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  • 2 weeks later...

I was watching TLC (The Learning channel) yesterday and saw a remarkable story on something I thought was quite interesting. It piqued my interest and I thought you might find the following links interesting.


I couldn't believe it myself when I saw it on TV.


Basically, this guy named John Hutchinson, from CANADA discovered that an interference of various types of radio, electromagnetic waves, etc. could levitate heavy objects, and even break steel bars in half, He could even "melt" 2 dissimilar objects into each other, with no displacement. Fusing wood into a steel bar, for instance.


Anyway, he's been featured in TLC, Discovery channel, and even had world wide renowed scientists from all over, German, Japan, US, etc. visit and document his findings. Over 20+ videos of these things happening, mounds of documents and lots of news and press. Even government labs & Private companies seeing his findings, Boeing, U.S. & Canadian governments, etc.


Here's some sources: (I just typed in "hutchinson effect" into yahoo and found his web page and lots of links to articles).








http://shopping.discovery.com/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10000&storeId=10000&langId=-1&productId=55863&partnumber=704304&gs=1 -- Information on getting the video from TLC, the program was about finding scientific explanations for Bermuda Triangle phenomenon.


http://www.tesla-coil-builder.com/hutchinson_effect_mechanics.htm --



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