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The Long History Of Accidental Laboratory Releases Of Potential Pandemic Pathogens Is Being Ignored In The Covid-19 Media Coverage

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The Long History of Accidental Laboratory Releases of Potential Pandemic Pathogens Is Being Ignored In the COVID-19 Media Coverage


by Sam Husseini

Many people are dismissing the possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic might have come from a lab. It is possible that they are unaware of the frequency of biohazards escaping from laboratories.


On Feb. 11, I asked Anne Schuchat, the CDC’s Principal Deputy Director, at the National Press Club if it were a “complete coincidence” that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus happened in Wuhan, a center of China’s declared biowarfare/biodefence capacity. I got an answer that was remarkably evasive. She wouldn’t answer my followup question about whether the claimed “zoonotic origin” precluded the outbreak from being caused by pathogens from nature that then could be accidentally leaked from the labs.


But neither are the facts always being provided to the public. A search on “Democracy Now” shows that the first time the program mentioned “Wuhan” and “lab” or “laboratory” was on April 6 — to credit “the Wuhan lab that identified the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.” Mainstream outlets at least reported the existence of the lab to their audiences in a somewhat timely manner, even if they distorted the information.

And skew the information they did.


Forbes (3/17/20) published the piece “No, COVID-19 Coronavirus Was Not Bioengineered. Here’s The Research That Debunks That Idea,” which depends on a misreading of a strange and misleading Nature Medicine article to dismiss the notion that it came out of a lab. The Forbes senior contributor on health, Bruce Y. Lee wrote: “it’s a lot easier to leak a pocket of air though your butt than a virus from a BSL-4 facility.” Apparently this was supposed to be reassuring.


Similarly CNN (4/6/20) mocked the notion of a lab leak when re-assessing the source of the pandemic, describing one possibility being that: “It leaked — like a genie out of a bottle — from a lab in an accident.”


But even a cursory look at the record shows that these labs, where ever they exist, have a lot of accidents — just from 2019, the New York Times (8/5/19) reported: “Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns”, an article about Fort Detrick in Maryland: “Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.” (The local paper, the Frederick News-Post has provided some coverage, including publishing letters by local activist Barry Kissin.)


USA Today had a reporter on this beat, Alison Young, but she left the paper. A sampling of her work:


“Hundreds of bioterror lab mishaps cloaked in secrecy” (8/17/14)


“Worker at Tulane possibly exposed to bioterror bacteria” (3/11/15)


“CDC failed to disclose lab incidents with bioterror pathogens to Congress” (6/23/16):


“GAO finds more gaps in oversight of bioterror germs studied in U.S.”:


“Government regulators have no idea how often laboratories working with some of the world’s most dangerous viruses and bacteria are failing to fully kill vials of specimens before sending them to other researchers who lack critical gear to protect them against infection, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office.” (9/21/16)


“Congress demands details of secret CDC lab incidents revealed by USA TODAY” (1/17/17)

Even since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, Nature reported: “Chinese institutes investigate pathogen outbreaks in lab workers.” (12/17/19)


Then, on April 16, “Democracy Now” interviewed Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance. Daszak is an interested party. He has worked with and helped fund the coronavirus experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He dismissed the prospect of lab release outright. The episode was headlined: “’Pure Baloney’: Zoologist Debunks Trump’s COVID-19 Origin Theory, Explains Animal-Human Transmission.”


Listeners to “Democracy Now” were not given elementary facts about the history of lab accidents. They were also not told that among the policy advisors for EcoHealth Alliance are David Franz, a former commander at Fort Detrick, the principle U.S. government biowarfare/biodefence facility and Thomas Geisbert, who is doing biodefence/biowarfare work at Galveston National Laboratory. EcoHealth Alliance partners include universities but also major corporations like Johnson & Johnson and Colgate Palmolive. Most importantly the EcoHealth Alliance has worked with USAID to fund dangerous collaborative work between scientists in the U.S. and in Wuhan.


According to Daszak they are simply trying to defend against pandemics. This requires collecting and even creating dangerous pathogens for the stated purpose of defending against them.


But, to Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, an eminent scientist and one of the few who scrutinize the well-funded biodefense/biowarfare networks, this is all incredibly dangerous:. Ebright calls it “Not ‘vaccine research.’ Not research that provides information useful for preventing or combatting outbreaks. Just reckless pseudo-scientific Indiana-Jones adventurism with high risk of infection of collector, and from there, infection of public.” He also charges that collecting thousands of such viruses is the “Definition of insanity.”


Interestingly, even the researcher who Daszak’s group supports at the Wuhan Institute of Virology says that she was initially quite concerned that the lab was the source. Shi Zhengli was profiled by Scientific American, (March 11, 2020) “How China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus“: “If coronaviruses were the culprit, she remembers thinking, ‘could they have come from our lab?’ … Shi breathed a sigh of relief when the results came back: none of the sequences matched those of the viruses her team had sampled from bat caves. ‘That really took a load off my mind,’ she says. ‘I had not slept a wink for days.'”


She seems more self reflective than Daszak, but why should the world take her word? As Ebright at Rutgers states: “A denial is not a refutation.”


In fact, there is no doubt that Fox News Channel, Senator Tom Cotton, and others are clearly trying to demonize China and portray Chinese labs as uniquely dangerous. The liberal counter to this is that Chinese labs are great, like U.S. labs. Excluded from this “discussion” is the obvious truth: These labs are all dangerous and there is no meaningful distinction between biowarfare and biodefence. The U.S. has effectively spurred a bioweapons arms race, as documented by Francis Boyle in his Biowarfare and Terrorism (2005).


By not taking on the issue of biowarfare, the left is effectively turning it over to the prowar right which is weaponizing it against China. The better tack, surely, is to take a comprehensive approach to ensure a bioweapons arms race doesn’t continue to threaten humanity.


On Fox, Sen. Cotton stated that U.S. labs do work that is “in large part done for preventative purposes,” like “trying to discover vaccines.” In contrast, “China is obviously very secretive about what happens at the Wuhan laboratory.” (FNC 

) In fact, all countries who do this work are secretive. Much of the rightwing coverage in the U.S. on this issue has been led by the reporting of Bill Gertz in the Washington Times whose books include The China Threat: How the People’s Republic Targets America and, from 2019: Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy.


Similarly, Josh Rogin’s reporting in the Washington Post, “State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses” emanates from self serving elements of the U.S. government.


Read On:



Posted (edited)

Also see:


The Case Is Building That COVID-19 Had a Lab Origin



If the public has learned a lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic it is that science does not generate certainty. Do homemade face masks work? What is the death rate of COVID-19? How accurate are the tests? How many people have no symptoms? And so on. Practically the lone undisputed assertion made so far is that all the nearest known genetic relatives of its cause, the Sars-CoV-2 virus, are found in horseshoe bats (Zhou et al., 2020). Therefore, the likely viral reservoir was a bat.


However, most of these ancestor-like bat coronaviruses cannot infect humans (Ge et al., 2013). In consequence, from its beginning, a key question hanging over the pandemic has been: How did a bat RNA virus evolve into a human pathogen that is both virulent and deadly?


The answer almost universally seized upon is that there was an intermediate species. Some animal, perhaps a snake, perhaps a palm civet, perhaps a pangolin, served as a temporary host. This bridging animal would probably have had an ACE2 cellular receptor (the molecule which allows cellular entry of the virus) intermediate in protein sequence (or at least structure) between the bat and the human one (Wan et al., 2020).


In the press and in the scientific literature, scenarios by which this natural zoonotic transfer might have occurred have been endlessly mulled. Most were fuelled by early findings that many of the earliest COVID-19 cases seem to have occurred in and around Wuhan’s Huanan live animal market. [The latest data are that 14 of the 41 earliest cases, including the first, had no connection to the animal market (Huang et al. 2020)].


Since the two previous coronavirus near-pandemics of SARS (2002-3) and MERS (2012) both probably came from bats and both are thought (but not proven) to have transitioned to humans via intermediate animals (civets and dromedaries respectively), a natural zoonotic pathway is a reasonable first assumption (Andersen et al., 2020).


.........Further on the article...........


But one other troubling possibility must be dispensed with. It follows from the fact that the epicentre city, Wuhan (pop. 11 million), happens to be the global epicentre of bat coronavirus research (e.g. Hu et al., 2017).


Prompted by this proximity, various researchers and news media, prominently the Washington Post, and with much more data Newsweek, have drawn up a prima facie case that a laboratory origin is a strong possibility (Zhan et al., 2020; Piplani et al., 2020). That is, one of the two labs in Wuhan that has worked on coronaviruses accidentally let a natural virus escape; or, the lab was genetically engineering (or otherwise manipulating) a Sars-CoV-2-like virus which then escaped.


Unfortunately, in the US at least, the question of the pandemic’s origin has become a political football; either an opportunity for Sinophobia or a partisan “blame game“.


But the potential of a catastrophic lab release is not a game and systemic problems of competence and opacity are certainly not limited to China (Lipsitch, 2018). The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently constructing a new and expanded national Bio and Agro-defense facility in Manhattan, Kansas. DHS has estimated that the 50-year risk (defined as having an economic impact of $9-50 billion) of a release from its lab at 70%.


.....Further on Article......


Historical lab releases, a brief history


An accidental lab release is not merely a theoretical possibility. In 1977 a laboratory in Russia (or possibly China), most likely while developing a flu vaccine, accidentally released the extinct H1N1 influenza virus (Nakajima et al., 1978). H1N1 went on to become a global pandemic virus. A large proportion of the global population became infected. In this case, deaths were few because the population aged over 20 yrs old had historic immunity to the virus. This episode is not widely known because only recently has this conclusion been formally acknowledged in the scientific literature and the virology community has been reluctant to discuss such incidents (Zimmer and Burke, 2009; Wertheim, 2010). Still, laboratory pathogen escapes leading to human and animal deaths (e.g. smallpox in Britain; equine encephalitis in South America) are common enough that they ought to be much better known (summarised in Furmanski, 2014). Only rarely have these broken out into actual pandemics on the scale of H1N1, which, incidentally, broke out again in 2009/2010 as “Swine flu” causing deaths estimated variously at 3,000 to 200,000 on that occasion (Duggal et al., 2016; Simonsen et al. 2013).


Many scientists have warned that experiments with PPPs, like the smallpox and Ebola and influenza viruses, are inherently dangerous and should be subject to strict limits and oversight (Lipsitch and Galvani, 2014; Klotz and Sylvester, 2014). Even in the limited case of SARS-like coronaviruses, since the quelling of the original SARS outbreak in 2003, there have been six documented SARS disease outbreaks originating from research laboratories, including four in China. These outbreaks caused 13 individual infections and one death (Furmanski, 2014). In response to such concerns the US banned certain classes of experiments, called gain of function (GOF) experiments, with PPPs in 2014, but the ban (actually a funding moratorium) was lifted in 2017.


For these reasons, and also to ensure the effectiveness of future pandemic preparedness efforts­, it is a matter of vital international importance to establish whether the laboratory escape hypothesis has credible evidence to support it. This must be done regardless of the problem–in the US–of toxic partisan politics and nationalism.


The COVID-19 Wuhan lab escape thesis

The essence of the lab escape theory is that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), China’s first and only Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) facility. (BSL-4 is the highest pathogen security level). The WIV, which added a BSL-4 lab only in 2018, has been collecting large numbers of coronaviruses from bat samples ever since the original SARS outbreak of 2002-2003; including collecting more in 2016 (Hu, et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018).


Led by researcher Zheng-Li Shi, WIV scientists have also published experiments in which live bat coronaviruses were introduced into human cells (Hu et al., 2017). Moreover, according to an April 14 article in the Washington Post, US Embassy staff visited the WIV in 2018 and “had grave safety concerns” about biosecurity there. The WIV is just eight miles from the Huanan live animal market that was initially thought to be the site of origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Wuhan is also home to a lab called the Wuhan Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (WCDPC). It is a BSL-2 lab that is just 250 metres away from the Huanan market. Bat coronaviruses have in the past been kept at the Wuhan WCDPC lab.


Thus the lab escape theory is that researchers from one or both of these labs may have picked up a Sars-CoV-2-like bat coronavirus on one of their many collecting (aka ‘”virus surveillance”) trips. Or, alternatively, a virus they were studying, passaging, engineering, or otherwise manipulating, escaped.

Edited by Thoth101

Thoth, now that we are so close to determining that the Corona virus is a fake that has been created by Bill Gates, there's little credibility in your theory that it was created in a laboratory. 


The problem with this theory is that if it was created in a lab and it's a hoax at the same time, is that it would have to be an imaginary hoax of the same sort that Victor's theories depend upon to gain acceptance.


That is, they are reality for animated cartoon characters or are real inasmuch as Hollywood movies are real. I can't think of any other possibility because I have to reject any ideas of they being other worldly hoaxes invented by aliens.


What do you think? Is Covid-19 a hoax created by Gates or was it created in a lab? Or perhaps both?

Posted (edited)

Thoth, now that we are so close to determining that the Corona virus is a fake that has been created by Bill Gates, there's little credibility in your theory that it was created in a laboratory. 


The problem with this theory is that if it was created in a lab and it's a hoax at the same time, is that it would have to be an imaginary hoax of the same sort that Victor's theories depend upon to gain acceptance.


That is, they are reality for animated cartoon characters or are real inasmuch as Hollywood movies are real. I can't think of any other possibility because I have to reject any ideas of they being other worldly hoaxes invented by aliens.


What do you think? Is Covid-19 a hoax created by Gates or was it created in a lab? Or perhaps both?

Did you not read what I just posted from actual scientific sites? Why don't you actually sit down and actually read what I posted before you throw it out the window. You jump to way to many conclusions to fast. If you just breath in and actually read what I posted you will learn something.


For your last question. It is still being researched and their are many theories. I have no conclusions. But as I have learned in the past never trust or believe the MSM,CDC or Big Pharma on anything.


And Gates isn't smart enough to create it. But he is smart enough to make billions off of it. Think about that. But Gates is just a pawn in the whole chess game.

Edited by Thoth101

Did you not read what I just posted from actual scientific sites? Why don't you actually sit down and actually read what I posted before you throw it out the window. You jump to way to many conclusions to fast. If you just breath in and actually read what I posted you will learn something.


For your last question. It is still being researched and their are many theories. I have no conclusions. But as I have learned in the past never trust or believe the MSM,CDC or Big Pharma on anything.


And Gates isn't smart enough to create it. But he is smart enough to make billions off of it. Think about that. But Gates is just a pawn in the whole chess game.


The problem with your conspiracies is that they do not make any sense, COVID-19 is neither a hoax or 'engineered', and even if that was the case that does not in any way explain why it is only the US who seems unable to deal with it in any effective way. What is your conspiracy theory to explain that?


It's not a hoax, that is obvious, and you would have to ask yourself WHY? What is the end goal of the 'hoax' ?


It's not engineered, again, it's far too non-specific and ineffective to be considered engineered in any way (if we could even actually do that), and again, what is the end goal? Who gets an advantage from the virus being in the wild?


And again, why can every country in the world deal with and solve the problem, except the US? 


If you want to blame someone, then you need to blame the US leadership, they have done nothing, and I think you are scratching around for excuses to excuse the US's almost criminal response to it. 


Why look for conspiracies when the real problem is staring you in the face?

Posted (edited)

The problem with your conspiracies is that they do not make any sense, COVID-19 is neither a hoax or 'engineered', and even if that was the case that does not in any way explain why it is only the US who seems unable to deal with it in any effective way. What is your conspiracy theory to explain that?


It's not a hoax, that is obvious, and you would have to ask yourself WHY? What is the end goal of the 'hoax' ?


It's not engineered, again, it's far too non-specific and ineffective to be considered engineered in any way (if we could even actually do that), and again, what is the end goal? Who gets an advantage from the virus being in the wild?


And again, why can every country in the world deal with and solve the problem, except the US? 


If you want to blame someone, then you need to blame the US leadership, they have done nothing, and I think you are scratching around for excuses to excuse the US's almost criminal response to it. 


Why look for conspiracies when the real problem is staring you in the face?

Why don't you actually read the information before you make a comment. This is real journalism at it's best. I know you wouldn't understand what real journalism is these days. Next time read the information before you make a fool of yourself again.

Edited by Thoth101

Why don't you actually read the information before you make a comment. This is real journalism at it's best. I know you wouldn't understand what real journalism is these days. Next time read the information before you make a fool of yourself again.


Because you keep telling me that information is 'FAKE NEWS', except when it seems to fit your crazy conspiracy narrative, and I don't need that 'information' because I actually know things. 


Why don't you address Trump's inability to lead or to deal with COVID ? Or why don't you consider the obvious facts as opposed to some crazy scheme, conspiracy garbage.. 


Because you keep telling me that information is 'FAKE NEWS', except when it seems to fit your crazy conspiracy narrative, and I don't need that 'information' because I actually know things. 


Why don't you address Trump's inability to lead or to deal with COVID ? Or why don't you consider the obvious facts as opposed to some crazy scheme, conspiracy garbage.. 

So like I said you didn't even read it. You can't comment on this subject if you are not even going to take the time to read the information that I posted it or even analyze it. I assure you it is informative information and how journalism should be. With much evidence to back up what the author's of these articles are saying.


Let me guess you only believe the news you hear and read from CNN and CNBC? :lol: That is real journalism right? :lol:  :lol:


I would say Dr. Fauci had been more of the problem then Trump. The president is not supposed to be a Doctor and Dr. Fauci should be fired along with all of the CDC for their corrupts practices and out right misinformation train going right off the cliff. Trump has stopped funding the WHO, that is one great step in the right direction. I am no Trump fan but how much do you really think a president can do? What I would say to do is fire Dr. Fauci and either close down the CDC or get rid of all off the leadership within the CDC.


So like I said you didn't even read it. You can't comment on this subject if you are not even going to take the time to read the information that I posted it or even analyze it. I assure you it is informative information and how journalism should be. With much evidence to back up what the author's of these articles are saying.


Let me guess you only believe the news you hear and read from CNN and CNBC? :lol: That is real journalism right? :lol:  :lol:


I would say Dr. Fauci had been more of the problem then Trump. The president is not supposed to be a Doctor and Dr. Fauci should be fired along with all of the CDC for their corrupts practices and out right misinformation train going right off the cliff. Trump has stopped funding the WHO, that is one great step in the right direction. I am no Trump fan but how much do you really think a president can do? What I would say to do is fire Dr. Fauci and either close down the CDC or get rid of all off the leadership within the CDC.




So like I said you didn't even read it. You can't comment on this subject if you are not even going to take the time to read the information that I posted it or even analyze it.


Yes, exactly, and I can comment on any subject I like, you don't get to say what I can and cannot do. I don't care so much for the 'information' you post because i find the source of that information to be questionable at best. (you are the source of the information). 


In fact, from what I have seen of your posts I can reasonably assume the exact opposite of what you claim to actually be the case.


It's a bit sad that you have to distort your own reality so much to justify these crazy conspiracies to justify your support from the disaster that is your president at this time. 


If you want people to take you seriously, then start being serious and try to get a stronger grasp of reality, it's not us... it's you.


So like I said you didn't even read it. You can't comment on this subject if you are not even going to take the time to read the information that I posted it or even analyze it. I assure you it is informative information and how journalism should be. With much evidence to back up what the author's of these articles are saying.


Let me guess you only believe the news you hear and read from CNN and CNBC? :lol: That is real journalism right? :lol:  :lol:


I would say Dr. Fauci had been more of the problem then Trump. The president is not supposed to be a Doctor and Dr. Fauci should be fired along with all of the CDC for their corrupts practices and out right misinformation train going right off the cliff. Trump has stopped funding the WHO, that is one great step in the right direction. I am no Trump fan but how much do you really think a president can do? What I would say to do is fire Dr. Fauci and either close down the CDC or get rid of all off the leadership within the CDC.

Thoth, you really do have to decide whether Covid-19 is a hoax or it's real. You can't run two different theories at the same time. So why don't we just go with the 'hoax' thing with Trump. It's the most politically expedient and I'll support it along with you. Some others may support it too but I shouldn't mention any names here. 


And yes, I know that it's going to be a bit of a setback on Bill and Melinda's plans but we can easily decide that they are intent on creating a vax for some other virus. Have you heard of Covid-20 yet. In reality it has to be Covid-20 now because it's 2020! That fits with Covid-19 being a hoax! 

Posted (edited)

Thoth, you really do have to decide whether Covid-19 is a hoax or it's real. You can't run two different theories at the same time. So why don't we just go with the 'hoax' thing with Trump. It's the most politically expedient and I'll support it along with you. Some others may support it too but I shouldn't mention any names here. 


And yes, I know that it's going to be a bit of a setback on Bill and Melinda's plans but we can easily decide that they are intent on creating a vax for some other virus. Have you heard of Covid-20 yet. In reality it has to be Covid-20 now because it's 2020! That fits with Covid-19 being a hoax! 

The Hoax is the media coverage of COVID-19, I consider the virus to be a real virus released by the Chinese, the Media is the hoax. The Chinese did this and the U.N. should be holding the Chinese accountable.

Edited by VictorMedvil

The Hoax is the media coverage of COVID-19, I consider the virus to be a real virus released by the Chinese, the Media is the hoax. The Chinese did this and the U.N. should be holding the Chinese accountable.

The UN hates America now because America is an evil aggressor Victor. China is a peaceful country that is being supported by most countries of the world.

America needs to stop threatening to withdraw from the UN and just do it. That would free up the UNSC to take meaningful action against the ME's apartheid regime. 


If the US wasn't up to its neck in chem/bio warfare then China and Russia wouldn't need to be bothered with it themselves. And besides that Victor, this thread isn't about hoaxs, except that Thoth needs to make up his mind. 

Posted (edited)

Yes, exactly, and I can comment on any subject I like, you don't get to say what I can and cannot do. I don't care so much for the 'information' you post because i find the source of that information to be questionable at best. (you are the source of the information). 


In fact, from what I have seen of your posts I can reasonably assume the exact opposite of what you claim to actually be the case.


It's a bit sad that you have to distort your own reality so much to justify these crazy conspiracies to justify your support from the disaster that is your president at this time. 


If you want people to take you seriously, then start being serious and try to get a stronger grasp of reality, it's not us... it's you.

The reason my posts don't make any sense to you is because you believe in the propaganda and lies that have been fed to you since birth. It is time to wake up from your slumber and stop being a mind controlled fool. I mean that with love.


You have been under propaganda for so long so when you see actual truth you believe it is a lie. I suggest you do some die hard research yourself not coming from the MSM or governments.

Edited by Thoth101

The reason my posts don't make any sense to you is because you believe in the propaganda and lies that have been fed to you since birth. It is time to wake up from your slumber and stop being a mind controlled fool. I mean that with love.


You have been under propaganda for so long so when you see actual truth you believe it is a lie. I suggest you do some die hard research yourself not coming from the MSM or governments.


The trouble is with that is that you have no idea at all what I believe, the only thing you know is that I do not believe you, not only that I do not think you are able to form your own opinion. 


I don't base my world view on MSN or 'the government', or the media. I do not think that everyone is out to get me, and that it is all the fault of some race or ethnicity or religion. 


I wonder what your motive is behind the outward facing endless wall of conspiracies? I still can't shake the feeling you are a 'the_donald' reject. If I am wrong you will correct me I am sure. 


The trouble is with that is that you have no idea at all what I believe, the only thing you know is that I do not believe you, not only that I do not think you are able to form your own opinion. 


I don't base my world view on MSN or 'the government', or the media. I do not think that everyone is out to get me, and that it is all the fault of some race or ethnicity or religion. 


I wonder what your motive is behind the outward facing endless wall of conspiracies? I still can't shake the feeling you are a 'the_donald' reject. If I am wrong you will correct me I am sure. 

If you have any interest in what makes Thoth tick, we explore the question in the Psychology section under the 'Conspiracy Theories' title. You'll have to wade through a lot of bullsh-t nonsense to find the relevant questions and answers. 


The trouble is with that is that you have no idea at all what I believe, the only thing you know is that I do not believe you, not only that I do not think you are able to form your own opinion. 


I don't base my world view on MSN or 'the government', or the media. I do not think that everyone is out to get me, and that it is all the fault of some race or ethnicity or religion. 


I wonder what your motive is behind the outward facing endless wall of conspiracies? I still can't shake the feeling you are a 'the_donald' reject. If I am wrong you will correct me I am sure. 

Because what it comes down to is there are an endless wall of conspiracies. It permeates the very fabric of our society and world. The fact is there is a 1 percent and a 99 percent. How do you suppose 1 percent of the people have most of the money in the world? Do you think it was all done honestly and with good nature?

Posted (edited)

If you have any interest in what makes Thoth tick, we explore the question in the Psychology section under the 'Conspiracy Theories' title. You'll have to wade through a lot of bullsh-t nonsense to find the relevant questions and answers. 

What makes me tick is reading a lot of books and researching a lot of information that most people don't read or look at or even consider. This is what everyone should be doing and we might actually start to begin to have an educated public and maybe we won't be so naïve and be in a constant battle just to survive. Knowledge is power and without knowledge  we will all continue to be slaves.

Edited by Thoth101

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