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Scientists had accepted the concept of ether for traveling of light in vacuum. Then Maxwell solved this problem by the concept of electro-magnetic cycle. Einstein had used Maxwell’s cyclic explanation in the theory of SR. Because new concept supports the fixity of light’s speed.


But, Einstein had also used the concept of ether in his theory. How ? He accepted that the light travels by fixed velocity in the train although train’s motion (*). At this case the relative velocity of light according to rails/perron becomes the value of < v + c>. But this result is never possible according to the theory. In theory the relative speed of light is < v + c >.


This determination has a paradox. How can it be solved?


In my opinion Einstein want to conciliate the concept of ether and electro-magnetic cycle. Because If we accept the fixed velocity for light in the train, it requires ether. It is possible for sound, because the atmosphere is like ether for sound and the air is carried by train.



(*) Of course he had a powerful argument: Because the velocity of light is always measured by the same value in everywhere.

Because If we accept the fixed velocity for light in the train, it requires ether. It is possible for sound, because the atmosphere is like ether for sound and the air is carried by train.
The idea that ether might be dragged by Earth's motion was proposed quite a while before 1905. It certainly wouldn't explain all that can be observed today.

Yes, the idea of ether had been leaved before 1905 recently. But It requires an explanatıon for the realıty of determining same value in the train. He had been confused.


The lıghtclock formula for tıme dılatıon had confused him.


It is very interesting; Einstein had declared that the formula of time dilation is derived by Lorentz's equations ( At the end of sextion 12 of hıs book). But Lorentz's equations never give the well-known formula of time dilation. I am feeling an effort for conciliating.


If you are an expert about SR Please derive the familiar formula of time dilation (t' = t/sqrt(1 v2/c2) by Lorentz equatıons.

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