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i would say that liberals have the same access to history that conservatives do. the difference seems to be that they cannot seem to learn the same lessons from it. liberals have trouble with cause and effect. their thought process tends toward the idealistic rather than the practical. when considering a problem, i doubt they ever say: what if ?, or: how much will this cost, and who will pay?


The liberal creative thought process and its goal of positive social change stems from the 1960's and 1970's. The youth of that time saw the vision of an ideal world of brothership and love. i.e., love generation. The youth were so organized toward this goal that even the conservative adults and the establishment of that day began to see their vision and allowed many of the social changes we now enjoy.


The problem is that the orginal common vision has divided into two camps. Both halves of the original unity worked together to help disupt the very wholesome, famiy orientated and conservative world of their parents. One half is pretending like they had nothing to do with it, and are now holier than thou. The other half no longer see the positive conservative world that they grew up in that allowed them to be idealist. The liberals are trying to keep this spirit alive but are not very practical. The conservative are practical but lack imagination. They need to work together again.


the 60's were also known as the ''me'' generation. what they wanted then and want now is total freedom from authority and the concepts of morality. this is one of the reasons they hate Bush..because of his religion. this is also why they want God out of all public

displays and the ten commandments banished. this is another example of the true nature of the radical left. if we can banish God and the ten commandments, then we are free to engage in any kind of debauchery we want. this also explains political correctness. if everyone can be forced to comply with political correctness, then we are all the same. none are more moral, more authoritative, more achieving or more deserving than others.

this of course would yield a sick, lawless society in which a dictator would flourish, but due to the fact the liberals cannot envision results, this is there goal.

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