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If you think you have it bad , think again!

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think of it this way, when ever Vlad Dracula Tepes III(yes the real dracula)was mad he would kill people.he would do this through a kind of torturous death in which the victim has a spear about the size of a body builder’s arm oiled and trusted into the victims anus; then the victims feet are tied together to a horse and, as the spear his held still, the horse is instructed to slowly move forward as the spear enters and cleaves away at the inside of the victim, causing a slow and terrible death of excruciating pain. Thus the nation would not risk this kind of torture by him and his army. During his rule he had a golden goblet placed in the middle of the town square to prove the point that he ruled with an iron hand. During the time that his rule the golden goblet laid there unmolested.


so the next time your down or sad, remember you do not have a huge spear sticking out your back end.

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