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Beaker, I only ask what you base your beliefs on. Why don't you think God cares about the semantics? Have you studied the Bible from front to back and not found any reason to believe that God wants to be worshipped in a particular way? Did you not find any scripture that says that he is a jealous God, demanding exclusive devotion? Or are you the type of person that doesn't necessarily believe the Bible is inerrant as Irish put it? Not getting defensive here, just wondering what you think?




I can't speak for Beaker, but I can make an educated guess at what he's thinking. :)


I think he's trying to say that a lot of the differences that relgions or denominations make such a big deal about will not matter nearly as much to God. While I can certainly understand this attitude, I don't wholly agree with it. however, i don't wholly disagree either. Ambiguous enough? Shall I explain?

don't mind if I do...

People make so many distinctions regarding religion, each person having almost their very own brand of Christianity. That's actually a pretty valid argument that atheists often use "Christianity, the religion of one". Many people pick and choose what they want to adhere to from the Bible, following the parts with which they agree, and discarding the rest. Very few people, or groups, actually take the Bible as a whole and preach from it, or live by it.

While I do believe that there is only one path to salvation, and into Heaven, there are many things that my church teaches that other churches do not. Some churches place a very high value on tradition, holding tradition on the same level as Scripture. Some churches believe that Baptism is required for salvation. The list is almost endless.

Anyhow, I think that Beaker is trying to say that while we may find our own sticking points, God will likely laugh at how big we have widened the gaps between us. I believe that there will be many people of increasingly different deniminations in Heaven. I think that they will all have some things in common, and will have many different beliefs on doctrine.

However, as this particular discussion is not about the denominations, nor their respective differences, I will put a halt to any further descriptions for now. I would very much like to see this particular point discussed at length in the very near future, but I ask that anyone interested please wait just a bit to open up a new thread. The reasons for this request will very soon become apparent. Surprises are in store, friends, and I can hardly wait to share them!! ;)

Religious nuts are the ones who want to make their Bible, Koran, etc. the law.

in that case, the founding fathers of america are religious nuts.

the ten commandments in court houses

Yes, people with absolutely no respect for America or what it represents. People who want to force their ways on other people and disregard the freedoms that our founding fathers believed that we should have.

what do you think america represents?

the founding fathers, of america, believed everyone should have the right to not be a catholic, if that is what they wanted.


The founding fathers did not want to make the bible the law, they were pro-freedom of religion, meaning you can worship God in any way that you want, they were not for forcing people to believe what they believed. Goku, you are pretty blind when it comes to American history too it seems. George Washington was a Mason, as were many of the founding fathers, they believe that all men should be free to worship God in their own way and should not tell others how to worship or what to believe.

Beaker, I only ask what you base your beliefs on. Why don't you think God cares about the semantics? Have you studied the Bible from front to back and not found any reason to believe that God wants to be worshipped in a particular way? Did you not find any scripture that says that he is a jealous God, demanding exclusive devotion?...



May I jump in? I was raised to be a religious nut. I trained to be a preacher. In my late 20's, I decided to spend the summer reading the Bible straight through as many times as I could. I took notes. I looked for answers to certain questions. And I found that the Bible itself is the best reason not to believe in God. If God exists, he/she/it is an incompetent writer of scripture. The errors and contradictions were too much for even MY fundementalist background. And why would I want to worship a God that was "jealous" and had other serious personality disorders?

Carry on!!! :)

The founding fathers did not want to make the bible the law, they were pro-freedom of religion, meaning you can worship God in any way that you want,

that's what i said

i know that there are nuts out there, but, most are not religious.

jesse jackson is definitely a nut, he also claims to be religious :)

;) maryln manson:evil: is definitely a nut, but, is he religious?

in that case, the founding fathers of america are religious nuts.

the ten commandments in court houses


Excuse me. That is revisionist history. The founding fathers of America, (Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Monroe, et al) were only two generations away from the religious warfare, slaughter and carnage that drove so many people out of Europe. They knew what happened when you mix religion and politics--Bloodshed. They understood that there is no room for "compromise" in dogmatic religion; there is no room for "dogma" in constitutional democracy.


There is a move afoot to rewrite American history to have our founding fathers all be born-again christians who intended this to be a Biblical nation. Nothing could be farther from the truth.


The 10 Commandments didn't appear as monuments around courthouses until the early 1950's, mostly as a publicity stunt for the movie of the same name.


Carry on!!!


May I jump in? I was raised to be a religious nut. I trained to be a preacher. In my late 20's, I decided to spend the summer reading the Bible straight through as many times as I could. I took notes. I looked for answers to certain questions. And I found that the Bible itself is the best reason not to believe in God. If God exists, he/she/it is an incompetent writer of scripture. The errors and contradictions were too much for even MY fundementalist background. And why would I want to worship a God that was "jealous" and had other serious personality disorders?

Carry on!!! :)


Pyro, I don't think the bible, with all of its contradictions is a reason to not believe that God exists. He is not the writer of these stories, just the inspiration for them. Blame bad writers, and don't forget that many of the stories were recorded and passed on between villages before they ever became officially written as the bible, you know what word of mouth does to a story.

Pyro, I don't think the bible, with all of its contradictions is a reason to not believe that God exists. He is not the writer of these stories, just the inspiration for them. ....


Well, you have a case there. But...


If the Bible was written by barbarian scribes from a semi-nomadic, post Bronze Age tribe of goat herders and fig pluckers, then you would expect to get something kinda like the Old Testament.


However, the purported God claims the OT as "his" word. So, to take it on face value, the evidence for God is his word, but his word is no more coherent, just or logical than one would expect of the tribe described above. One goes around in a circle, don't you see?


Either the Bible reflects the existence of a morally perfect god, or it reflects the morals of a tribe of humans who thought that slaughtering cities wholesale was a pretty neat idea.


And if the Bible was the best job of inspiration that God could do,... well... worship is really out of the question. And this comes from someone raised in the Church of Christ. We looked down on Baptists as liberal heathens.



And if the Bible was the best job of inspiration that God could do,... well... worship is really out of the question. And this comes from someone raised in the Church of Christ. We looked down on Baptists as liberal heathens.



Oh, is that the mormon thing? I don't really know anything about mormons, other than that I've read that they believe that God was a normal person on another planet then he built a space ship and came to earth and became a god, I don't know if that's truly what they believe though. Anyway, to think that a baptist is a liberal is to think that hitler was a humanitarian. :)

And why would I want to worship a God that was "jealous" and had other serious personality disorders?


I am not quite sure that I see the problem with this. If you were married, would you be jealous if your wife slept with another man? I think that would only be natural. To some extent I think that love and jealousy come together. But i haven't really thought this through too much yet.


Out of curiousity, what were your main complaints about the bible? Also, why did you choose to use King James? It seems like there are much more accurate translations availible, but again, i could be wrong.

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