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10th poster gets a free Multipuzzle 1 deluxe

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01. Buffy

02. pgrmdave

03. Dark Mind

04. Fishteacher73

05. Turtle

06. CraigD

07. C1ay

08. Killean

09. GAHD

10. Jay-qu


You guys are hilarious. I know Jenny would NEVER try something like that...post in the middle of the night with a bunch of strangers hanging around! She's only 4, after all! :hihi:


Jay-qu - PM me your address and I'll have your puzzle shipped to you. Congrats! :hihi:


I gave away 45 rep points to everyone who participated :hihi:. At least to everyone who didn't win the "major" prize :lol: (Sorry Jay-qu!). Took me two days to do it too :lol:. Consider it a commemorative door prize, an alternate substitute, or whatever I called it when sending the rep comment :lol:.

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