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Could this be American government purposely trying to silence David for exposing government conspiracies? Or is it just more likely that David is ICKEY himself. Check out the photo, the answer is in the eyes! 


Opinions on David Icke? Has he been given a bad rap? Or opinions on the others too?


I would personally suggest that he's a sick puppy and it's not just his scam to make money off of Trumpers. Different from Limbaugh, Bannon, and Hannity who are completely in their right minds but know how to rake in the cash.

Posted (edited)



Could this be American government purposely trying to silence David for exposing government conspiracies? Or is it just more likely that David is ICKEY himself. Check out the photo, the answer is in the eyes! 


Opinions on David Icke? Has he been given a bad rap? Or opinions on the others too?


I would personally suggest that he's a sick puppy and it's not just his scam to make money off of Trumpers. Different from Limbaugh, Bannon, and Hannity who are completely in their right minds but know how to rake in the cash.

This is nothing new. David Icke is always getting censored. When a researcher comes out and shows what he finds and especially tells you exactly what is going on you will be censored. They do not want to much of the population knowing the truth on how the world really works.


I have read about 5 of David Ickes books and I have learned a lot by reading them. He even exposes religion in them also which most people don't do. Reading his books actually helped me to escape religion and actually start to think about things.


They are not able to kill David Icke because thet would truly show what they are but they do try to kill his character and say he is a liar and charlatan. Before you believe that try reading some of his books or watch what he says in YouTube videos. I think you would be quite surprised.


You can read of his books here for free from 2003. "Tales for the Time Loop"





Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. Long ago those who wrote our First Amendment charted a different course. They believed a society can be truly strong only when it is truly free. In the realm of expression they put their faith, for better or for worse, in the enlightened choice of the people, free from interference of a policeman’s intrusive thumb or a judge’s heavy hand. So it is that the Constitution protects coarse expression as well as refined, and vulgarity no less than elegance. A book worthless to me may convey some value to my neighbor. In the free society to which our Constitution has committed us, it is for each to choose for himself. [Ginzburg v. United States, 1966]


Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)



Could this be American government purposely trying to silence David for exposing government conspiracies? Or is it just more likely that David is ICKEY himself. Check out the photo, the answer is in the eyes! 


Opinions on David Icke? Has he been given a bad rap? Or opinions on the others too?


I would personally suggest that he's a sick puppy and it's not just his scam to make money off of Trumpers. Different from Limbaugh, Bannon, and Hannity who are completely in their right minds but know how to rake in the cash.

Facebook sucks anyways, They are always censoring the truth, I was on facebook telling about the ISIS war back in 2014 to 2017 such as causalities on both sides and the movement of troops in Iraq and Syria. I had the cops called on me for telling people the truth about the ISIS War and the Evils of ISIS on facebook.

Edited by VictorMedvil

Facebook sucks anyways, They are always censoring the truth, I was on facebook telling about the ISIS war back in 2014 to 2017 such as causalities on both sides and the movement of troops in Iraq and Syria. I had the cops called on me for telling people the truth about the ISIS War and the Evils of ISIS on facebook.

I have been banned off of FB a few times myself. :lol: And one time I was banned because I found a TIME Magazine that was promoting Hitler back in the day. TIME made him man of the year. :lol:  :lol: In 1938



I have been banned off of FB a few times myself. :lol: And one time I was banned because I found a TIME Magazine that was promoting Hitler back in the day. TIME made him man of the year. :lol:  :lol: In 1938


A good reason for reading David Icke would be to learn by careful study of him  whether he's found a great scam to make money or he's completely batshit crazy? Which would you choose Thoth? And don't try again to get another one of your 'santorums' or 'monsantos' going here too. 


Not to suggest that you could use the excuse of making money off of ignorant bats, because there's obviously no money in it for you.


Hollow moon?

Lizard people?

Son of god?


So much 'santorum', so little time.

Posted (edited)

A good reason for reading David Icke would be to learn by careful study of him  whether he's found a great scam to make money or he's completely batshit crazy? Which would you choose Thoth? And don't try again to get another one of your 'santorums' or 'monsantos' going here too. 


Not to suggest that you could use the excuse of making money off of ignorant bats, because there's obviously no money in it for you.


Hollow moon?

Lizard people?

Son of god?


So much 'santorum', so little time.

He does deserve to be paid for the work that he does. Do you work for free? I sure don't.


Hey not only do you have to worry about David Icke spreading truth and knowledge but his son as well. :lol:



Another great show to become informed is called The Richie Allen Show.



Since you can't read very well, maybe give that show a listen.


You have not even read any of Icke's books and I am often wondering if you read at all. Not sure what you are referring to in santorum. You make no sense at all but just talk a lot of BS...

Edited by Thoth101

He does deserve to be paid for the work that he does. Do you work for free? I sure don't.


Hey not only do you have to worry about David Icke spreading truth and knowledge but his son as well. :lol:



Another great show to become informed is called The Richie Allen Show.



Since you can't read very well, maybe give that show a listen.


You have not even read any of Icke's books and I am often wondering if you read at all. Not sure what you are referring to in santorum. You make no sense at all but just talk a lot of BS...

Is it fair to ask you if you know anybody else who read's David Icke's books? I must do a search to find out who they are.


Is it fair to ask you if you know anybody else who read's David Icke's books? I must do a search to find out who they are.

True knowledge isn't very popular.  Most people want to live an illusion in the mainstream world. It's not about popularity but about knowledge.


I have given some of my friends a David Icke book or 2 and they learned a lot. Not many people read books any more and most of the people that do read mostly fictional or have to read books for school.

Posted (edited)

You can truly see the assault on David Icke's character by the mainstream if you google this topic. The mainstream is utterly sick, demented and twisted and pure propaganda. I will list a few of the headlines to see how the mainstream is attacking a true researcher.


Facebook removes page belonging to conspiracy theorist


David Icke kicked from Facebook for peddling misinfo


Coronavirus conspiracy theorist David Icke kicked off


Spotify removes podcast featuring David Icke, while Apple stalls


And on and on all out censorship. You can blatantly see we do not live in a free society and knowledge isn't allowed to be heard.


I am going to join this petition:



They sure don't ban BLM who are Marxist. Tell me why that is so? They can even put up a big display in New York. Because that fits the Cabals agenda that is why. If you don't go along with the Cabal's agenda and if you show what they really are you are banned and censored. This is blatantly obvious to anybody who has eyes to see and a mind to think.


You can read most of David Icke's books here for free and many papers he has written.


Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)

You can truly see the assault on David Icke's character by the mainstream if you google this topic. The mainstream is utterly sick, demented and twisted and pure propaganda. I will list a few of the headlines to see how the mainstream is attacking a true researcher.



Facebook removes page belonging to conspiracy theorist



David Icke kicked from Facebook for peddling misinfo



Coronavirus conspiracy theorist David Icke kicked off



Spotify removes podcast featuring David Icke, while Apple stalls


And on and on all out censorship. You can blatantly see we do not live in a free society and knowledge isn't allowed to be heard.


I am going to join this petition:



They sure don't ban BLM who are Marxist. Tell me why that is so? They can even put up a big display in New York. Because that fits the Cabals agenda that is why. If you don't go along with the Cabal's agenda and if you show what they really are you are banned and censored. This is blatantly obvious to anybody who has eyes to see and a mind to think.


You can read most of David Icke's books here for free and many papers he has written.


Do you think 'they' should ban BLM for being Marxist? No, of course you don't so why would you bring the suggestion up here?


The reason why I haven't read any of David Icke's books is because I would be compromising my beliefs in reality. It would amount to a full on attack on my sanity if I was to entertain notions of his Lizard people, for example. And I don't see anything milder that could serve as an introduction to David Icke.


Can you suggest one of his books that would at least go easy on all of my preconceived perceptions on facts and truth? The point is Thoth, you're so  passionate about him that I'm considering giving him a chance.


If you can do that for me then maybe I will be convinced to join the petition to at least allow some of David's work back on Facebook as a trial run. David can probably learn to stifle himself out of the necessity of being allowed the huge audience Facebook offers. It may though call for making no mention of the hollow moon, him being the son of the god, and the Lizard people. Do you think a compromise can be reached with Facebook? I just don't see any other way forward for David.

Edited by montgomery

Do you think 'they' should ban BLM for being Marxist? No, of course you don't so why would you bring the suggestion up here?


The reason why I haven't read any of David Icke's books is because I would be compromising my beliefs in reality. It would amount to a full on attack on my sanity if I was to entertain notions of his Lizard people, for example. And I don't see anything milder that could serve as an introduction to David Icke.


Can you suggest one of his books that would at least go easy on all of my preconceived perceptions on facts and truth? The point is Thoth, you're so  passionate about him that I'm considering giving him a chance.


If you can do that for me then maybe I will be convinced to join the petition to at least allow some of David's work back on Facebook as a trial run. David can probably learn to stifle himself out of the necessity of being allowed the huge audience Facebook offers. It may though call for making no mention of the hollow moon, him being the son of the god, and the Lizard people. Do you think a compromise can be reached with Facebook? I just don't see any other way forward for David.

Just continue watching your CNN and MSNBC. :lol: Or as they call it Criminal News Networks.


They sure don't ban BLM who are Marxist. Tell me why that is so?

BLM is not a Marxist movement, what a stupid thing to say. It's a vast social movement opposed to people being treated unfairly because of their fcuking skin tone.


Why the hell should people be banned from social media for their political stance anyway. I'd much rather be a Marxist than a Trump supporter!


The USian brainwashing against communism is hilarious. I'm not saying it's wrong to oppose it but it's an irrational fear that's obvious to anyone outside the US.

Posted (edited)

BLM is not a Marxist movement, what a stupid thing to say. It's a vast social movement opposed to people being treated unfairly because of their fcuking skin tone.


Why the hell should people be banned from social media for their political stance anyway. I'd much rather be a Marxist than a Trump supporter!


The USian brainwashing against communism is hilarious. I'm not saying it's wrong to oppose it but it's an irrational fear that's obvious to anyone outside the US.

BLM is Marxist even the original founders  Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi. of BLM said so.  BLM is a well financed and politically motivated campaign with the desired goal of transforming the world by destroying the current system of control, in order to roll out a new system of control. Their goal is to literally take down America.


Do you know who Karl Marx is, Do you believe in Communism? If so why not carry the red flag and support China? They will eat you up and spit you out like you are nothing.


This I have to disagree with you on. I suggest you do more research on the matter before you come to these conclusions. I also ask why would you even support a president of the US if you don't even live in the US?


You can find all the info here which I have posted beforehand:




I will post some from my thread below from the above link.


And sure, I believe everyone should be able to believe and say what they want as long as it don't harm others. The thing is that is exactly what BLM is doing. Going in cities and harming people's businesses, burning down buildings. Terrorizing statues, Painting murals on other people's property. Shooting Trump supporters also. And it was actually another Black man they shot who was a Trump supporter. Pretty Ironic.

Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)
BLM is Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc. It consist of Intersectional Feminist, “trained Marxist” and founders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi. “The project is now a member-led global network of more than 40 chapters” - “Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” BLM was started because a “white passing person” Hispanic by the name of George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin. Patrisse Khan-Cullors wrote: “I didn’t want George Zimmerman to be the period to the story. I didn’t want his name to be the name held up over and over again by the media, by his fellow white supremacists.”
Interesting endorsements/backing they have. Jonathan Kozol and Bill Ayers among others. Kozol wrote "Children of the Revolution: A Yankee Teacher in the Cuban Schools" it's a book about how the United States should emulate the "great success" that is Communist Cuba's education system. Ayers is the former leader of the terrorist group the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to "overthrow imperialism". They conducted bombings throughout the United States while active.
The founders of BLM personal inspiration is Assata Shakur, real name Joanne Deborah Chesimard, former member of the Black Liberation Army a Black Power group. She's on the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list. She now lives in Cuba where she was granted asylum.
Looking through their literature it's plain to see that BLM is steeped in Intersectionality/Marxism/Critical Race Theory/Communism. It's about dismantling Western ideals. It's about dismantling Capitalism or as they called it until last week on their website “the white Christian Capitalist system” which they seemingly replaced with “White Supremacy”. It's about dismantling the "nuclear family". It's about dismantling individualism. It about dismantling language by redefining words. It's about Indoctrination. It's pro-globalism (don't ask me how they square that hole) and pro-Intersectional feminism.
It's the oddest thing. 3 Self described "Queer Woman of Color" based their beliefs on many ideas of old white communist and yet they somehow manage to convince so many people around the world to support them uncritically.
Interesting bits about Marx.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German philosopher, economist, and sociologist whose writings formed the basis of modern communism. Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote “Manifesto of the Communist Party
"It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a n—–. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product." - Karl Marx 1867 Volume 1 of Das Kapital
In his essay titled “On the Jewish Question”
"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. … Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man—and turns them into commodities. … The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. … The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." - Karl Marx
About Mexicans he said: “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” - Karl Marx
Engels shared Marx’s racial philosophy. In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx’s son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Lafargue had “one-eighth or one-twelfth n—– blood.”
In a letter to Lafargue’s wife, Engels wrote,
“Being in his quality as a n—–, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.”
I encourage you to look up their stuff online, search them by name. Check out the 40 chapters and who is running them. There’s far to much information put here. These people are radicals and very intelligent.


All the links are here:


Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)

BLM is a much bigger movement that what you're focussing on, it's a mass protest by people fed up with injustice based on something as irrelavent and arbitrary as race, something that obviously threatens you.


Do you know who Karl Marx is

Of course I know who Carl Marx was.


Do you believe in Communism?

Yes, I don't think it's fictional. :) I'm not a communist but I'm also not a retarded USian who's been brainwashed against it and doesn't even realise because the US is like this floride filled goldfish bowl echo chamber that thinks the whole world should share their backwards values. I honestly think USians don't realise how big the world is or how small their population is in relation to it, they just can't seem to get their thick heads around it. I'm generalising but it tends to be true. Shouldn't expect any better from a nation that plays pussy-rugby and has the nerve to call it football I suppose. Wow, that was quite the rant.


If so why not carry the red flag and support China? They will eat you up and spit you out like you are nothing.

What the hell does China have to do with anything? They're communist so everything that country is and does is because it's communist?

China aren't even communist, I don't know why they get labelled as that. They're more like fully state controlled capitilism.


This I have to disagree with you on. I suggest you do more research on the matter before you come to these conclusions. I also ask why would you even support a president of the US if you don't even live in the US?

I wouldn't, that's not the point, I was talking about which one I'd prefer if I had to choose. I'll put it another way, if I had to choose between Marxism or no universal health care and no tax for the rich I'd vote Marxism.

Edited by A-wal
Posted (edited)

BLM is a much bigger movement that what you're focussing on, it's a mass protest by people fed up with injustice based on something as irrelavent and arbitrary as race, something that obviously threatens you.


Of course I know who Carl Marx was.


Yes, I don't think it's fictional. :) I'm not a communist but I'm also not a retarded USian who's been brainwashed against it and doesn't even realise because the US is like this floride filled goldfish bowl echo chamber that thinks the whole world should share their backwards values. I honestly think USians don't realise how big the world is or how small their population is in relation to it, they just can't seem to get their thick heads around it. I'm generalising but it tends to be true. Shouldn't expect any better from a nation that plays pussy-rugby and has the nerve to call it football I suppose. Wow, that was quite the rant.


What the hell does China have to do with anything? They're communist so everything that country is and does is because it's communist?

China aren't even communist, I don't know why they get labelled as that. They're more like fully state controlled capitilism.


I wouldn't, that's not the point, I was talking about which one I'd prefer if I had to choose. I'll put it another way, if I had to choose between Marxism or no universal health care and no tax for the rich I'd vote Marxism.

You don't seem to understand BLM very much and it seems you have fallen for the propaganda. I suggest a little deeper research on that matter for yourself. I feel I have given you plenty of information to start. Even the term Black Lives Matter is racist in itself. Because of this "bigger movement" as you call it people are shunned for saying "All Lives Matter".  If this was a movement for freedom of the human race they wouldn't have a racist slogan for starters. The fact is all humans have been subject to atrocities and slavery no matter what color of the skin. And ALL humans still are manipulated, mind controlled, used as Guinea pigs, tortured, slaughtered, uses as sex slaves, debt slaves. No matter what color you are we all are a slave race on this planet if you are not part of the Club. As George Carling said. " There is a Club and you are not in it".


China is the what the Cabal wants the whole world to be like. China is the blueprint  and yes China is a communist. Under the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese Communist Party or CCP [XI Jinping]



You are correct in the fluoride infested water we have here and obese and overweight people that have no clue about anything. Running around turning people in for not wearing a mask like they did in East Germany, except in Germany the main streamers turned the Jews in. I totally agree with you. And brainwashed by the so called educational system we have here. But you don't hear BLM pointing any of that out do you? For them it is about tearing down statues and burning down buildings and looting and robbing. BLM is nothing more then a big mind controlled gang. That is not going to do anything for the human race but cause more division which is exactly what the Powers That Be Want. They have always used divide and concur because it works very well on the humans.


I would go with a Republic all the way. What the USA once was. I kind of like owning my own things and not having to share things with people that don't deserve it. Why should I have to do hard work while the others lazy around and get the freebies that I worked hard for? That pretty much sums up Socialism and Marxism. After awhile nobody wants to work for anything because it gets taken away anyway. That is when the Marxism turns into Communism where you are forced to work since through the Marxism the people got tired of working for the lazy ones that don't work.

Edited by Thoth101
Posted (edited)

You don't seem to understand BLM very much and it seems you have fallen for the propaganda.

You don't seem to understanding that it's a vastly wider movement than anything you're talking about of people fed up with racism. Saying all lives matter completely marginalises the unfairness that exists by failing to recognise the privileged position for no good reason of people who aren't black.


China is the what the Cabal wants the whole world to be like. China is the blueprint  and yes China is a communist. Under the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese Communist Party or CCP [XI Jinping]


They're called communist but they aren't really, they practice more of a state controlled capitalism.


I kind of like owning my own things and not having to share things with people that don't deserve it. Why should I have to do hard work while the others lazy around and get the freebies that I worked hard for? That pretty much sums up Socialism and Marxism.

No that sums up the hilarious caricature notion of it commonly held by USians.

Edited by A-wal

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