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wow, turtle you know the slang? how come?

___I read quite a bit online & watched some videos; I seem to recall you sent me some links a few months past. Amazing stuff & so much potential for routines etc.. Is Diabolo more popular in France than Switzerland? Looking forward to more photos & info.





No, at the moment I would say it is sort of equally popular, just France has its big time because the best diabolo players of france produced a dvd where they explained a lot of difficult stuff and that made them very popular (the dvd is called diabologies and is from Mister Babache). i was playing inn france only because i was in holidays there.

And yes i rememered having sent you some link but I didn't think that you memorized even the names of the figures.

For the other photos, i have two different friends who have filmed me but I haven't yet a copy of the films and i don't know if the films wouldn't eat up too much space...

No, at the moment I would say it is sort of equally popular, just France has its big time because the best diabolo players of france produced a dvd where they explained a lot of difficult stuff and that made them very popular (the dvd is called diabologies and is from Mister Babache). i was playing inn france only because i was in holidays there.

And yes i rememered having sent you some link but I didn't think that you memorized even the names of the figures.For the other photos, i have two different friends who have filmed me but I haven't yet a copy of the films and i don't know if the films wouldn't eat up too much space...


___How do you use the term 'players' as I underlined? I mean to say what is the game component of diabolo? Does it mean a competition? Is anyone designing moves based on scientific principles, e.g. in any way similar to engineers designing roller coasters?

___My memory is selective, but I'm not the selector; even I find it strange that these terms stuck in my memory. :hyper:


Play is just the verb used to say you do Diabolo there is no actual game. There are competitions but they are just part of doing Diabolo, thê competition are sometimes based on luck (eg throw a Diabolo in a bucket), sometimes on skill (egkeeping up two Diabolos and making the Diabolos of the others fall down using only your Diabolo and your sticks-it's called Diabolo-combat), sometimes on performance.

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