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  Edge said:

It's in your constitution. If that were the case, then we should also legalize polygamic marriages and the such.


I don't see what the big deal is with polygamy, I mean if it's between adults and it's a part of their religion anyway, what's the big deal? Does it hurt anyone else?

  Edge said:
Marriage is a religious institution, leave it to the churches of each religion to decide. Where's the separation between church and state on that? So, the church does not give me help then the government should... :confused:.


You're still claiming a monopoly on marriage. However, my point was that marriage existed prior to every single one of the modern religions. Can you prove that marriage is related to religion? In many cultures it is a political and power-related affair, and this has been true for many, many years (as long as we have records).


What is your evidence, apart from your presonal religious view, that marriage is a religious institution?


I can see no problem with allowing people to do have the freedoms to do anything that does no harm to another. Because someone doesn't like it...get over it. I really don't like what many chirches do, but it is their right to do so, so I wil argue in foavor of their freedoms to do what they like within the bounds of the constitution. Outside of that document, rest of the laws are inconsequiential. They are ephemora to the law that will be used then discarded over time.


I really don't see the judeo-chistian right rallying behind the banning of divorce... Maybe that's a sin that they like and don't want to loose it. Morals have no relevance to law. It should be based on logic and therefore ethics.


  Dictionary.com said:
mor·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (môrl, mr-)


Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character:


eth·ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thk)



A set of principles of right conduct.


Note the use of subjective ideals of "goodness and badness" in the def. of moral.

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