bartock Posted September 15, 2005 Report Posted September 15, 2005 :eek2: Like Hitler, Bush came to power with a minority of votes. He used the September 11 tragedy in much the way the Nazis jumped on the Reichstag fire, ignoring the damaged caused to his country and nation. As Hitler was rising to power in 1930s, someone did him the favor of burning the Reichstag, the German Parliament. A lot of analysts said that the Nazis burnt it down themselves. But Hitler's followers turned that fire into a horrific wave of “terror”, suspending civil rights and civil liberties. They fattened their war machine and rode the fascist tide into a full-blown dictatorship. Numerous political analysts drew parallelism between the White House’s repetitive 9/11 rhetoric, recrimination and retaliation and Reichstag fire. Actually, a lot of Americans support the theory that Bush’s admin brought down the World Trade Center itself. Let’s look at the similarities between the two regimes. Like Hitler, Bush came to power with a minority of votes. He used the September 11 tragedy in much the way the Nazis jumped on the Reichstag fire, ignoring the damaged caused to his country and nation. Four years have passed since September 11 attacks but the American President has failed to capture or try the perpetrators, instead, he preferred to use the tragedy to move forward with an extreme rightist agenda, crushing civil liberties, shutting up all opposition, fattening a war machine, and attacking sovereign countries without good reason or evidence of involvement in 9/11 attacks, killing thousands of civilians, and creating a staunch animosity against his nation. And as the nation was busy mourning those who lost their lives in one of the most twisted acts of “terrorism" imaginable, Bush's brother Jeb made another mockery of the election process. In Florida, where the 2000 election was stolen, voting machines were again placed in districts mostly inhabited by blacks and Jews. Seizing the chance of the nation's eyes directed elsewhere, fatal chaos was injected into the Democratic primary meant to choose Jeb's fall opponent. Dysfunctional voting machines and manipulated poll hours shredded the democratic process. Meanwhile John Ashcroft has shredded the American Bill of Rights like no one can ever imagine. Under the cloak of terror, the new Grand Inquisitor eliminated the first ten amendments to the Constitution except the second, which allows him and his lobby sponsors carry guns. Like Hitler, Bush came to power with a minority of votes. He used the September 11 tragedy in much the way the Nazis jumped on the Reichstag fire, ignoring the damaged caused to his country and nation. As Hitler was rising to power in 1930s, someone did him the favor of burning the Reichstag, the German Parliament. A lot of analysts said that the Nazis burnt it down themselves. But Hitler's followers turned that fire into a horrific wave of “terror”, suspending civil rights and civil liberties. They fattened their war machine and rode the fascist tide into a full-blown dictatorship. Numerous political analysts drew parallelism between the White House’s repetitive 9/11 rhetoric, recrimination and retaliation and Reichstag fire. Actually, a lot of Americans support the theory that Bush’s admin brought down the World Trade Center itself. Let’s look at the similarities between the two regimes.Like Hitler, Bush came to power with a minority of votes. He used the September 11 tragedy in much the way the Nazis jumped on the Reichstag fire, ignoring the damaged caused to his country and nation. Four years have passed since September 11 attacks but the American President has failed to capture or try the perpetrators, instead, he preferred to use the tragedy to move forward with an extreme rightist agenda, crushing civil liberties, shutting up all opposition, fattening a war machine, and attacking sovereign countries without good reason or evidence of involvement in 9/11 attacks, killing thousands of civilians, and creating a staunch animosity against his nation. And as the nation was busy mourning those who lost their lives in one of the most twisted acts of “terrorism" imaginable, Bush's brother Jeb made another mockery of the election process. In Florida, where the 2000 election was stolen, voting machines were again placed in districts mostly inhabited by blacks and Jews. Seizing the chance of the nation's eyes directed elsewhere, fatal chaos was injected into the Democratic primary meant to choose Jeb's fall opponent. Dysfunctional voting machines and manipulated poll hours shredded the democratic process. Meanwhile John Ashcroft has shredded the American Bill of Rights like no one can ever imagine. Under the cloak of terror, the new Grand Inquisitor eliminated the first ten amendments to the Constitution except the second, which allows him and his lobby sponsors carry guns. While admitting staunch hatred of Big Government, Patriotic conservatives trashed every guarantee of individual freedom. And again under the guise of fighting “terrorism”, the right has become the ultimate anti-Constitutional terrorist. And the regime started to be more like many dictatorships the U.S. installed itself throughout the whole world to serve its interest. Pinochet. Somoza. Saddam Hussein. The Shah. Noriega. Mobutu. Marcos. Suharto. After all, anti-war protestors threw the word "fascist" around in the later 1960s like a common epithet. Lyndon Johnson was not a fascist, and Richard Nixon was still forced to follow with the Bill of Rights in tact. Though the U.S. was deep in an actual shooting war, guarantees of free speech, a fair and public trial were still in place. But those guarantees don’t exist now. Freedoms were diminished during the Civil War and World Wars 1 & 2. But Bush’s present war has no clear enemy, no clear goal, and most importantly, no clear end. It’s nothing but a pretext to shred freedom and opposition. And because these powers are currently primarily used against people of color, the majority of Americans believe these new power won't affect them. But that’s far from true, as in Germany, it's only a matter of time before everyone and anyone is intimidated and ubject to official attack. Analysts say that this is the most dangerous time in the history of the United States. With a bought media and a compliant Congress, Bush’s administration has turned 9/11 tragedy into a cheap excuse to bury the freedoms that had in the past made America great. How long will it take Bush regime to turn USA into a police state? :xx:
Buffy Posted September 15, 2005 Report Posted September 15, 2005 Wow. And some folks around here think *I'm* a wacko left wing nut! I tell ya, pal, I hate all the stuff you list here too. On the other hand I'm actually convinced that Bush means well, its just that he simply isn't smart enough to understand that his simplistic view of the world is, well, oversimplified ("just keep cutting taxes", "dead or alive", "with us or against us", etc.), and he's got such a big ego that even his own people protect him from the "reality based community". That's all starting to come back to bite him, now, so your timing of this diatribe is a bit off. Have you seen the latest polls? 39% approval rating? Even Clinton never got that bad! While I seriously think that Cheney and the neo-cons are evil, they're also sincere, its just they are so absolutely righteous about their beliefs that they will not listen to any reasonable arguments countering their goals let alone their methods, and that's cost us all dearly. They sincerely believe that the poor in New Orleans got what they deserved, and all those people who died is just social Darwinism at work. Earlier this week when Cheney was asked why he didn't come back from his vacation sooner, he said only "I came back four days early." His office was busy though, they got the Southern Pines Electric Power Association to stop work on restoring power to two hospitals and a bunch of water systems in Mississippi in order to get the Colonial Pipeline's gas and oil network running again so that their profits wouldn't be hurt rather than worry about a few poor hicks being without medical care or water. This is also starting to come back to bite them. Wanna know what the electorate is going to start thinking of the administration's "Energy Policy" once $3+ gasoline starts driving inflation through the roof? Methinks the 2006 congressional elections are going to be a bloodbath that will make 1994 look like a love fest. Now this brings me to main point. From a debate point of view, comparing the current gang of idiots to the Nazi's does not help the debate at all. All you are doing is letting folks in the middle say, "now wait a second, listen to these left-wing nuts! Maybe Rove is right and anyone who speaks ill of the president is just aiding bin Laden! We can't possibly support those traitors in the Democratic party!!!" Honest, you may see parallels here, but you only aid the people you are attacking by making extreme arguments. They may be herding the poor out of New Orleans so their cronies can gentrify the gettos and make a killing, but they're not running death camps.... Cheers,Buffy
C1ay Posted September 15, 2005 Report Posted September 15, 2005 This is not the place for fairy tales bartock, it is a science forum. Your unsubstantiated tripe doesn't even qualify as political science as it's not a discussion about current politics but a prejudiced attack on a particluar individual. Take it somewhere else! Thread closed.
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