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At least we can't say we didn't try nothing.

Indeed, you can't say there's nothing we haven't tried! :eek:


It's like trying to tell a stranger 'bout rock and roll, :)



Seeing as a singularity is an infinitely small mathematical point, with absolutely no dimensions, could 'nothing' then be described as a singularity of something? So that when you identify a lump of nothing, and you put it under a microscope, and you keep on magnifying it, there'll still be nothing.


The interesting thing, then, is the extent of 'nothing's' event horison. You can look at it from any conceivable distance, and you'll still see nothing. A lump of 'nothing' has an event horison that grows outwardly at the speed of light from the moment of the piece of nothing's creation. Twenty years ago my grandfather died, and I inherited nothing. That fact is now observable in a sphere with a twenty light-year radius. The event horison of the nothingness making up my inheritance now includes quite a few stars. In that sense, nothing kicks *** - much cooler than black holes.


Apparently the feeling you get when you 'loose you stomache' on an amusement park ride or a dip in the road is what astronaughts feel all the time in '0g'. A feeling of not feeling anything.

Life is worth nothing for a fish in China. They don't last very long there, apparently.


On the contrary, mon frere. I would argue that the shorter the average lifespan for fish becomes, the *value* of each life gains increasing value as the average approaches nothing.


At nothing there is a singularity with infinite potential for a long, happy fish-life, and another singularity which represents the expectations of Chinese fishermen.


...so what you're telling me, is that if the Chinese increase their fish consumption even more, we'll get closer to finding the first immortal fish in China?


Can you eat an immortal fish? There's nothing in the manual about it, but won't it kinda screw with the definition of immortality?

We can keep it going as long as we value each other's company here.


Nothing else matters.


Every day for us something new :)



"every day there's something new

which is the same song

on some old galactic radio

looping around one star"


Quite pagan, of you :dust:


I believe it I believe nothing I believe what I feel

Nothing does not exist! Everywhere there is something
Nothing never did not exist! For with the non-existence of which nothingness manifests itself, it also manifest the background of emptiness against which nothing stands out in stark relief. Lo!, emptiness may climb the tree of non-existence and shake the limbs upon which no leaves grow, but nothingness is the very roots of that tree. We may bow and ponder the existence of nothing and pat ourselves on the back for our wisdom, and yet nothingness alone can pat itself on the back and call us the "whores of existence". Our something-oriented brains merely skim the thin ice of nothingness, never daring to crack the surface and plunge into the ice-cold maelstrom of counter-existential absolute lackfulness. HA! you may say, and fondle the slick, black nullity of negation, but in so doing, you prove yourselves slaves to the mundane conventions of linguistic categories. HA! I say, you breach the nugatory membrane between nothing and non-existence, never knowing the nothingness of which never existence did nertify.


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :rant: :hihi:

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