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A Real Talk About Patenting Inventions And Designs!

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Many people on this forums have complainted about their works being stolen by people I even think some of my works have been stolen at this point. This is a real talk about that it is really easy to patent things and generally costs between 70 and 280 USD depending on the size of your organization. The government currently does not care if works are stolen around much of the world it is many times first to patent around the world and not the inventor that actually owns the invention or design. Some people will even attempt to steal a patent then claim it is theirs then try to take you to court after they have stolen your invention or idea for patent infringement which is a really horrible situation to be in. The current way that the laws exist basically states "First the Patent Owns it" which is sometimes really bad  for inventors as it allows people to steal them pretty easily by data breaches and stuff if you have not patented it yet. Honestly, you always need to patent a invention or design as soon as you discover it and you will be better off for it if you have the money and think it is patentable. The current state of the laws in my country are horrible for the inventor which is the United States because of changes to the laws that Obama made being the "America Invents Act" until reform happens here it is a horrible place to be for inventors. The truth is this if you care about your invention or design just immediately patent it always often times I regret not always doing this because people will gradually steal stuff from you, so unless you want your stuff to be stolen by people Always Patent As Quickly As Possible!

Edited by Vmedvil2
  • Vmedvil2 changed the title to A Real Talk About Patenting Inventions And Designs!
6 hours ago, Vmedvil2 said:

Always Patent As Quickly As Possible!

I’m not sure it is practical to patent an idea, (especially if it is thought to have no commercial value), because in the UK it seems the cost of £200 (or more) per year to keep the patent valid (to have the concept accredited to your name) is not worth it. I think perhaps emails to a university and/or a screen shot of the post is probably the way to go.

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