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We can start with quoting...


If you want to quote something, there are a few options. First, tell me how you usually initiate a new post. Do you use the 'Quick reply' box, do you click on 'quote' at the bottom of a post, or do you use the 'New Reply' button near the top of the page?


Thank you again, Turtle. I see that you've become my Hero today!


TRP, you ARE important. Every member is. And every member deserves that chance to learn these things. I would not be doing my job as an Administrator if I saw you struggling and did nothing to help.


Turtle is correct in his explanation of multiple quotes. As you correctly used the "Quote" button to form a reply, you see how you can use an entire post as a quote. You can also use only a portion of a post ina quote. Besides using the formatting tags Turtle mentioned, (quote) text here (/quote) .... where you should use [brackets] instead of (parens) to get the desired effect... You can also do the following:


In any type of reply that you choose, (either the 'New Reply' - whose button is located near the top left, directly over the first post that apprears on the page, the 'Quote' - whose button is located near the bottom right of every post; or the 'Quick reply' - whose button looks like two downward-facing arrows directly to the right of the 'Quote' button) you can add multiple quotes from different members or sources.


If you look at the top of the box into which you are typing your text, you should see many different function buttons, including a "B" (for Boldface text), an "I" (for Italicized text), a "U" (for Underlined text), an "A" with a line under it (to vary the color of your text), a globe with a chain link around it (For adding a Hyperlink to you text), a picture with what looks like mountains (for adding an image to your text), and something that looks like the bubble above the head of a cartoon character (that puts your text in quote boxes-not done here).

If you highlight the portion of your response the you want to be put in a quote box, then click on that cartoon character bubble, your text should be wrapped in quote tags.

I just demonstrated that by actually doing it. The other functions that I mentioned are completed in the same manner. Simply highlight the text that you want changed, and then click on the function button. This is a very simple way to ensure that you always get the functions correct, as there is really very little opportunity for committing any errors in formatting this way. If you highlight the text, and use the function buttons, you will never be guilty of leaving of a bracket on the end (or beginning of) of a quote tag (quote]which would result in a quote that doesn't work, like the one I'm showing now


Anyhow, hope this helps for quotes. Please feel free to use this thread to try out any of the functions. Let me know what else you need help with, ok?


To get this:

I still don't understand how a series of

can be included in the same post, as is often accomplished by others.


you write this:


I still don't understand how a series of

can be included in the same post, as is often accomplished by others.


To get this :









you write this:








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