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Need ivestigatory project asap..

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to all.. please help me about my project i need an investigatory project in in chemistry please if you have kindly send it to me.. her is my add. [email protected] please i need your help asap.. your help will be a big donation for me... thanks a lot! :eek2:

Are you trying to get out of doing your homework?


Certainly seems like it!


Apart from that, I think you need to put down more info. If you need resources to help you with your project, there's the whole internet at your disposal. Nobody here will be able to help you based on the amount of info in your post.



Welcome to Hypography epraiser............enjoy.


your help will be a big donation for me... thanks a lot! :eek2:
We don't make donations to homework epraiser but, we can direct you to links where you can glean your own information.

Kindergarten? High school? College? Need a PhD thesis topic?




Inorg. Syn. 6 186 (1960)


and [tris(oxalato)cobaltate(III)]


Inorg. Syn. 8 204 (1966)


are trivially synthesized and are isomorphous,




[Co(en)3](3+) comes out directly optically resolved if you use resolved tartrate as the counterion during synthesis. Do the obvious to obtain the resolved lambda-lambda and delta-delta 1:1 salts,




Grow nice big crystals. Do they have mirror-image hemihedral faces? What is the space group? Then, you can get all trippy with phen or bipy and helicates,




How would you make a corresponding -6 helicate anion and the 1:1 salts therefrom?

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