelligent. I don't take credit for this research. I found it by a poster on Newsvoice in the comments section. Quote
Thoth101 Posted July 30, 2020 Author Report Posted July 30, 2020 (edited) Edited July 30, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted July 30, 2020 Author Report Posted July 30, 2020 Black Lives Matter is a Marxist revolutionary movement aimed at transforming the United States into a communist dystopia. BLM states that it wants to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and capitalism. BLM leaders have threatened to "burn down the system" if their demands are not met. They are also training militias. "Cutting the LAPD budget means longer responses to 911 emergency calls, officers calling for backup won't get it, and rape, murder and assault investigations won't occur or will take forever to initiate, let alone complete." — Los Angeles Police Protective League, the city's police union. "White people are so confused in America.... If there is systematic racism today it is a racism against white people, in the sense that white people are told that they are responsible for all the evils in the world...." — Dr. Carol M. Swain, university professor and advisory board member of Black Voices for Trump. "We are all human beings in God's image. Black Lives Matter and Antifa and organizations like that will not help us transcend racism and classism and the 'isms' that they are concerned with. There are things that can be done in the black community, but the most important thing is helping people realize to how important their own attitudes are..." — Dr. Carol M. Swain. This is the first of a two-part series, which reveals: BLM's founders openly admit to being Marxist ideologues. Their self-confessed mentors include former members of the Weather Underground, a radical "leftwing" terrorist group that sought to bring a communist revolution to the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. BLM is friendly with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, whose socialist policies have brought economic collapse and untold misery to millions of people there. BLM states that it wants to abolish: the nuclear family; police and prisons; heteronormativity; and capitalism. BLM and groups associated with it are demanding a moratorium on rent, mortgages and utilities, and reparations for a long list of grievances. BLM leaders have threatened to "burn down the system" if their demands are not met. They are also training militias based on the militant Black Panther movement of the 1960s. BLM, which is not registered as a non-profit organization for tax purposes, has raised tens of millions of dollars in donations. BLM's finances are opaque. BLM's donations are collected by ActBlue, a fundraising platform linked to the Democratic Party and causes associated with it. Indeed, BLM leaders have confirmed that their immediate goal is to remove U.S. President Donald J. Trump from office. Most importantly, the main premise of BLM is based on a lie — namely that the United States is "at war" with African Americans. Blacks are not being systematically targeted by whites. Fifty years after the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, more than three in four Americans, including most whites and blacks, agreed that real progress has been made in getting rid of racial discrimination. Scholars have noted that BLM's inability to produce solid empirical evidence of systemic racism explains why its leaders continue to "broaden and deepen" the indictment to include the entire American social and political order. BLM in its Own Words "We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories." — BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, July 22, 2015. "If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.... I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary." — BLM activist Hank Newsome, June 25, 2020. "Stay in the streets! The system is throwing every diversionary and de-mobilizing tactic at us. We are fighting to end policing and prisons as a system which necessitates fighting white supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchal imperialism. Vet your comrades and stay focused." — BLM Chicago, Twitter, June 16, 2020. "There's no such thing as 'blue lives.' There is no hue of a blue life. Being a police officer is an occupation. It's a job. 'All lives matter'— it's like saying the sky is blue. I haven't heard how police are on the right side of history." — BLM co-founder Alicia Garza,, March 30, 2018. "It's hundreds of years of generational oppression and trauma and infrastructural racism that impacts our bodies and makes our bodies more vulnerable to something like a COVID-19." — BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, Hollywood Reporter, June 2, 2020. "We say #DefundThePolice and #DefundDepOfCorrections because they work in tandem. The rise of mass incarceration occurred alongside the rise of militarized and mass policing. They must be abolished as a system." — BLM Chicago, June 13, 2020. "We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system." — Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), of which BLM is a part, June 5, 2020. "'All Lives Matter,' is little more than a racist dog whistle that attempts to both delegitimize centuries of claims of global anti-Black oppression and position those who exhibit tremendous pride in their Blackness as enemies of the state. Well, we are enemies of any racist, sexist, classist, xenophobic state that sanctions brutality and murder against marginalized people who deserve to live as free people." — Feminista Jones, BLM activist. "We stand with Palestinian civil society in calling for targeted sanctions in line with international law against Israel's colonial, apartheid regime." — BLM UK, June 28, 2020. "We are an ABOLITIONIST movement. We do not believe in reforming the police, the state or the prison industrial complex." — BLM UK, June 21, 2020. "Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down." — BLM leader Shaun King, June 22, 2020. "We are living in political moment where for the first time in a long time we are talking about alternatives to capitalism." — Alicia Garza, BLM co-founder, March 2015. "Anti-racism is anti-capitalist, and vice versa. There are no two ways around it. To be an anti-racist must demand a complete rejection of business as usual. An end to racism demands transformation of the global political-economic setup." — Joshua Virasami, BLM UK, June 8, 2020. Brief History Black Lives Matter began in July 2013, when George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch coordinator of Hispanic-German descent, was acquitted of homicide charges in the 2012 fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old black high school student, in Sanford, Florida. Alicia Garza, a black woman from Oakland, California, posted to Facebook what she described as a "love letter to black folks." She wrote: "I continue to be surprised at how little black lives matter. Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter." Patrisse Cullors, a black woman from Los Angeles, California, then put Garza's Facebook post on Twitter, with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. After seeing the hashtag, Opal Tometi, a first-generation Nigerian American woman from Phoenix, Arizona, partnered with Garza and Cullors to establish an internet presence. Tometi purchased the domain name and built BLM's digital platform, including social media accounts, where they encouraged people to tell their stories. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter gained national attention in August 2014, after the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The hashtag was ubiquitous during riots in November 2014, when a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson. By 2018, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter had been tweeted over 30 million times. Since its beginnings seven years ago, Black Lives Matter has grown into a movement with nearly 40 chapters and thousands of activists in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. What began as an effort to seek justice for black people has become far more expansive — and more radical — in its demands. What's the Agenda? BLM's worldview is based on a mix of far-left theoretical frameworks, including critical race theory and intersectional theory. Critical race theory posits that racism is systemic, based on a system of white supremacy and therefore a permanent feature of American life. Intersectional theory asserts that people are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: their race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other identity markers. Black Lives Matter and other purveyors of critical race theory and intersectional theory reject individual accountability for behavior, criminal or otherwise, because, according to them, blacks are systemic and permanent victims of racism. Such racism, according to BLM, can only be defeated by completely dismantling the American economic, political and social system and rebuilding it from scratch — according to Marxist principles. Black Lives Matter seeks to replace the foundational cornerstones of American society: 1) abolish the Judeo-Christian concept of the traditional nuclear family, the basic social unit in America; 2) abolish the police and dismantle the prison system; 3) mainstream transgenderism and delegitimize so-called heteronormativity (the belief that heterosexuality is the norm); and 4) abolish capitalism (a free economy) and replace it with communism (a government-controlled economy). Read on: OceanBreeze and Racoon 2 Quote
A-wal Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 This is fcuking hilarious! :) Flummoxed 1 Quote
Racoon Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 This is fcuking hilarious! :)Thoth has some serious talking points. So what is your solution?? What is so great about BLM?? what have they actually done for the betterment of Black Lives instead of trying to destroy a prosperous system?Equal Outcomes is not a feasible reality.Everyone who makes good decisions, works hard, and is a generally cool person, has every opportunity to succeed in this country.Systematic Racism is a recently made up term. Blacks already have a leg up with affirmative action and lower standards for college entrance, along with every other right afforded to Americans. It boils down to the breakdown of the nuclear family. ~70% of Black fatherless homes. No personal accountability for actions. Victimhood. Glorifying gang culture. Lack of emphasis on education otherwise you being "too white".Sorry, but Slavery happened everywhere, all across the world for thousands of years. You can't keep blaming that for your personal lack of results. Black people are as racist as anyone themselves. If you think this country is so racist go visit China, Russia, Japan, India... You'll see more blatant racism there if you're black.All a load of F*ing Garbage. OceanBreeze and Thoth101 2 Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 (edited) Join the Klan, the official black lives don't matter movement. The KKK's Spokesman link = Edited July 30, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
OceanBreeze Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 Racoon, on 30 Jul 2020 - 09:40 AM, said: Sorry, but Slavery happened everywhere, all across the world for thousands of years. You can't keep blaming that for your personal lack of results. No it did not. No it did not? Is that your entire argument? No facts, no nothing, just a flat denial?You might benefit from doing just a bit of research. "The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. However, the social, economic, and legal positions of slaves have differed vastly in different systems of slavery in different times and places.[1] Slavery occurs relatively rarely among hunter-gatherer populations[2] because it develops under conditions of social stratification.[3] Slavery operated in the first civilizations (such as Sumer in Mesopotamia,[4] which dates back as far as 3500 BC). Slavery features in the Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BCE), which refers to it as an established institution.[5] Slavery was widespread in the ancient world found in almost every other ancient civilization such as the Roman Empire. It became less common throughout Europe during the Early Middle Ages, although it continued to be practice in some areas. The Byzantine–Ottoman wars (1265–1479) and the Ottoman wars in Europe (14th to 20th centuries) resulted in the capture of large numbers of Christian slaves. The Arab slave trade encompassed the mainly in Western and Central Asia, Northern and Eastern Africa, India, and Europe from the 7th to the 20th century. The Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, British and a number of West African kingdoms played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade, especially after 1600. The Republic of Ragusa became the first European country to ban the slave trade in 1416. In modern times Denmark-Norway abolished the trade in 1802. Although slavery is no longer legal anywhere in the world (with the exception of penal labour),[6] human trafficking remains an international problem and an estimated 25-40 million people were enslaved as of 2013, the majority in Asia.[7] During the 1983–2005 Second Sudanese Civil War people were taken into slavery.[8] Evidence emerged in the late 1990s of systematic child-slavery and -trafficking on cacao plantations in West Africa.[9] Slavery in the 21st century continues, with the top ten countries with the highest prevalence according to the Global Slavery Index being North Korea, Eritrea, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Mauritania, South Sudan, Pakistan, Cambodia and Iran.[10] Although Mauritania criminalized slavery in August 2007,[11] up to an estimated 600,000 men, women and children, 20% of the population of Mauritania, are currently enslaved, many used as bonded labor.[12] Islamist quasi-states such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Boko Haram have abducted and enslaved women and children (often to serve as sex slaves)." anything else? Thoth101 1 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 Join the Klan, the official black lives don't matter movement. The KKK's Spokesman link = Stop trolling Victor. Nobody here is saying that Black lives do not matter and nobody here is supporting the Klan. Quote
OceanBreeze Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 America does not the represent the rest of the world. You’re right, the USA does not represent the rest of the world, just one, but important part of it. So, how about we look at the UK? Is the situation of absent Black fathers any better there? Doesn’t look like it: “The statistics in the UK show that 59% of black Caribbean children live in lone-parent households compared with 22% of white children. In London the population of the black Caribbean community is 321,300 (4.3% of the city’s population). Britain’s Prime Minister, David Cameron echoed President Barack Obama in 2008 by calling for absent black fathers to take more responsibility for their children. The Prime Minister called for a ‘responsibility revolution’ to change patterns of behavior. Many British MP’s who have researched this problem say that in the absence of a male role model, many young black men choose to emulate negative, violent lifestyles popularized by gangster rappers and celebrities. The British government will introduce powers to compel fathers to look after their children, Prime Minister said a new culture of respecting those in authority will also be drawn in” This, incidentally, is from a Black website, so I don't think you can say it is racist! It is a recognition that a real problem exists and we should be trying to solve it, together. Thoth101 1 Quote
OceanBreeze Posted July 30, 2020 Report Posted July 30, 2020 Thoth has some serious talking points. So what is your solution?? What is so great about BLM?? what have they actually done for the betterment of Black Lives instead of trying to destroy a prosperous system?Equal Outcomes is not a feasible reality.Everyone who makes good decisions, works hard, and is a generally cool person, has every opportunity to succeed in this country.Systematic Racism is a recently made up term. Blacks already have a leg up with affirmative action and lower standards for college entrance, along with every other right afforded to Americans. It boils down to the breakdown of the nuclear family. ~70% of Black fatherless homes. No personal accountability for actions. Victimhood. Glorifying gang culture. Lack of emphasis on education otherwise you being "too white".Sorry, but Slavery happened everywhere, all across the world for thousands of years. You can't keep blaming that for your personal lack of results. Black people are as racist as anyone themselves. If you think this country is so racist go visit China, Russia, Japan, India... You'll see more blatant racism there if you're black.All a load of F*ing Garbage. "If you think this country is so racist go visit China, Russia, Japan, India... You'll see more blatant racism there if you're black" I would add that if you visit places like China, Japan, India, Thailand, Nigeria and most West African countries, you will experience racism directed against you, if you are white! Thoth101 1 Quote
Thoth101 Posted August 1, 2020 Author Report Posted August 1, 2020 Thoth has some serious talking points. So what is your solution?? What is so great about BLM?? what have they actually done for the betterment of Black Lives instead of trying to destroy a prosperous system?Equal Outcomes is not a feasible reality.Everyone who makes good decisions, works hard, and is a generally cool person, has every opportunity to succeed in this country.Systematic Racism is a recently made up term. Blacks already have a leg up with affirmative action and lower standards for college entrance, along with every other right afforded to Americans. It boils down to the breakdown of the nuclear family. ~70% of Black fatherless homes. No personal accountability for actions. Victimhood. Glorifying gang culture. Lack of emphasis on education otherwise you being "too white".Sorry, but Slavery happened everywhere, all across the world for thousands of years. You can't keep blaming that for your personal lack of results. Black people are as racist as anyone themselves. If you think this country is so racist go visit China, Russia, Japan, India... You'll see more blatant racism there if you're black.All a load of F*ing Garbage.Racoon, you hit the nail on the head and great points! :lightbulb Quote
Thoth101 Posted August 1, 2020 Author Report Posted August 1, 2020 (edited) No it did not. If you use the Rothschild monetary system you are in fact a debt slave this day in age. Slavery and World History1. The most ancient civilizations--ancient Mesopotamia, Old Kingdom Egypt, and the budding civilization that formed in the Indus and Yangtze river valleys--all had some form of slavery present in their earliest years. 2. In none of these cultures did slaves constitute a large proportion of the population. 3. It was in classical Greece and Rome that the first true slave societies came into existence. From the 5th to the 3rd centuries b.c., perhaps a third to a half of Athens's population consisted of slaves. Slaves constituted as much as 30 percent of Rome's population. 4. England's Domesday book of 1086 indicated that 10 percent of the population was enslaved. 5. Although slavery is often stigmatized as archaic and backward, slavery has been found in many of the most progressive societies. 6. Contrary to what many think, slavery never disappeared from medieval Europe. Slavery persisted in Sicily, southern Italy, Russia, southern France, Spain, and elsewhere. Slavery and World History Myth: Slavery is a product of capitalism.Fact: Slavery is older than the first human records. Myth: Slavery is a product of Western Civilization.Fact: Slavery is virtually a universal institution. Myth: Slavery in the non-western world was a mild, benign, and non-economic institution.Fact: Slaves were always subject to torture, sexual exploitation, and arbitrary death. Myth: Slavery was an economically backward and inefficient institution.Fact: Many of the most progressive societies in the world had slaves. Myth: Slavery was always based on race.Fact: Not until the 15th century was slavery associated primarily with people of African descent. Flummoxed even Portugal had slaves at one time.Slavery was abolished in Portugal in 1761 by the Marquês de Pombal. After the abolishment of slavery in Portugal, the Portuguese slave traders turned to clients in other countries where slavery was not yet abolished such as the United States of America. Portugal started the European slave trade with Africa. Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal sent a trading expedition to Africa, to explore the little known continent, in 1441. By 1444, a ‘cargo’ of 235 enslaved Africans had been brought to Lagos in Portugal. The Portuguese were using enslaved Africans on sugar plantations in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the west coast of Africa, by 1460. They built the first slave fort in 1481, on the coast of modern Ghana. This was Elmina Castle, the headquarters of the Portuguese slave traders. In the early 17th century, Portugal was a major trader in enslaved Africans. At this time, it held the asiento, or contract, to supply the Spanish colonies with slaves. This meant that as well as buying their own slaves, the Portuguese were buying slaves for Spanish owned plantations. This added to the overall number of slaves which Portuguese ships carried. Records show the total figure to be 4,650,000 enslaved Africans. Read on: Edited August 1, 2020 by Thoth101 Quote
Thoth101 Posted August 1, 2020 Author Report Posted August 1, 2020 America does not the represent the rest of the world.Yea because most people's ancestors in the US ran away from you guys over there. :lol: And we are still fighting for our freedoms till this day. Quote
montgomery Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 The US is always compared to third world countries by it's racists in order to claim innocence. Those cksuckers don't dare to stand the US up against the world's leading democracies on pretty much anything except military aggression. Quote
montgomery Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 Yea because most people's ancestors in the US ran away from you guys over there. :lol: And we are still fighting for our freedoms till this day.Stick with Ickey being the son of the god, and your lizard people. Otherwise you'll just say something else completely idiotic. Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 I used to be a wage slave, but now I am in debt to no one, and am no ones slave :) Slavery is not a new thing, in any of its guises. Flummoxed 1 Quote
montgomery Posted August 1, 2020 Report Posted August 1, 2020 Here is a conspiracy for you, Lord Cornwallis who was besieged at York Town by Washington, deliberately disobeyed orders, and manouvered his army into a trap, they could not escape from. After the British defeat at York Town he was sent back to the UK, and was never court marshaled for his disobedience. Any other officer in the British Army having disobeyed orders and effectively lost part off the empire would have been shot !. Why wasnt he? Perhaps being a mason like George Washington, got him out of trouble. The losing of the Americas might have been a deliberate act by masons to create a masonic controlled state :) America is not free. BLM are trying to get some justice in America. Politicians dont seem to be interested in the freedoms of the Blacks, at least not the Republican. Do you see any comparison with the Nazi Party and the Republican Party :shocked:Flummoxed really? When that dumb prick refused to accept the evidence of the aircraft parts shown littering the ground around the Pentagon, didn't that tell you that he's/it's not going to accept any logic? He's completely headfked and his only purpose is in providing an example for a study of what happened to him/it that makes him tick. Flummoxed 1 Quote
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