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Do you think that there are other lifeforms in our universe?

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A good question I would say.


I personally believe that yes, there is other life in other planets. The universe is so damn big and I think that there are conditions in other planets to develop lifeforms. Not exactly like us, obviously, but intelligent life, nonetheless.


Anyway, what do you think?


Hi there, Edge old buddy old pal, and welcome to Hypography - the place to ask questions and expect sensible answers.


Myself, I think there are plenty planets with life, seeing as life (in my honest-to-goodness personal opinion) is just a function of a host of chemicals floating around in a supporting soup.


But that being as it may, you've just stirred a pot of discussion that's burnt itself to a crisp around here. I recommend you go through the threads, 'cause this specific topic have been covered more than Nixon tried with Watergate.


But besides - the aliens are among us. Stuff more alien than we can imagine actually inhabits planet Earth. I reckon if a random alien species decides to park off somewhere in the middle of Central Park, we're gonna have a hard time deciding whether it's Earthlife, or alien.


We actually know zip about what's happening on the seafloor, like, 70% of our planet's surface, yet we wanna go colonize Mars.


Martians - unite!


Are we talking intelligent life?


Personally I believe that there is only life on earth as God put it there. I suppose that life could have been transfered from earth into the universe after that happened, say by a satellite, but I don't believe life evolved elsewhere.


yes, probability is on lifeforms side :hihi: with such a large universe its bound to occur elsewhere. What im more interested in is where is the closest life to us, I wonder if its even in our galaxy??


Yes. I don't think our solar system is that original.


But when you think of the millions of species that are on earth, only one is intelligent enough and humanoid enough to communicate and possibly travel in space, So maybe being humanoid is fairly original.


(Maybe this is a good time to ask Boerseun to tell his UFO story :cup: )






Personally I believe that there is only life on earth as God put it there. I suppose that life could have been transfered from earth into the universe after that happened, say by a satellite, but I don't believe life evolved elsewhere.

Isn't it possible that God put life on other planets in other solar systems as well as here on Earth?


I refuse to answer!


I know this much:

My intuition tells me that; Nope, it only us.

My mathematical skill tells me; Its extremely probable that its something out there.

My logic tells me; What has happened on earth could "easily" happen somewhere else.


This is one of those question I choose to believe that we are alone until the opposite is proved.


I strongly doubt that there is intelligent life "out there", actually I often doubt that there is intelligent life on earth, but I´m not here to spoil your fun. But its only reasonable to conclude that there is some form of life (bacteria etc.) out there. That might be how we got here, anyway. A meteor with bacteria hits earth, conditions are good, life flourish. Sounds so easy, does it not?

I refuse to answer!


If I may make an observation, I think this next quote summarizes your position auto............;


I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of.


....................................Clarence Darrow


Quite right. I am self-conscious of my ignorance or lack of sophistication when it comes to a lot of topics, but I still like to contribute with the little I know. Thats why we end up with the self-contradictionary statement at the beginning there (which I hoped nobody would notice), in relation to the rest. But everybody guesses when it comes to intelligent life on other planets. In opposition to a lot of other things which has one side which is highly probable, this one is a close race. Its not an overwhelming probability for the one or the other to be true. Since its so close I do not have any reason to take a side. (But I doubt its anybody out there anyway.)

PS: I have found myself in the highly dubious position where I do pretend to know what wise men doubt.



But really, aren´t we also aliens if we just change our perspective?


no, that is a very crude equation that is more probability with guess work than actual parameters. Also when we ask the question of other lifeforms and not necessarily intellegent ones the variables in the equation change.

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