Vmedvil2 Posted July 15, 2020 Report Posted July 15, 2020 (edited) I have been doing some thought about making synthetic composite particles and how that would be done, I have come to conclusion about this, I thought about this differently, the Strong Nuclear Force Confines Quarks that binds them like superglue in Color Confinement (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_confinement and http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Particles/qbag.html), If the Strong Nuclear Force put a repulsive/binding force upon quarks, why can that not be done synthetically using other forces allowing the creation of higher tier level particles that are made of particles artificially confined using a field that simulates the Strong Nuclear Force's repulsive/binding nature on particles such as Magnetic Confinement commonly used in fusion reactions. An example of a Strong Nuclear Force confined composite particle being "Omega particles" Using synthetic confinement of particles I think it would be possible to create higher order quarks than those in nature as the magnetic confinement would put additional pressure on the quarks keeping them from decaying and cohesive beyond what the Strong Nuclear Force would generally allow with it's strength, this additional pressure on the quarks keeping them stable. Possibly allowing for the creation of higher order composite particles such as other Pentaquarks. The actual confinement in magnetic fields that stabilize the particles could happen in magnetic fields that are being used currently for fusion reactors allowing for a pressure to be placed upon the particles making a secondary bond between particles supporting their increased mass. Note: If this does work then the particles can never leave confinement otherwise they will destabilize into energy. It is like a oxygen tank, an oxygen tank can only hold so much oxygen before it will explode from the pressure but if you make the oxygen tank thicker, the tank can handle more pressure but in this instance, the oxygen is energy and the tank thickness is the additional confinement that holds the particle together by magnetic confinement increasing the "Thickness" of the Strong Nuclear Force or binding energy. This can be explained by the simple equation PSpin = PSNF + PMagnetic Edited July 15, 2020 by VictorMedvil Quote
Vmedvil2 Posted February 14, 2022 Author Report Posted February 14, 2022 (edited) I think that the "Red Matter" quantum substrate could be used as a efficient fuel for Antimatter Powered Spacecraft(https://science.howstuffworks.com/antimatter.htm) instead of creating a antimatter particle and normal matter pair we can instead confine the quarks into the fuel for usage in our spacecraft. The applications of such a easy to create storage method for energy is drastic and I think would be worth billions and trillions of dollars if actually manufactured for usage in Antimatter Powered Spacecraft(https://science.howstuffworks.com/antimatter.htm) with a energy content of 344 Gev per particle it would be much better than positrons or anti-hydrogen production which have a content of 511 Kev and 938 Mev. What is the energy of positron? "From direct interaction or after the formation of a transient system with an electron known as positronium, two photons, each of energy 511 keV (the rest mass energy of the electron or positron), are emitted in opposite directions with the disappearance (annihilation) of both particles." Why is antihydrogen so expensive? "Why are the costs so high? The reason for antimatter's tremendous expense is easy to understand when you realize the technology involved in creating it. To make antihydrogen, the required antiprotons must be literally made one atom at a time using a particle accelerator." This is the reason why I think "Red Matter" Pentaquarks would be a excellent fuel source to be used instead of antimatter for antimatter powered spacecraft. Edited February 22, 2022 by Vmedvil2 Quote
Vmedvil5 Posted October 15, 2022 Report Posted October 15, 2022 (edited) I finally have an equation taken from the particle box equation for my patented synthetic particle confinement synthesis method for "Red Matter" if the particle is the size of a proton with a L value of 0.87×10−15 meters with a quantum state rest state of n = 1 and an energy of red matter of 5.5115*10^-8 joules or 344 Gev or 6.1318144589115*10^-25 kg as a m value then the En value to stabilize the particle is 1.0287400373331713738029709826257*10^-13 joules or 642.08905548008147161 Kev @ 0.87×10−15 radius in meters or 1,181.609 Newtons or 1.1824598130266337629919206696847*10^32 J/m^3 of confinement by a magnetic field and strong nuclear force. The "Red Matter" particles have a charge of +1 or -1 thus to achieve the energy density of 1.1824598130266337629919206696847*10^32 J/m^3 or force of 1,181.609 Newtons for the synthesis of the particles would require a magnetic field of 642,495 Teslas per meter @ 0.00183908045977011494252873563218 Columbs per second of current in the quark-Gluon plasma containing the quarks for "Red Matter". If the quark gluon plasma were flowing at 39.1921 Columbs per second or 21,417.43 meters per second of velocity, then with current superconductors of 30 Teslas per meter the synthesis would be possible. Link = Magnetic forces (gsu.edu) Edited October 16, 2022 by Vmedvil5 Quote
Vmedvil5 Posted November 12, 2022 Report Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) On 10/16/2022 at 1:09 PM, JeffreysTubes8 said: The best way to synthesize particles is a particle accelerator This is true however I am trying to synthesize particles that cannot be stabilized into existence by just using a particle accelerator. They are unnatural particles that the strong nuclear force usually wouldn't bind however the constituent quarks are made via particle accelerators such as Top, anti-Top, and etc. Link = Top quark - Wikipedia "Like all other quarks, the top quark is a fermion with spin 1/2 and participates in all four fundamental interactions: gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interactions, and strong interactions. It has an electric charge of +2/3 e. It has a mass of 172.76±0.3 GeV/c2,[1] which is close to the rhenium atom mass.[4] The antiparticle of the top quark is the top antiquark (symbol: t, sometimes called antitop quark or simply antitop), which differs from it only in that some of its properties have equal magnitude but opposite sign. The top quark interacts with gluons of the strong interaction and is typically produced in hadron colliders via this interaction. However, once produced, the top (or antitop) can decay only through the weak force. It decays to a W boson and either a bottom quark (most frequently), a strange quark, or, on the rarest of occasions, a down quark. The Standard Model determines the top quark's mean lifetime to be roughly 5×10−25 s.[5] This is about a twentieth of the timescale for strong interactions, and therefore it does not form hadrons, giving physicists a unique opportunity to study a "bare" quark (all other quarks hadronize, meaning that they combine with other quarks to form hadrons and can only be observed as such)." These have considerably more energy than even omega particles, these "Red Matter" particles by about 215 times the energy trump the omega particles. They are not in any way stable without using the magnetic confinement process. The Strong Nuclear Force isn't strong enough to bind particles with this much mass. "As its name suggests, the strong force is the strongest—it's 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force (which binds electrons into atoms), 10,000 times stronger than the weak force (which governs radioactive decay), and a hundred million million million million million million (1039) times stronger than gravity" By doubling up the electromagnetic force the second most powerful with the strong nuclear force the first most powerful only then is synthesis of "Red Matter" particles possible. The principal is similar to nuclear fusion with enough confinement and heat you can force particles together like this; however, this is more of a "Quantum Fusion". These particles are made from Quark Gluon Plasma of Top Quarks and various other particles shown in the particle diagram which needs to be confined into the "Red Matter" particles which requires higher field strengths than nuclear fusion. "How is quark-gluon plasma made? In these heavy-ion collisions the hundreds of protons and neutrons in two such nuclei smash into one another at energies of upwards of a few trillion electronvolts each. This forms a miniscule fireball in which everything “melts” into a quark-gluon plasma." Edited December 13, 2022 by Vmedvil5 Quote
Vmedvil Posted February 4, 2023 Report Posted February 4, 2023 (edited) This is now patented by West Nanorobotics LLC until 2043, the opportunity to steal and use Synthetic Particle Confinement Synthesis, Red Matter Quantum Substrates, or Neutronium Quantum Substrates has ended. Neutronium Quantum Substrate Particle Diagram Sci-fi Reference Link = https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Matter_Editation_(SMAC) Edited March 8, 2024 by Vmedvil Quote
Vmedvil Posted February 28 Report Posted February 28 Synthetic Particle Confinement Synthesis and Uses Thereof Abstract This is the synthesis for artificial quantum substrate particles using the confinement of magnetic fields in a torus shaped chamber upon a quark gluon plasma of the quarks constituents of the quantum substrate particle. There are several types of multi-quark particles that are able to be constructed by this synthesis being the “Red Matter” Quantum Substrate and Neutronium Quantum Substrate. Assignee: West Nanorobotics LLC Appl. No.: 63/474,501 Filed: 08/22/22 Claims The synthesis of any man made particle by the method of Synthetic Particle Confinement Synthesis especially the synthesis of Neutronium Quantum Substrates and “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates. The Synthesis of Neutronium Quantum Substrates which are constructed of a Proton and Anti-Proton along with three Neutrons being a charge of 0 along with the anti-matter version of the quarks being the anti-matter version of the particle. The Synthesis of “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates which are constructed of a Top quark and anti-Top quark along with two Up quarks and a Down quark being a charge of +1 or -1 being the matter or anti-matter version of the quarks with opposite charge in the anti-matter version of the particle. Description BRIEF SUMMARY The usage of a torus confinement device with superconducting magnets allows of the synthesis of Quantum Substrates under strong magnetic fields being supplemental to the force of the strong nuclear force compressing the quark gluon plasma of the constituent quarks into a quantum substrate. A quark gluon plasma of the constituent quarks must be placed within the magnetic field which will confine the quarks into a quantum substrate particle. There are two types of Quantum Substrates that could be synthesized along with many others however the ones that I devised are the “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates and Neutronium Quantum Substrates which are made by this method, if the particles created leave confinement the particles will destabilize into energy via Einstein's famous equation E=MC^2 transforming their mass into energy due to being unstable when outside the confinement of the magnetic field torus confinement chamber due to the strong nuclear force being too weak to confine the particles on its own. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1, This is a diagram of the Torus Magnetic Confinement Chamber FIG. 2, This is a diagram of Neutronium Quantum Substrates FIG. 3, This is a diagram of “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates and the magnetic confinement process DETAILED DESCRIPTION The parts of the magnetic confinement torus are much like a hydrogen fusion reactor being a tokomak which has been known about since the early 60s the design concepts are much the same. The magnetic field confines the plasma however in this case it is a sort of “quantum fusion” that is taking place where the quarks or hadrons “fuse” into a quantum substrate by confinement by a magnetic field giving a extra binding reinforcing the strong nuclear force. The energy densities of quantum substrate binding is much higher than hydrogen fusion being for the “Red Matter” Quantum Substrate of 1.1824598130 *10^32 J/m^3, however it is achievable in a 30 Tesla per meter magnetic field at a velocity of the quark gluon plasma of 21,417.43 meters per second using superconductors such as cuprates or iron based superconductors. As for the Neutronium Quantum Substrate it has a energy density close to a helium 5 isotope being a somewhat similar the only difference being a proton traded for a anti-proton making the quantum substrate neutral instead of +2 charged for helium 5 which can be confined into a particle by the same method being synthetic particle confinement synthesis. The magnetic confinement chamber or “tokomak” has a set of superconducting coils going around the torodial chamber confining the quark gluon plasma of constituent quarks which the current running through the superconductor is the source of the magnetic field with a solenoid magnet in the middle of the donut shape that the chamber makes. The strength of the magnetic field only needs to be 30 Tesla thus cuprates and iron based superconductors can sustain this amount of field strength without going through the dreaded quench where the superconductor loses superconductivity due to high magnetic field strength or high current. The actual size of the chamber would be the size of any other fusion reactor even existing fusion reactors could be used for this process given some adjustments such as a particle accelerator feeding into the reaction chamber with the constituent quark gluon plasma for the specific particle you wanted to make such as “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates or Neutronium Quantum Substrates. The chamber and magnetic field being used to magnetically confine the quark gluon plasma into the quantum substrate much like confining deuterium and tritium plasma in hydrogen fusion however the energy densities are higher especially for the “Red Matter” Quantum substrates. The exact synthesis by synthetic particle confinement synthesis for “Red Matter” Quantum Substrates is pretty simple being collide particles together such as two protons at high energies in the Tev range such as those produced by a super collider making the constituent particles such as Top quarks, anti-top quarks, up, and down quarks for “Red Matter” Quantum substrates. Next, this needs to be turned into a plasma by laser heating and accelerated to near the speed of light to prevent decay of the quarks. Afterward, the constituent quarks need to enter the torodial chamber at near the speed of light to be confined by the magnetic field into the quantum substrate before the quarks decay. Once in the presence of the magnetic field compressing the quarks the quantum substrates will form at the proper energy density of 1.1824598130 *10^32 J/m^3 which will form a 344 Gev rest mass “Red Matter” Quantum substrate particle in it's rest quantum state of n = 1 under those pressures of the magnetic confinement. The exact energy requirements for the quantum substrate can be obtained from the particle in a box equation by using the size of a proton measurements as a L value, the rest mass of the quantum substrate as a m value, and a quantum state at rest as a n value retrieving the En value requirements to bind the quantum substrate particle which yields a En value of 1.02874 *10^-13 joules or 642.089 Kev at a 0.87×10^-15 radius in meters. These can be produced in a bulk process given enough constituent quarks to be confined into the quantum substrates. The ratio of quarks must be maintained to successfully construct the quantum substrates however being the ratio of one Top quark, one anti-Top quark, two up quarks, and one down quark in bulk synthesis being a 1:1:2:1 ratio. The exact synthesis using synthetic particle confinement synthesis for the Neutronium Quantum Substrate follows a similar pattern to the “Red Matter” Quantum Substrate which first you must use a super collider to obtain the anti-protons used in the quantum substrate along with a source of solitary neutrons and protons. The constituent particles would be laser heated and accelerated to near the speed of light entering the magnetic confinement within the torodial chamber. Next, the particles would be magnetically confined at a binding energy similar to helium 5's binding energy which is 28 Mev with a energy density of 1.09523925781*10^33 J/m^3 which will form a quantum substrate with a rest mass of 5.5 Gev being the Neutronium Quantum Substrate. The particle in a box values of this Quantum Substrate are similar to helium 5's particle in a box values which are well known. The Neutronium Quantum Substrate has a neutral charge of zero thus it will immediately break confinement by the magnetic field when synthesized, however it should be stable unlike helium 5 as the electromagnetic repulsion should be minimal based on its structure of a proton and anti-proton along with three neutrons. For bulk synthesis the ratio of anti-protons, protons, and neutrons must be maintained in a 1:1:3 ratio which it should be possible to synthesize as much as you wanted given enough constituent particles in a plasma state. The anti-matter versions of the quantum substrate particles use the same configurations of quarks and hadrons however with the opposite charge of each quantum substrate particle. The anti-quarks will also have the opposite charge that are used in the synthesis of the quantum substrate which will make the anti-matter version of the quantum substrate if the anti-matter quarks are used. There is currently no known asymmetry between matter and anti-matter thus the anti-matter quantum substrates should have the exact same rest mass as their matter counterparts. The synthesis is exactly the same just the only difference is the anti-matter quarks and hadrons are used for the anti-matter quantum substrates. HOW TO USE The Synthetic particle confinement synthesis for various particles was well defined in previous explanations however taking the constituent quarks and particles then forming them into a quantum substrate particle via magnetic confinement under proper energy conditions. The “Red Matter” Quantum Substrate can be used as a efficient fuel for antimatter powered spacecraft much like antimatter but with much higher rest mass of 344 Gev than anti-protons being 937 Mev and positrons 511 Kev. The “Red Matter” Quantum substrate also instantly destabilizes outside a magnetic confinement field into energy thus making it perfect for energy storage and usage being most likely gamma radiation of high energies much like anti-matter particles. The Neutronium Quantum Substrate has a weak electromagnetic field due to have balanced charged and a net zero charge tightly packed together. This may be what neutron star matter is like to a extent it could be used a wonderful building material for Dyson spheres and spacecraft once constructed in bulk as sort of stable alternative to using neutron star neutronium which is pure neutrons with a half life of around 30 minutes outside a neutron star also requiring very high pressures to keep stable. This Neutronium Quantum Substrate could be a stable version of neutron star matter if not then it could be used as a energy source for spacecraft as well. Quote
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