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Incase you havent heard yet, the students at waterloo univ. were quite surprised when the substitute teacher by the name of Bill Gates walked through the doors of their classroom and presented a lecture on.... whatever it was that he presented a lecture about, still waiting for video to be released, read more about it here: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20051013/billgates_waterloo_20051013/20051013?hub=Canada


I have my own thoughts as to what would happen if he ever does that in my college, but if you had a question that you could ask him, what would it be?


and no something like "If a tree falls in a forest and noone is around to hear it, how long would it take a spider monkey on a wooden leg to recite the pledge of allegiance backwards in Berber and then do it again , this time the right way in Gothic" would not be the greatest one, althoug it would be funny.


Also what do you think about that entire Bill, college thing?

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