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The judge was a political appointee, correct? That seems just a tad suspect to me as well. But then again, finding 11 families in the middle of PA that are willing to go to the ACLU and complain that ID is being taught... that also made me go "Hmmmmmmmmm", if you know what I mean. I think the whole thing smacks of a huge set-up, but I'm not quite sure which side is the guilty one.


I wonder if any of the true believers in this country who vote actually realize that most of the politicians who use religion as a part of their campain are really just using them to get votes and could really care less about God. I mean, does George W. Bush even go to church? Do ANY of the Bushes go? Not from what I've heard.


Here's some more on the subject, an ex-physics teacher testifies:



An excerpt:


"My 14-year-old daughter had to make the choice between staying in the classroom and being confused ... or she had to be singled out and face the possible ridicule of her friends and classmates,"


I think that's being a bit dramatic. Not like she would be the first 14-year-old girl confused in a physics class. Nor would she be the first 14-year-old girl to face possible ridicule from her friends and classmates. :)


I liked this:

At a school board meeting in June 2004, when she was no longer on the board, Callahan recalled another board member complaining that a biology book recommended by the administration was "laced with Darwinism."


I've seen physics books that were 'laced with Newtonism', perhaps these are dangerous too?

Imagine how much more scientifically advanced and more socially accepting that US would be if some great flood just happened to destroy the whole midwest. God forbid of course :doh:

Do you really think you're funny? So far in our recently humbled nation, the Mid-West people, specifically the Church, have been the most helpful, competent, and compassionate in the wake of these events. You make fun and wish catastrophe on them all you want, but I see the heart of our nation in the Mid-West, Bible Belt, Red State Heartland.

Perhaps we should wish more building collapse in New York because of there liberalisms, or train wrecks in Spain because of there high taxes, or Bus Bombings in the UK because of their involvement in Iraq, or Tsunamis in the West Indies because of there religions.


I hope if ever there is catastrophe in your neck of the woods you have a Church presence as pro-active as theirs


God Bless.


I hold the opposite to be correct: To find humor in tragedy seems more dispicable to me than analyzing the religious implications, though I disagree with the Theologin's (sp) idea of catastrophe soley as punishment.

At any rate, I figured you were looking for this type of response when you wrote that, and I wanted to see what you really meant. So now we are both satisfied. More than likely I will not post here any further, as the topic does not interest me, but your comment did.


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