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I realize this is only my 3rd post here but bear with me.


Why dont ALL schools teach Creationism (of all religions) in Social studies where it belongs, and Evolutionism in Science where it belongs?


Better yet, Make it an elective so if kids dont want to listen to it they dont have to.


All this bickering in school districts is driving me crazy. Teach both and let the kids decide. :shrug:


That might change if they are exposed evenly to both though.


I was lucky and didnt have parents that pushed on thing or another, and i got to make a decision for myself on that.


Thats ok, but I'm now catholic - not by choice, its not like it really matters to me but the choice while mine was made at 12yo as if im going to say no when my parents peers teachers are all behind me pushing for it


If we taught ID and evolution in schools at a young age the small children will prefer ID. It is more like God, Santa Claus, etc., which are things they can more easily relate too. Evolutionary theory would be more difficult to comprehend. But as the children become older there would be a swap childhood dreams for something more logical. The ideal would be their trying to find a brdge between the two.


Im not saying at a younge age, Sorry i didnt explain that more, I mean in highschool. Here in alaska the highschoolers i think are required to take science thru to their juinor year, and social studies thru to their senior.

Its a good idea in theory. The problem with religion is that its heriditary. Because the kids are most likely to young to make the decision themselves their parents will make it for them.

Yes but in the soultion proposed by lemon this hereditarity isn't a problem, simply because he proposed the creationism of all religions to be taught. A kind of general history of religion; that would seem a good idea to me.


i was exposed to church and Sunday school every week. i went from belief to atheism, to agnosticism, to a belief in a creator, not the God of Christianity or religion. the purpose of many is to obliterate that chance to decide for yourself. the leftists, media and other misguided sycophants would deny this process of growth to our children. a totally secular society would tend to fall apart since there is no high authority to fear. the leftists are busy at work creating this very condition. one must wonder what the reward will be.

a totally secular society would tend to fall apart since there is no high authority to fear.

Oh, so you only do good because you are afraid of hell? Is God an illusion to control masses? What do you mean with that?


If you really behave good because you are afraid of hell then you aren't a good person, you are just afraid. Same goes with society. Australia is the most atheistic country and I don't see them falling apart.

a totally secular society would tend to fall apart since there is no high authority to fear.


I highly doubt that, only two of the comandments are Laws. (the prohibitions on murder and theft) apply to American law. The other commandments, such as honoring no god before the Judeo-Christian God, keeping the Sabbath holy, or honoring thy mother and thy father, are not American laws at all. In answer to the suggestion that a divine moral authority is necessary. "Couldn't we just get together and agree on the few basic [Commandments] that are laws? Like 'Don't steal my ****, and i wont kill you.'" -Bill Maher


Edge, where do you think your morals came from? i'm talking about the origin of morality.

what is the percentage of atheists in Australia? were they brought up as atheists or did they convert? are the laws of the country based upon atheism? does religion play any part in the society?


Lemon, maybe you should read the commandments more carefully. there is considerably more there than you have indicated. in fact if you read the Bible, it addresses almost all aspects of the ideas we call morals. if morality has a different source than religion please tell me what it is.

Edge, where do you think your morals came from? i'm talking about the origin of morality.

Common sense and emphaty.


There was a golden rule created many years ago before the main religions were created:


"Treat others as you want to be treated".


Of course they later were redefining those standards.


And if you think that laws come from religion then chances are that you are pretty naive. Laws are not based on morals, they are based on natural rights and the safety of people. You don't see a law that goes against having 2 girlfriends, a law against watching porno by yourself, a law requiring to worship a god, etc.


I just don't see what the big freakin' deal is for people to have their kids taught the non-science theories of the creation of the universe in church. Our (US) country is built on the idea of separation of church and state, if you don't like it, then go somewhere else (sorry to sound like a jerk here). If you want your kid taught creationism, choose a church that will teach your religion's version of it, same goes for ID. If you don't believe in evolution or anything else they teach in your kid's school, then it's your right and your obligation as a parent to talk about it with your kid. For instance, my kid is 5, and her teacher told her that in the winter time, trees go to sleep, that's why their leaves fall off. I don't go crazy and call the school, I just explain to her why it really happens and tell her that her teacher tells her this way because she thinks it will be easier to understand. I know my kids and know they are smart enough to understand things. Just be a responsible parent and teach your kids outside of school too, if you just don't have the time to talk to your kids, you shouldn't have them in the first place.

I just don't see what the big freakin' deal is for people to have their kids taught the non-science theories of the creation of the universe in church

I have no problem with this, I only have a problem with non-scientific theories being taught in science classes.

where do you think your morals came from?

I took a class where we studied exclusively moral philosophy. Religion, while proposing moralities, is not the only source. There are many theories - that action which makes you the happiest is moral, that action which could reasonably be used as a mandate for all people in a given situation is the most moral, that action which allows for the greatest amount of happiness and/or the least amount of unhappiness for all people is the most moral. What religion does better than philosophy is tell us why we should be moral - out of fear or punishment, or desire for reward.

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