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Posted (edited)

Mind how JeffryTubes, apparently a troll poster who came here under a different moniker once, came recently into a thead of mine calling it rubbish? He did it because I blatantly went out my way to explain why his threads where utter rubbish. He hated the idea that he couldnt manipulate some of us into believing his delusions that he was somehow a good physicist, when inventing half baked theories so laughable that it could only begger the belief as to why he thought some of the rubbish he comes out with. But a humble person, while good at something, will more times than often seek help on subjects which he cannot know all the time. But Jeffrytubes is a common day example of a charlatan trying to pass off theories when only playing with buzzwords. He hated that I confidently shot his psuedoscience from the air. But here is a lesson still something to be learned...

Some people think I'm good at math, but I often reply, "I'm really not!" I have no reservations or hesitation or shame when I ask for help. I know all too well that its been a common theme in history. Schrodinger seeked help from his peers when writing his wave equation, DeWitt seeked help when forming the Bryce deWitt equation for gravity. Einstein seeked a lot of help when writing his general theory of relativity and even then took him ten years. If you're a gifted mathematician and a brilliant physicist with a sound philosophical mind, you're a rare breed. Penrose is one of those lucky ones. Feynmann was another. In this post I seek guidance on whether my apllication of differentiation has been done successfully. Peer review is a cruel world so you have to expect anything and everything. But here's the thing, I'm well read on many scientific subjects, but this is the difference between me and Jeffrytubes. I dont pretend to talk about subjects I know nothing about, and I'm not scared to approach the academic world about questions to clear something up. So be warned about people like him, if you dont know science, you could be easily charmed by someone talking buzzwords stringed together as if it makes sense, but doesnt.


Edited by Dubbelosix
Posted (edited)

He wouldn't stand a chance. Are you perhaps defending him? Do you realize he misleads people all the time here? With his ad hoc approaches and bizarre claims, like dark matter are superluminal particles? I could keep going on about some his other strange pauedoscientific ideas, but I wouldnt want to spoil the fun if anyone wishes to take a glance at the nonesense he posts. 

Edited by Dubbelosix
Posted (edited)

Besides, I was making this point directed to him. I've told him many of a time, to just go learn some physics, instead of being incapsulated in his strane belief that physics can be done and spome about in such careless ways. It shows he has no respect for the scientific method. Once I said to him, you don't even need to learn the math, just go learn about the subjects that he wants to preech about. But oh no, he'd rather make up a load of bull, carelessly putting half baked ideas into what he thinks is a good scientific hypothesis, when its nothing but false gold. Only laymans could possibly go into one of his threads and think they've came out having learned something. Those woth basoc knowledge on science can see through his transparent lack of scientific prowess. He should have took what I said on the chin, instead he came into one of my threads saying it was rubbish. Since cant even assemble a scientific theory or hypothesis in any sound way, all he can say its "rubbish" but can never explain why. 

Edited by Dubbelosix
Posted (edited)

Hence why again, peer review is cruel, but being capable of actually making a theory, to pretending to be capable being able to, is like an emu with its head stuck in sand. At least if know science, and are capable of holding a decent rebuttle to when someone calls your theory nonsense, is better than living in a fairy Disney world where your imagination runs rampant. Remember what I said once? A poster claimed to disbelieve in relativity, but claimed he had respect for science. I said thats like a Turkey voting for Christmas, you came in and replied, " I never thought of it quite like that."

Edited by Dubbelosix
Posted (edited)

So while I have a library of physics knowledge stored in my brain, and while my mathematical skills are ok at best, it still allows me to sort the wheat from the chaff. Thats why I posted my link I made on a question I asked on physics stack exchange, it shows as an example, I'm very capable of talking about science, and having a bit of mathematical skill helps. It would be better for him to just read and learn about physics, instead of making up stupid equations that make no sense. It would be better if he were just literate on the subject, instead of pretending to be an expert.

Edited by Dubbelosix

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