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Here is the version I sent... in it's entirety... :lol:


Dear Mike,

Eric Raymond referred me to you, he has alerted me to your kind and generous disposition and I was wondering if I might be able to take advantage of it. I have been seeking some way to earn a legal source of income while barely performing any measurable amount of work, I thought Microsoft would be just the place for me to go and thanks to Eric I hear that you are desperate to get any employee willing to show up. Although I barely meet even those qualifications I’d gladly see if I could work Microsoft into my busy schedule. This letter is becoming tortuously tedious to compose as incorrectly spelled words continue to highlight and, against my better judgment, I continue to delete profanities. I would just like to briefly sum up the qualifications I believe you would be interested in before the cocaine kicks in and I forget where I am again. I swear unnecessarily, I have a past history of intense violence, I am a compulsive stalker, I don’t drink anything under 70 proof, I am an inefficient worker and unable to productively organize anything, I poorly budget my time, I am easily distracted by all things shiny when I’m high... I forget what I’m like when I’m not high... and sober..., I suffer random and extreme bouts of depression, I have an addictive personality, I don’t get along with most types of people, I forgot my middle name a couple years ago and have since replaced it with the initial “S.” for Smirnoff, my favorite color is rainbow, I can’t remember where I live and I’m using the computer of someone who failed to pay up for my services a couple weeks ago, I can’t read anything with big words as the letters tend to shift and move before my eyes, I refuse to use phones since the government listens to my calls, memories of my childhood cause me to suffer severe episodes of seizures, I often entertain thoughts of suicide, I possess not an ounce of common sense, and I tend to ramble on. My positive qualifications would be: I have an expansive vocabulary and am able to bring forth a plethora of sophisticated diction at my sole discretion... although I often times find it difficult to read what I have just written due to reasons I believe I stated above, my IQ was 178 when I was in High School though I fear it has sharply dropped in the 3 ½ years since I dropped out, and I work best when paid.


I eagerly await your reply and I sincerely hope I am able to remember your name and the fact that I sent you an E-mail. I would like either a negative or an affirmative reply, affirmative is preferred.


Thanks for your time & consideration,

Mr. Baldwin

Too much? :hihi:

You should have taken the offer, talked to the guy, and then come back and tell us whether you got the job. *That* would be a great article! :-) Anyway, thanks for a good laugh, I needed it today.
This was alex's comment on the article.


nkt also posted a comment :D. I'll leave it for everyone to find on their own, though :D.



I REALLY don't think I'm getting a reply :). How 'bout you Turtle?



I REALLY don't think I'm getting a reply :D. How 'bout you Turtle?

____Nada. Our letters of application may not have even made it past the spam blocker; at least it never pinged back as an invalid address. :D Of course a follow up letter is often in good style. ;) :D As I recall, the only exageration I included was that I like walks on the beach. :)




Fortunately for me, I don't believe I made a single exaggeration :). Other than the fact that I never dropped out of High School, and I didn't leave school three years ago... and that little bit about me having a 17-whatever IQ, and me using a comp from someone "who failed to pay", and a couple of other minor things like that :D.

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