niviene Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 I am starting this thread basically because I need to vent and didn't know where else to post. I apologize that this may be entirely inappropriate for this forum, so fellow mods, feel free to delete my post if you don't want it here. I have recently elected to return to paid duty... while continuing to go to school. Don't ask me why the #^$^#@#) I did that. High pressure on both accounts. However, I was doing quite well handling it. Until..... I decided that since I'm back working again (and on third shift.... which is normally a little quieter, except for Friday and Saturday nights when the bars close) I would buy a "new" (used) car, since I gave my nice one to my fiancee when his blew up a few weeks ago and have been driving my old backup. I went to my credit union and put in a loan request. I was called within a couple of hours and denied credit. Why is that, when I have a credit score around 750? Well, apparently some collection agency has slapped a few "open" and very delinquent collections on my credit, saying they are not new, but from 1998 or something. On my credit report they show as being open and currently paid as agreed, but show that around the turn of 2005 for three months I was 120 days delinquent. This somehow allows them to leave these things on there, although even if they were 'VALID' they'd have passed the 7 year limit for credit reports. They can't tell me what the charges are from, and every question I ask is met only with "We can only help you if you pay these off." After I argued for several hours yesterday, between them, their parent company, and Equifax, I seriously considered exactly how far of a drop it is off life's little edge. I thought of checking myself into the looney bin for a day or two because of how mad it made me that there's nothing I can do about this - at least not for thirty days until an "investigation" can be done (after that I can sue if I have the time and energy to go through with it...whoopie). Not to mention how embarassing it is when the credit union employees are people you work with and see every day and you get denied credit...considering also that I have liquid assets that should have pretty much guaranteed me a loan even if my credit score wasn't so high. The last thing I should have on my mind as I am struggling to restrain a man who has sworn to kill me (last night's events - even though the only 'weapon' he had was a couple of toothpicks) is this garbage. I should have just pretended he was from that collection agency. However, if there is any silver lining from this, perhaps it is that it has given me a motivation to do some kind of pro-bono work after I graduate helping people fight things like this. It's not really that hard, it just takes some time. But think about the scam - how many people know what their rights are under the FCRA? A lot of people in my situation would think they had no choice but to pay for these things, which incidentally total nearly $2k. The agency might get a fine slapped on them and have to pay court costs... but most of the time they get away with it. So why shouldn't they pull this? Although I would love to just show up there and duke it out, maybe I can lobby for some kind of stricter penalties for false reporting... the FTC just isn't cutting it, in my opinion. Although, if I do get a response from them (the FTC), I'll be glad to share it. Grrr. Bah Humbug, says I. Thanks for letting me vent. Chacmool and Tormod 2 Quote
Buffy Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 I remember hearing something recently about Providian or some such credit corporation sold a list of old debts to a bunch of collection agencies and did not bother to give out an updated list, so that even if you paid something 1 day after bill close, you could be on this list, and this is going on all over the place now. Aparently its tied to some loophole in one of the obscure banking bills that was passed last year, and of course heavily lobbied by the banking corps so they could make money selling these lists. Since its a collection agency, they can hem, haw and claim ignorance since they don't have any records that would prove you paid it. Thank your favorite politician who wanted to "crack down on credit scoflaws" (and on the side get a big contribution from their favorite benefactors). Guess who's paying? Theoretically, the Lounge is supposed to be quiet, but I'll argue that if we can provide shoulders to cry on, its serving its purpose. Hang in there, niv! Cheers,Buffy niviene 1 Quote
niviene Posted September 23, 2005 Author Report Posted September 23, 2005 Thanks. At least it made me more quiet. :rolleyes: Quote
Dark Mind Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 Wow.... That sucks, and sadly enough I see stuff like that every day :)... I'm a loan officer (Don't hate me! :hihi:) and I'm beginning to see that stuff like Student Loans generally is recorded twice on your credit report. Accounts that you think were paid off but have like a $2 balance left will get bought up by collection agencies. The agencies then charge you a fee for collecting your money, and with interest. It's all very f***ed up... If you'd like some help in clearing all that up you can give my company a call, ask for me (I'd still have to pull your credit, so you'd have to give me your social... just the way things work... :rolleyes: ), and there's generally a summary listing all account holders somewhere near the bottom of the page. I'd gladly try to help straighten things out with you if you feel you need the help. Not much anyone can do but complain 'til the company gets tired of your calls though... Credit reports suck... Glad I'm not 18 yet :). And fearing the day I turn it, now :). PSAccounts generally expire after 10 yrs... After which time collection agencies can sell your account to a different collection agency and the account is duplicated on the report and registered as new :). niviene 1 Quote
niviene Posted September 23, 2005 Author Report Posted September 23, 2005 Yea, they can technically do that, but they can't put it on your credit report after 7 years from the date of the first delinquency. Of course, if they can make anything they want up, who cares about the rules, right? :rolleyes: The law is very clear on that, though... statue of limitations (in Ohio) is ten years, and credit reporting can only happen 7 years from the date of first delinquency - internally or externally. So, even if it's sold to someone else who tries to make it look like new, you have the right to sue them for violation of the FCRA. You get a grand per violation plus court costs and "reasonable" attorney fees. Most people don't seem to know this, even though you can get this info anywhere. If does vary a little by state, too. I do feel that they should be able to collect unpaid debts, but if my cases get tossed out for violating search and siezure laws even when we have enough evidence to prove them guilty, why shouldn't these guys be forced to follow their laws, too? This can do some real damage. Of course, if we didn't have so many people defaulting on debts in the first place, it might not have been so bad.. c'est la via. :hihi: And... we still love you, even if you're a loan officer. :) Quote
Chacmool Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 However, if there is any silver lining from this, perhaps it is that it has given me a motivation to do some kind of pro-bono work after I graduate helping people fight things like this. It's not really that hard, it just takes some time. But think about the scam - how many people know what their rights are under the FCRA? A lot of people in my situation would think they had no choice but to pay for these things, which incidentally total nearly $2k. The agency might get a fine slapped on them and have to pay court costs... but most of the time they get away with it. So why shouldn't they pull this? Although I would love to just show up there and duke it out, maybe I can lobby for some kind of stricter penalties for false reporting... the FTC just isn't cutting it, in my opinion. Although, if I do get a response from them (the FTC), I'll be glad to share it. Grrr.You're an angel for thinking of helping others while you're in such a tight spot yourself! I hope you get things sorted out soon. It would be great if someone with your fighting spirit could draw attention to this injustice and try to change the system. Good luck! Quote
Dark Mind Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 Yea, they can technically do that, but they can't put it on your credit report after 7 years from the date of the first delinquency. Of course, if they can make anything they want up, who cares about the rules, right? :hihi: The law is very clear on that, though... statue of limitations (in Ohio) is ten years, and credit reporting can only happen 7 years from the date of first delinquency - internally or externally. So, even if it's sold to someone else who tries to make it look like new, you have the right to sue them for violation of the FCRA. You get a grand per violation plus court costs and "reasonable" attorney fees. Most people don't seem to know this, even though you can get this info anywhere.I didn't even know that :). Thanks niv :). This might helpful info for when I'm trying to help others :). And... we still love you, even if you're a loan officer. :DAhhhh... thanks... :) Only been one for 2 1/2 months and already thinking of quitting :rolleyes:. Quote
Dark Mind Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 You're an angel for thinking of helping others while you're in such a tight spot yourself! I hope you get things sorted out soon. It would be great if someone with your fighting spirit could draw attention to this injustice and try to change the system. Good luck!Definitely! Best of luck, and I'd gladly help any way possible :rolleyes:. Quote
niviene Posted September 23, 2005 Author Report Posted September 23, 2005 hehe... See? it worked... I feel better already... thanks :rolleyes: :hihi: now to try and sleep! Quote
Tormod Posted September 23, 2005 Report Posted September 23, 2005 This thread warms my heart. :rolleyes: Good luck niv! niviene 1 Quote
GAHD Posted September 24, 2005 Report Posted September 24, 2005 Hehe, I used to work with Pay Roll Loans, I do agree collection agencies suck. I seem to remember from my work in call centers that if a company calls you, they cannot hang-up or it is considered a harassing call. If phone calls become a problem, here's a script:"Hello?....ahh yes...who?...may I ask who is calling...oh you can only speak to the person in question...shure I'm them(you can be Abraham over the phone if you like, who'se to say?)...oh great...which company are you with...ok, what does that abbreviation stand for?...yes yes, but I still want to know the full legal name of your business....***(repeat as necessary, throw in "how do I know this isn't some kinda scam? / THIS IS A SCAM! I'M going to Call the cops on You!" if necessary)***thanks...This call is being monitored for quality controll and legal reasons, please get your supervisor on the line. If you hang up, I will press charges....please get your supervisor...I don't care if they're in a meeting, get them...heay, you guys are paying for this call, I can wait....No, don't put me on hold, I will wait on an open line thank you***(repeat as necessary)***...***(*waits*, have something else to do handy)***, I don't want to be transfered, I want them to walk over and talk on this line...Hello? Who am I speaking with?....great, thanks for coming I want to get this straightened out as fast as possible...I don't know if your subordinate told you, but this call is being recorded for legal reasons, if you hang up it will be deemed harassment, I will stay on the line as long as is necessary to get the information I want....What is the full legal name of your company? Home office? mailing address? Address of this call center? my file number/ID tag/ whatever? (usually SSN)...ok, can I have the details on these claims you're making? can't say? I know you don't set policy, but policy cannot overide law: how about your supervisor? Can you get them on the line or clear it with them?...they don't take calls? I'm shure I can get in contact with them, How about their name?...both names please...Wow, you won't give me that information? well how about your company's attourny? Their name & phone number?...You don't know? Well this is a very serious business, I think you should find out for me, or get your supervisor ***(manager, department lead, administrative assistant[those are REAL fun to get worked into a knot, especially if they're a temp/intern], whatever is available higher up on the chain)*** on the line...yes I can wait, but don't put me on hold; I'll wait on an open line, thanks...." Repeat as necessary untill you get what you want, this only really works if they call YOU or if you can keep that slapstick smile and voice dripping with shugar and venom going, it really irritaes them. If they do hang up, send them a letter with a transcript of whatever colorful parts the tape holds & a bill totalling twice to three times the amount of the claim, they'd pay it rather than get involved in the legal mess. If not, atleast you managed to contribute to the suffering of the souless scum on the other end; it's not too often they get controll taken away from them. :rolleyes: Turtle and niviene 2 Quote
niviene Posted September 24, 2005 Author Report Posted September 24, 2005 LOL! What an awesome post, it makes me want to give my number to random collection agencies just so they'll call me and I can harass them! :rolleyes: Quote
GAHD Posted September 25, 2005 Report Posted September 25, 2005 Hehe, I've been on both ends of that conversation; I developped a sort of morbid pleasure for that kind of conflict thanks to how often I was exposed to it. It may be odd, but I really love talking to the texans who think they're all that and putting them in the sweat-seat. They come off all cocky and tough at first, but when you start making them doubt their legal position, and get them to either fly into a blind rage or crackand get that quiver in their voice, it's great. It's almost a let-down when they crack and had you off to the higher-up; like a boxing match that lasts ten seconds. yeah, I'm sick that way. Quote
Dark Mind Posted September 26, 2005 Report Posted September 26, 2005 That's awesome :). I've actually developed the same "morbid pleasure" for harassing telemarketers :D. Quote
Turtle Posted September 26, 2005 Report Posted September 26, 2005 ___While trying to conduct phone business lately, I casually asked the fella where he is located; he told me he isn't allowed to divulge that info. I wish I had Gahd's nads when it comes to dealing with this stuff. In the instance I just noted, the business part went fine, but it often is not the case.___If I don't keep my anger tightly bottled I go out of control; anger quickly escalates to rage & it always makes for a bad result. :) A good reason in my view to live as a recluse as much as possible. I like how Hypography shields me, as well as those who might otherwise find themselves the object of my irrationality. Communication without personal contact is for me a breath of fresh air.___I realize of course avoidence is not a good general strategy, but in my case it is the best anger management. :D Quote
Dark Mind Posted September 26, 2005 Report Posted September 26, 2005 Turtle... Angry... :) Just doesn't add up :D. Funny how you always manage to come off as everyone's best friend, I actually would have enjoyed meeting you at one of the HCNA's :D. But looks like I'm going to have to hunt you down if I'm to meet you in person (That'll be difficult considering how often you move :D. Plato's cavern, wicker jar, high bluffs, etc, etc... :D) but I'll do it! ;). Now if I can just figure out how to get satellite mapping of the location “Wicker Jar” ;)... It actually does confound me as to how someone who shows so much logic and rationale can turn into such an irrational angry person ;)...My logic prevents me from thinking of you without logic :D. Quote
Turtle Posted September 26, 2005 Report Posted September 26, 2005 Turtle... Angry... :) Just doesn't add up :D. Funny how you always manage to come off as everyone's best friend, I actually would have enjoyed meeting you at one of the HCNA's :D. But looks like I'm going to have to hunt you down if I'm to meet you in person (That'll be difficult considering how often you move :D. Plato's cavern, wicker jar, high bluffs, etc, etc... :D) but I'll do it! ;). Now if I can just figure out how to get satellite mapping of the location “Wicker Jar” ;)... It actually does confound me as to how someone who shows so much logic and rationale can turn into such an irrational angry person ;)...My logic prevents me from thinking of you without logic :D.GETE (Grinning Ear To Ear) You may find some insight into this quandry in the movie A Beautiful Mind. I am in no uncertain terms, mentally ill. Here in this virtual Hypographical world however, I have the leisure to isolate myself during the bad episodes & associate during the intermediate intervals.___I assure you that knowing me in person is no cake walk. I told my housemates the other night just how special they are inasmuch as they do not have the virtual freedom to disassociate themselves from me as do the folks here. No one here sees the angry isolating moods, perseverating behavior, avoidence of eye contact, unkempt appearence, & other "weird" behaviors. ____I live on a boundary between madness & logic; in retrospect, I wouldn't have it any other way. :D Quote
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