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Posted (edited)

I have finished a new idea that appears to unify all of the force except the weak nuclear force (I need to research that more to understand it).


Here is the PDF file:





Edited by devin553344
Update PDF

I have been studying theory for about 5 years now and concluded that charge may be a hill of pressure (space-time) and matter a valley of pressure. Both exist in a wave form with positive and negative components created a diode-like p-n junction. And if that is the case then perhaps the Shockley diode equation can be used to describe the reverse-bias amperages that are involved in such hills and valleys. I found that the electron represents 3 degrees of freedom while the proton appears to represent 4 degrees of freedom. The 5 equations that describe matter, electromagnetic, strong force and gravitation of the proton and electron are:

Proton charge:

3/5 * Ke^2/rC^4 = hc/rp^4 * exp(-2/4 * 1/g^2)


Where K is the electric constant, e is the elementary charge, rC is the charge radius of the proton at 8.391E-16 meters, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, rp is the Compton wavelength of the proton, exp is the natural exponent, and g is the electromagnetic coupling constant:

g = ((8pi^2Ke^2)/(hc))^1/2

Electron charge:

3/5 * Ke^2/re^4 = hc/re^4 * exp(-2/3 * 1/g^2)

Where re is the electron Compton wavelength.

Proton gravitation:

Gmp^2 = Ke^2 * exp(-12 * 1/g^2 * rC/rp)

Where mp is the mass of the proton.

Electron gravitation:

Gme^2 = Ke^2 * exp(-9 * 1/g^2)

Where me is the mass of the electron.

Strong force is the electric kinda of area where the wave is 180 degrees and produces an attractive force (curvature):

U = hc/r^4 * (rp/2)^3 * exp(-2/8 * 1/g^2)

Where U is the binding energy of the strong force, Deuteron calculates to 1.784E-13 Joules and large nuclei calculate to 1.23E-12 Joules.

The Deuteron radius is then:

rD = rC + rp = 2.16E-15 meters

The charge radius of the proton might be a wave deformation of the wave distance of two pi divided by the linear distance of 4:

rp/rC = 2pi/4




I've updated the PDF in the OP with the new magnetic moment calculations. I've been working on them for about a week. I found that they might relate to charge radii of the electron, proton and neutron and have 2 degrees of freedom instead of 3 or 4.

Posted (edited)

I'm working on a better solution using the same idea and have concluded that the temperature relates to the Boltzmann constant and the Wien displacement constant:

Ke^2/rC^5 = hc/r^5 * exp(-9/2*hc/(hc))

Where K is the electric constant, e is the elementary charge, rC is the charge radius of the particle, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, r is the wavelength of the particle.

Edited by devin553344
Adjusted equation
Posted (edited)

I am proposing a Peltier effect for the gravitation, I will model only the proton, but basically a heat is conducted by the reverse bias amperage of the diode which goes into the Shockley diode equation to calculate a secondary reverse bias amperage for gravitation:

Again the Proton gravitation is:

Gm^2/r^5 = hc/r^5 * exp(-hc/(Ke^2) * rC^5/r^5)

Where G is the gravitational constant, m is the proton mass, r is the wavelength of the proton, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, K is the electric constant, e is the elementary charge, rC is the charge radius of the proton.

Edited by devin553344
Adjust equation
Posted (edited)

I have some new equations, I have been examining the math and looking to see if the math will support my idea. Basically a wave is also a diode. Therefore the wave-particle duality should support diode physics and work with the Shockley diode equation. What I found is this:

Charge radius:

rc = 4r/(2pi)

Where rc is the charge radius of the particle (for the proton it's 8.412E-16 meters), r is the wavelength of the particle.

Electric charge:

Ke^2/rc^4 = hc/r^4 * exp(-(hc)/(kb))

Where K is the electric constant, e is the elementary charge, h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light, k is the Boltzmann constant, b is the Wien displacement constant.

Electron gravitation (uses 4 dimensional n-sphere volume solid angle):

Gm^2/rc^4 = Ke^2/rc^4 * exp(-1/2*pi^2*4*(hc)/(kb))

Where G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of the particle.

Proton/Neutron gravitation (uses 3 dimensional n-sphere volume solid angle):

Gm^2/rc^4 = Ke^2/rc^4 * exp(-4/3*pi*4*(hc)/(kb))



Edited by devin553344
Fix typo
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I had some problems with the theory since electrons have no apparent charge radius, I found the charge radius of the electron is the electron wavelength. I worked out the equations to support the measured charge radius of the proton and the wavelength of the electron.

This is a wave-diode equivalence theory. It states that waves behave like diodes with p-n junctions which provides an electric charge as a reverse biased amperage. The Shockley diode equation is used to describe the different forces. There is also a reverse amperage heat conducted in reverse of the electric charge via the Peltier effect. This creates the gravitation for the particles. The strong force is a 4 dimensional wave force that is strongest at the wave peaks. The charge radii for the particles is verified via the radii of the Hydrogen atom for the electron and the Deuteron atom for the proton and neutron.

I'm using boiling points to describe particle stability.


Edited by devin553344
  • 2 weeks later...

I have been working on the magnetic moment equation to unify that with the charge and charge radius of the stable particles (electron and proton). I have finished it. This theory unifies, matter, electric charge, magnetic moment, gravitation. It does this via the wave-diode equality using the Shockley diode equation, it also uses the Peltier effect of reverse thermal flow. Here is the file:


20201001 Wave-Diode Theory.pdf

Posted (edited)
On 10/23/2020 at 5:43 PM, devin553344 said:

I have been working on the magnetic moment equation to unify that with the charge and charge radius of the stable particles (electron and proton). I have finished it. This theory unifies, matter, electric charge, magnetic moment, gravitation. It does this via the wave-diode equality using the Shockley diode equation, it also uses the Peltier effect of reverse thermal flow. Here is the file:



There is a slight typo in this file, the electron gravitational degrees of freedom is 9, where the proton is 12. Also the neutron can be described with this theory also, using  charge radius of 1.00559957187091E-15 meters and 10 degrees of freedom.

Here's the corrected file:



Edited by devin553344
  • 2 months later...

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