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Walking Stick & The Turtle discuss Total Field Theory

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Dear Reader:


(refer, TOTAL FIELD THEORY, for posterity, for as long as their are books, moniter screens and people to read and write them...)


Below is some retroactively - anachronistic - material (the beginning post of which is redundant, but places the Reader back in the previous actual time and is promptly followed by previously withdrawn, unposted or private messages) - that spiritually and temporally oscillate from the ethereally sublime to the misanthropically ridiculous...


Messages follow (below) that preceded, the above message to "Dear Readers and certainly Mr orbsycli". the latter of whom deposited - and then withdrew (alas, at the tone, the U.S. Naval Observatory time will be exactly <Beeep>: Too late...).

There are also a few private and public messages from my Dear Friends, Turtle, and Infamous; who transmitted in the interim between obsycli's last (since, self-deleted) post (captured and re-deposited, below: you didn't really think you were getting out of Alligator Park in Angola, Louisiana, that easily did you, orbsycli, GAHD, and all of your blasphemously GodForsaken, 45+ year chain of ever 3-dimensionally accumulating pestofile packed boxcars, did you?

Please say 'High', to Richard Robertson V, and Superior Court Judge Arthur Danner III, and all of his accessories - shot & fragged, through-and-through - at every level of Santa Cruz County, California government: for my massively defiled nieces, my manslaughtered Mother and beloved Stepfather, and, my crazymaking ROFACO cabal-*immolated, 28 year old nephew, Douglas Robertson (* Soaked himself in gasoline in his father's North Hollywood condominium garage, and exploded in his mother's adjacent kitchen, 11 September 1990), for me, won't you...<You - all - will, anyway. Time has come today. <"So you think you can tell, heaven from hell, the train from the rail and the Holy Grail, the graz from yer az, the oxymoron from the non-sequitur, gravity from electromagnetism, the large from the small, the culpability from you all, the particle from the field and the waveicle. So you think you can tell, heaven from hell..." - Paraphrased, P'ink Freud>)


(TO WHOM IT WILL EVENTUALLY CONCERN: What you may have deliberately or inadvertantly missed, while you were OUT TO LUNCH <on yer own quivering haunches?>...)


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That Rascal Puff (Online)


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Total Field Theory - Yesterday, 03:32 AM




1/8/05 Monday


[b *'Total Field Theory'.[/b]

Among Einstein's cohorts and contemporaries *this was a fairly currencied term, though there is no such eo facto title, per se, of any work known to this record. Consequently advised by several knowledgeable people to initiate a TOTAL FIELD THEORY thread as a SciForums landing zone for germane discussions, questions, repercussions, answers, diatribes and science scribes, augmentations, disqualifications, critiques 'n obliques; etceteras.


(May we all be chrono-spatial agronomists, outstanding in our fields?)


There are innumerable information resources on this subject via google, wikipedia and what have you (What you have). Whomever cares to harvest cogent informations from wherever is certainly welcome to deposit whatever gems may be seperated from the chaff (please be sure to properly accredit whatever source of information).


A Home Page reference relating to this thread as TOTAL FIELD THEORY, is accessible on the menu at http://forums.delphiforums.com/kaiduorkhon's forums, where (I think?) you may check in by clicking on 'My forums' in the upper left hand corner and check it out as a 'Guest' (to select TOTAL FIELD THEORY from the menu).


Home page 2: http://einstein.periphery.cc/


http://forums.delphiforums.com/kaiduorkhon's forums"]http://einstein.periphery.cc/



Lots of people know a good thing,

the moment the other fellow sees it first.


- Anon


Last edited by That Rascal Puff : Yesterday at 03:49 AM.


That Rascal Puff

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orbsycli (Online)


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Re: Total Field Theory - Yesterday, 03:36 AM




hey there rascal,

as this forums moderator, you know...the bartender... i feel compelled to let you know that there is already a thread about total field theory started in the lounge already!

maybe this thread is different, i dont know! Im just the guy.

anyways, if you didnt know it was there...you should check it out.

and i will gleefully burn this thread to the ground, amidst.

(*"For those who place their faith in fire, in fire their faith shall be repaid." - IRON BUTTERFLY. *= Puff's editorial inserts <*Refer: FIRE IN THE LAKE and BACKLASH, by Frances Fitzgerald and Susan Faludi, respectively.)




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Yesterday, 12:44 PM

That Rascal Puff



That Rascal Puff (Online)


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Re: Alternative Total Field Theory - Yesterday, 12:44 PM




Thank you very much, orbsycli.

I was unaware there was another thread of the TOTAL FIELD THEORY title.

Hopefully this 'Alternative' qualification will suffice to deter any obliteration of my post, which proves to be a noteworthy trend in any number of http://www.net sectors. May it be considered that, the issued subject has been my life's work since 1957, under the title Gravity Is The 4th Dimension/The New Gravity/Extraterrestrial Physics 101, and that there are ten published copyrights, ranging from 1959 to 2005..

It has to do with finding phenomenological theoretical and hypothetical particle and wave considerations, different manifestations having the same causal identity, and that the apparent 'dualism' of continuity and discontinuity is functionally apocryphal.

I may only hope - and I certainly do respectfully request - that you do not extirpate, expunge or otherwise purge this post. 'Total field theory' is not by any means a new conceptual approach to or applied term for physical reality - space-time - at large; though there may be such titles, per se, I am unaware of them. It is likely that I and hopefully others may learn from the other post you speak of and that its author and myself may co-exist in reciprocal edification.


That Rascal Puff

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infamous (Offline)


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Re: Alternative Total Field Theory - Yesterday, 09:29 PM





Originally Posted by That Rascal Puff


May it be considered that, the issued subject has been my life's work since 1957, under the title Gravity Is The 4th Dimension/The New Gravity/Extraterrestrial Physics 101, and that there are ten published copyrights, ranging from 1959 to 2005..



It most certainly is considered Puff...........good to see you back in the fray....................Infy





Tolstoy wrote; "men only learn when they're suffering". The question is; how much do you want to learn?



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Turtle (Offline)


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Re: Total Field Theory - Today, 01:00 AM





Originally Posted by That Rascal Puff



Among Einstein's cohorts and contemporaries (certainly including the magnificent Max Planck) *this was a fairly currencied term, though there is no such eo facto title, per se, of any work known to this record. Consequently advised by several knowledgeable people to initiate a TOTAL FIELD THEORY thread as a SciForums landing zone for germane discussions, questions, repercussions, answers, diatribes and science scribes, augmentations, disqualifications, critiques 'n obliques; etceteras.



(Turtle speaks of the above quote he placed)

___I have stolen away while some paint dries, as I do care to try again to discuss the geometry of the physics of Gravity is the 4th dimension with That Rascal Puff & others who have actually read the exposition. I have read the works several times, & I found it cogent & in-line with some of Buckminster Fuller's geometry as well as my own research in Katabataks (residue & congruence theory).

___I wish to discuss how residues may represent the cyclic nature of the field (unified, total, etc. ) as described by Mr. Robertsons work.

___Nothing more; nothing less.




Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is fuel. - Roger Thelonious George (*Aka, 'Turtle').





- Poof


(*"Whose gonna make the next mistake? :) Whose gonna drive the big chrome three wheeler on down to Fire Lake." :) - The Eagles )





A little low decibel, reduced volume orthogonally quadraphonic traveling music, Maestro:

(Seque to Rudolph Holtz', THE PLANETS - Mars <If you please?>)


While we are enjoying the provided



"If the red slayer thinks he has slain, and the slain think themselves slain, they know not well, the subtle ways, I keep, and hold, and turn again."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, BRAHMA.


"There's only one thing worse than a pestophile.

And, that's a pestophile that blames it on someone else.

There's only one thing as bad as a pestophile that blames it on someone

else, and, that is, all the 'people' who help him do it."

- Kent Benjamin Robertson


"Kill a man, and you are called a murderer.

Kill millions of men, and you are called a conqueror.

Kill everyone, and you may gamely call yourself GAHD."

- Jean Rostand (Paraphrased)



"I've tried not to let fabulous fame and good fortune spoil me."

- Kent Benjamin Robertson


"If Moses - or Copernicus - had been a committee, the Israelites, and the 'scientific community', would still be in Egypt, and, upon a flat square earth, with the obedient universe revolving around it."

- J.D. Hughes & K.B. Robertson



"I shot him 12 times.

In two short bursts.

Belly to brisket.

Dorsal pelvis to cross-cut clavicle.

He removed his eye glasses in slow surprise.

Raised his arm, hand and index digit in my direction.

And fell straight down, as though the sky had fallen upon him.

How do you like your blue eyed boy, Mr. Death?

Over easy, out of space-time and fresh outta breath?"

- Lawrence - 'City of Lights' - Ferlinghetti &

Molly Keyboard MacColley (The most formidable

counteroffensive weapon in el mundo).


"Raised out of the water off the shallow lake bottom.

By the arm of one mighty man - glad he got'em.

He said: 'Jesus. Don't Kill me!"

Mighty Native American Indian serenely replied:

"I'm not Jesus"; grabbed his hair with the free hand.

And snapped his neck aside."

- Mystic Horse

(Aka KaiduOrkhon, The White Mongol)


"Show me a true hero - or heroine - and I will show you a true male or female martyr, or a sandwich and a shot of skag." - K. B. Robertson



"You can hear about a milliion atrocities.


You can talk about 26 million atrocities.

(Ho hum)

But, you need experience only one.

(There is no personal God)

I had already lost count when I was 21."

- GRUNT, by K. B. Robertson


"Are you not entertained?

Are you not entertained?

That's what you came here for, isn't it?"

- Marcus Decimus Meridius


"The swiftness of the Ranger is still talked about, today."

- Marty Robbins/ Johnny Cash


(Loving it. Strike the set?)


:messenger :) :D


To Whom It Inescapably Concerns:

Fear not the reaper.

The sceptre of Zeus will find you in good time.




"Is anyone there? Anyone at all..."

- The last radio transmitted words in the film,



We now return the horizontal, vertical, tint,

contrast & blasphemous deity-box,

to resume our irregular

- not altogether predictable -

alternately colorful hi-resolution and

deeply snowed black n' white

broadcasting schedule.


(All those channels. All those autonomously liberated choices?)




(Are we adequately diverted and amused, yet?)


- Foop


Thank you for perusing this (thesbian kubuki?) Miss Isle.

Er, I mean missive?>



"Is anyone there? Anyone at all..."

- The last radio transmitted words in the film,



___Yes, I'm still here. I stepped out to paint awhile & ponder all this talk & no-talk. Slipperyer than snot on a porcelein doorknob though when it comes to me trying to get to the crux of my interest which is the description of the unified field.

___By hook or by crook, all my efforts so far thwarted. May I presuppose to state my intent in all this? "Yes of course Turtle." As if I needed prompting. To whit, I recently started reading Fuller's Synergetics & started a thread here to discuss the work, which is lengthy, deep thought material. Then, I stumble on Gravity is the 4th dimension, which is all of some 60 pages or so, but also deep thought material. The join of the 2 works, is a 6-fold geometric composed of tensegretic units & describes gravity, time, & space in terms of those units.

___Uniquely in the case of Gravity is the 4th dimension, the author unlike Fuller (Tribtab) is not dead, even though his first edition precedes Fuller's Synergetics. I hoped to garner factual understanding through discussion on the pertinent issues without superfluous piffle; if that is not possible I have my usual routine of reading deep thought material & drawing my own conclusions. :rolleyes:

___Oh yes...the matter of Katabataks in all this. The fact of the matter is, Hypography is the only place anyone may read my research as it is the only place I have written about it. I have no notes of it beyond graphs & lists of numbers, that is to say the only explanation of what the graphs & lists represent is here at Hypography in the Physics & Math Forum. Succinctly it is a method of residues/congruence mapping that reveals previously unexplored arithmetic constructs in counting. In regard to the 6-fold unified field, I believe Katabataks has one or more rigorous constructs that apply. I have read others deep thought works & understood them in relation to my own; please all do me the courtesy of the same behavior.:)

SIZE="1]ob[/size]viously matter is not expanding[/b]).


First, some particular questions, respectfully addressed to orbsycli:

As you may recall, sir. Perhaps less than 48 hours ago (present time actual, 10 January 06, Tuesday, 1809 hrs., EST, U.S.A.), I commenced a thread here in Hypography’s ‘Lounge’. I initially entitled it ‘TOTAL FIELD THEORY’, as may be observed, ut supra; in situ. A short time later you responded, with a reminder that a thread entitled ‘TOTAL FIELD THEORY’, was already underway, here in the Lounge threads, and, as I understand your missive, that you were of a mind to obliterate my work here, with ‘glee, by fire. Amidst.’






Aside from the above (philosophically tentative?) concerns, what we - my constructively united multiple personalities, and a modest number of friends and lovers (especialmente mi esposa y ninos, y las ninos de ellos?) - thank you for, is, in your impositionally employed misspelling of the word ‘but’: you have indeed reminded this record of a graphic pattern - geometric example - of what is directly cogent to TOTAL FIELD THEORY. That being (Epsilon), what empowers a Rocky Mountain ranging ram, for example, to butt adversarial and/or competitive elements. Namely the horns of a ram.


More specifically, the structure and geometrical shape of a ram’s horn (Such as might be sculpturally and metalurgically exampled on the frontal portion of the hood of a DODGE Ram (Tough - ‘The rules have changed’) truck, for example. Not unlike those improvised to effect hot air activated long range signals for tactical purposes of war, peace and love (sometimes related to textbook cold sweats and nightmares?); of Biblical renown, relative to the Old & New Religious Testaments.


Should you care to proffer aural sensory vigilance to a visual-typographical as well as *phonic signal series (*when read, incantationally recited - or melifluously sung - aloud) - improvising the issue of the marvelously timely, exemplary spatial structure and geometrically thought provoking shape of a ram’s horn (and like structures & geometric icons): please be comfortable and perhaps stand up or lie down for a stretch, maybe trot up the aisle or around the corners of your domicile, for some gourmet or Native American innovated popcorn, while the inspirational issue initiated by yourself, is transformed into a more cognate discussion about total field theory (Also suitable for discussions on ‘infinity’ and many other, sometimes unexpectedly related capital issues, most of which ancillaries appear in various locations all over the realm of Hypography Science Forums ?).


... Like, the near future findings of Harvard’s Professor Lisa Randall, who is scheduled to join some of her peers at the world’s most powerful ‘particle’ accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, sometime in 2007 AD; where, word is from Buffy, Turtle, Tormod, Irish Eyes and Infamous, that any number of formerly unidentified - as many as 10 or more dimensions of physical reality may be found, recognized and identified, when she and a very few others commence efforts to disassemble protons with the sceptre of 7 trillion volts...


This record looks forward to these forthcoming possibilities; advising Professor Randall only in the matter of modification regarding her perspective of gravity as a ‘weak force’; progressing to recognized microcosmic strong forces as manifestations of universal gravitation at relatively earlier moments of the A B C progressing 4-D space time continuum < Imagine that. ...Einstein’s Presently Abandoned Unified Field, reinstated, w’out Mathematics).



Please allow an Intermission at this point, that someone else may have something to say, before the momentarily restive panel rallies for yet another tribute to your prosaic allowance to ‘carry on gentlemen’.

(No women allowed? <What ever happened to Ashura?> Whose thread is this, anyway?) ((Just axing?)) (((‘Schwing!’?)))


[“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it’s the only one we have; particularly when it originated with someone else.” - Alain-Robertson[/b][/b]




- Poof


___Sorry if I'm late; but then who expects an early turtle anyway?

___I have added the red to the nut in the quoted material above. In short, time is faster in the past & slower in the future, wave action in a field no different but by dimension than ripples from a pebble thrown into still water. Continuing inward faster & shorter ,and outward slower & longer, while every where continuing the field.

___Now inasmuch as the spiral you have described is equi-angular, and that angle is 90 degress (the right angle), the matter of the lengths comes to the head & the tail as it were to determine the spirals shape. Is the ratio of length from one dimension to another consistant, such as Phi with Fibonacci numbers, or do the length ratios change between each adjoining pair of dimensions? :rolleyes:

___Sorry if I'm late; but then who expects an early turtle anyway?

___I have added the red to the nut in the quoted material above. In short, time is faster in the past & slower in the future, wave action in a field no different but by dimension than ripples from a pebble thrown into still water. Continuing inward faster & shorter ,and outward slower & longer, while every where continuing the field.

___Now inasmuch as the spiral you have described is equi-angular, and that angle is 90 degress (the right angle), the matter of the lengths comes to the head & the tail as it were to determine the spirals shape. Is the ratio of length from one dimension to another consistant, such as Phi with Fibonacci numbers, or do the length ratios change between each adjoining pair of dimensions? :rolleyes:




There's a lot of questions with as many answers in the translation of the structural geometry and dynamics at issue, here.

I'm not sure of the import of your question. Off hand I tend to think that what you call 'the length ratios', are very apparently changing between each adjoining - continguous - sequential series (rather than 'pair'?) of dimensions. As I understand your inquiry, it's another approach to observing acceleration -- There are four 90o quadrants per whole system. The first four are very apparently 'matter'. The 5th and 6th are again, very apparently electricity and magnetism respectively; from there on out I really don't know. Maybe some untapped definition of 'heat' is the seventh 90o quadrant. Then there's the eighth - the seventh and eighth as contiguous with the 5th and 6th combined to generate another 360o whole beyond that of 'mass field particles', then, as the spiral continues there is the 9th 90o quadrant, and the tenth, 90o quadrant - is there an 11th and 12th; are there limitations here before the process of dimensions progresses beyond any of our anticipations of what dimensions beyond six, may be...


I wish I knew how to transmit illustrations to you, I have a series of them I drew in pen and ink and am having difficulty finding anything like them anywhere in google or wikepedia. I'll try to put it in words for the time being and there's a good chance you may find the images that are in my 1979, 627 page edition...

Hey. You know what the 'dimple' shape is in the rubber sheet analogy of so called curvature of space-time. You also know what Riemanniean Geometric shapes are. Rubber sheet dimples and Riemann's standard geometric shape is the basis - but not all - of what I wish for you to consider, here.

You understand the 'involute' shape of the rubber sheet spatial 'dimple' - deeper from the 'surface' and wider at the surface, increasing with mass value of gravitational mass test object.

Now. Consider the simple shavings from a carpenter's plane - the curlicue that is formed in some of the shavings... It's that curlicue involution, where the outermost parameters of the widest circumference of (whatever) Riemannian structure dimple I wish to focus on here... See how the wooden shaving involutely curls into spiraling circles rolling over to move in inverse acceleration proved in the tightening spiral after it's through moving 'upward' as far as it does, before it begins to curl over beneath it's highest point.


That's where I think there may be a shift from macro to micro. That's where I think there's a lot of unharvested information that needs some mathematics to accomodate an accurate descriptive response to this reversal of direction and ever shrinking spiral, after having vectored 'upward' from the narrow bottom of a Riemannian 'tunnel' (in a case of an ever enlarging vector; momentarily disregarding an ever shrinking vector; which is a related discussion as you may already anticipate, in the consideration at hand here, which is the lower 'bottleneck' of the Riemannian structure, in this case moving upward - becoming ever larger, much as the collective petal structure of a blossoming tulip, for example. Whereas, in the geometry I'm thinking of, the tulip petals roll over and move downward and inward. Please let me know if you follow this typographical description.

It seems to me that there's a transition from expansion to contraction here, that there is a self sustaining 'cycle', suggesting a dynamic condition of reciprocal largeness to smallness to largeness to small ness en perpetuatem, here.

Consider this:

The Magnetic field constituting a magnetic dipole. F - magnetic force, rises 'upward' out of the north pole of the charge, rolls around the parameter of the charge and flows into the south pole, this is the reversal of vector, then the force moves 'upward' through the center core of the charge ('particle'), to rise up out of the north pole, roll around the parameter and flow into the south pole, en perpetuatem...

Meanwhile: we may be confident that the entire system at issue here, is omnidirectionally expanding - accelerating - from it's geometric center (the middle of a given electromagnetic charge, or 'particle'.

When we add to this structural dynamic, the relativistic observation that mass value increases with velocity: have we not comprehensively accommodated a self sustaining 4, 5, 6 and more dimensional system of 'standing field (4-D) charge/particle', generating an overtly transient right angle of outgoing or incoming electricity, and outgoing or incoming magnetism. Are not these two vectors forming the same characteristic structure - Re: Maxwell's electromagnetic field, generated by and emanating from a common (apparently 'static', 'non-expanding', 4-D mass-field - a 'standing field'.

There seems to be a systematically tenable self-supplication - a perpetually accelerating omnidirectional motion as the sum total of all these combined outgoing and incoming, radially linear electric and dipole rounded magnetic fields (until furthe notice, electricity and magnetism invariably accompany one another, seeming to be the same entity - something - moving in two different directions, at (at least) two different levels...

Namely, 5-D electricity moves at right angles to 4-D mass, 6-D magnetism moves at right angles to electricity, combined with the motion factor of omnidirectional enlargement of the considered system, en toto. It seems to be captured in Maxwell's equations, and further explained in those of Einstein, insofar as SR establishes mass value increase with velocity, ad infinitum. A true perpetual motion 'machine', without microcosmic beginning or macrocosmic ending: a process -

"The universe is finite (*in space), but, unbounded (*in time)." - Einstein (* asterisked parenthetical inserts by K.B.R.)

When 90o pie charts 7 and 8 are considered extensions of pie charts 5 & 6, what sort of system (somehow - however - comparable to the simultaneously manifest system of a mass particle, constituted of four 90o quadrants, equalling 360o; that disallow any further extrapolation to occur within that geometrically occupied whole entity. All the ensuing right angle 90o pie charts, 5 through 8, form another simultaneously manifest entity? If so, what is the definition of that 2nd, 360 degree system, generated by the first one - the 360o foundational tier.. How are we to comprehend or find a more specific vocabulary beyond the 5th D of electricity, and the 6th of magnetism?

Yes. Turtle. There are some amazing shakes going on with the Phi Fibonacci numbers - The Golden rectangle and the Golden FILL IN HERE. In taking Einstein's 4th D of universal matter seriously, we are empowered to recognized electricity and magnetism as the 5th & 6th dimensions respectively - then there's 7 and eight, but somewhere at or shortly after the exponential extension of those 90o - right angle, categorically accelerating (length ratio changing) - pie charts, the outward process becomes the inward process, ad infinitum: without contradiction. Au contraire, a compoundly dynamic, multi-motion, poly-vectored multi-moment space-time heirarchy of finity at any given spatial moment, and infinity, at any given chronological time. There's a space line and a time line here. In a V shape the space line is the two angles and intersecting lines, open at one end and intersecting at the other. The intersection - as you already have proved to understand - is moment A, and it does not represent 'the end of space', because, it is 4, not 3-dimensional. The 4th dimension being time, which allows us to know that the intersection just keeps getting smaller, forever... The bottom intersection of the V is not any kind of 'beginning', in 4-Dimensions The top most endings of the V are not any kind of ending, because, we live in a 4-D universe. I am confident you get that. Now. Reviewing something else you've proved to understand, consider the V shape with the intersection as earlier, Past moment A, the middle as present Moment B, and the topmost 'endings' as Future moment C. Okay. We also understand that a capital a = (the shape) A. That is, the A B C of Past, Present & Future space-time; in the case of (the structure of) A - the center post represents a spatial value (as occuring at a given - marked, spatial moment in the continuum of time represented by the two, angled, intersecting V shaped straight lines. the middle post in the shape A, occurring at present Moment B, the eternal now that we experience time and space in...


Whereas, furthermore: consider the top most ends of the two straight lines as having reached their maximum up and outward motion in the 'arrow of time', then beginning an involute motion, rolling over out of the top of Riemannian structure, to form a spiraling curlicue back into the microcosms.

I think this is a - however limited - expression of what we're considering in, say, a bar magnet - or any electromagnetic field generating entity/charge/particle/planet/star... Where the dipolar structure of what amounts to an ever expanding - omnidirectionally acclerating torus is at least a portion of the net effect.


Turtle. I'm going to sallie out into cyberspace and see if I can find a diagram, or series of diagrams suitable to and for the descriptive words conveyed here. (You might join in this field trip, yerself. Lemme know, okay?) ((We'll be back,))

- Poof



Please take note that 'negative inertia' - the tendency for a given test object at rest, to remain at rest; offer resistance to any outside forces acting upon it, is accounted for, here. Simply because the test object 'at rest', is not actually at rest at all, it's omnidirectionally acclerating from it's center, continuously generating F = force. All the more true of the earth as it rushes up against the 'at rest' object on the earth's surface.


Even when suspended in deep space, any given physical entity possesses negative inertia, due to 4-D omnidirectional acceleration from its center.

This explanation for the cause of negative inertia, is, to the best of this record's knowledge: unprecedented.


On earth, there's two different motions in opposition to one another. This is also why an object 'at rest' is fulfilling the scientific definition of 'work'; which requires motion, and, in this case, a (4-D omnidirectional) motion that is (otherwise) not accounted for. Moreover: All so called 'standing fields', are omnidirectionally accelerating from their centers - 'just like mass'.


There's a lot more where this came from, and, plenty to go around. What I want to see is what you - and/or however many others who share this knowledge, further realize, hypothesize, theorize and - prove of it... Si.


Hasta tarde.

- Foop





There's a lot of questions with as many answers in the translation of the structural geometry and dynamics at issue, here.

I'm not sure of the import of your question. Off hand I tend to think that what you call 'the length ratios', are very apparently changing between each adjoining - continguous - sequential series (rather than 'pair'?) of dimensions. As I understand your inquiry, it's another approach to observing acceleration

... Now. Consider the simple shavings from a carpenter's plane - the curlicue that is formed in some of the shavings... It's that curlicue involution, where the outermost parameters of the widest circumference of (whatever) Riemannian structure dimple I wish to focus on here... See how the wooden shaving involutely curls into spiraling circles rolling over to move in inverse acceleration proved in the tightening spiral after it's through moving 'upward' as far as it does, before it begins to curl over beneath it's highest point.


That's where I think there may be a shift from macro to micro. That's where I think there's a lot of unharvested information that needs some mathematics to accomodate an accurate descriptive response to this reversal of direction and ever shrinking spiral, ....

Turtle. I'm going to sallie out into cyberspace and see if I can find a diagram, or series of diagrams suitable to and for the descriptive words conveyed here. (You might join in this field trip, yerself. Lemme know, okay?) ((We'll be back,))

- Poof


___First, I like the wood shaving analogy as I spent a good many years as a carpenter in a time when we still used hand planes.:rolleyes: An able carpenter makes many fine-tuning plane judgements concerning the blade sharpness, angle of attack, blade extension through the throat, etc. based soleley on the shape of the curls.

___Anyway, I have one diagram fetched up from Fuller, as well as some accompanying text which describes the (a) spiral as well as possibly getting at the micro/macro "hurdle" you mention.


This link is the source of the quote that follows it:



108.01 Two triangles can and frequently do associate with one another, and in so doing they afford us with a synergetic demonstration of two prime events cooperating in Universe. Triangles cannot be structured in planes. They are always positive or negative helixes. You may say that we had no right to break the triangles open in order to add them together, but the triangles were in fact never closed because no line can ever come completely back into itself. Experiment shows that two lines cannot be constructed through the same point at the same time (see Sec. 517, "Interference"). One line will be superimposed on the other. Therefore, the triangle is a spiral__a very flat spiral, but open at the recycling point.


This link is a diagram:



___Anyway, off to learn more. Turtle:cup:


Companions in the search, Turtle and TRP; If I may interject a thought with regard to the forgoing question about the link between the macro and micro connection. Consider the sphere, from the center to the extremity there exist 6 right angle degrees of freedom. One for each of the 6 dimentionalities suggested to in the forgoing conceptualization. I suggest that these 6 degrees of freedom spiral out from the center and return likewise completing the unity between the macro and micro. I myself have for some time believed there to be 6 fundamental dimensions but not untill Puff described them as the 3 spatial plus gravity, magnetism, and electromagnetism did I see the true connection. Everyone being a right angles to the next, it was a revelation to my thinking. Consider the sphere, the universe thinks in terms of the sphere, just look around the heavens. The evidence is everywhere....................consider the following formula.............((Dia^3 * pi)/ Volume of sphere) is equal to 6............... Infy

Companions in the search, Turtle and TRP; If I may interject a thought with regard to the forgoing question about the link between the macro and micro connection. Consider the sphere, from the center to the extremity there exist 6 right angle degrees of freedom. One for each of the 6 dimentionalities suggested to in the forgoing conceptualization. I suggest that these 6 degrees of freedom spiral out from the center and return likewise completing the unity between the macro and micro. I myself have for some time believed there to be 6 fundamental dimensions but not untill Puff described them as the 3 spatial plus gravity, magnetism, and electromagnetism did I see the true connection. Everyone being a right angles to the next, it was a revelation to my thinking. Consider the sphere, the universe thinks in terms of the sphere, just look around the heavens. The evidence is everywhere....................consider the following formula.............((Dia^3 * pi)/ Volume of sphere) is equal to 6............... Infy




Bravissimo Muchisomo, Senor InfamySteadfast (Aka, Infamous):

We are at-one at this juncture for sure:

"I suggest that these 6 degrees of freedom spiral out from the center and return likewise completing the unity between the macro and micro."


Macro to micro to macro to micro to macro to micro; squared, to infinity (approximately if not somehow specifically comparable to alternating current, if not an alternating definiton of it?):

There's very strong evidence that we're witnessing a self sustaining en perpetuatem system here; likely combined with the SpecRel 'rule' that "mass value increases with velocity". As I non-mathematically perceive it, the ever recycling round trips from center mass to north pole, to upward and outward maximum, to then - reversing directions - curve 'downward' parallel to the center system, to then 'enter' at the 'south pole' to then 'go upward through the center of the system, etceteras, ad infinitums... There seems an implication here that the generally torus shaped structure subjected, may be approximately 'pear shaped' (an upside down pear, or a rightside up pear; oblates spheroid may also be morphologically appropriate here); due to the collective systems omnidirectional expanding acceleration from center, where the flux of kinetic energy is increasing in mass value as it proceeds to take on more mass - not all at once and at every point of the system, but rather at one of what I speculate to be the two most likely locations - where the flux 'whips out of' the northern - topmost - portion of the considered dipole, or, as it 'whips in to' the south ('bottom') end'. The issue I'm trying to profile here, is that possibility that one portion of the system may be at a different stage of development than other portions of the 'simultaneous' field morphology; while the collective system remains in a stable dynamic of general expanding acceleration.


It may be that the - SR -mass-value-increase may occur simultaneously in the entire ongoing torus <the shape of which, as I have commented before, causes some relatively new [however oblique or inadvertant] contemplators of this realm, to hallucinate that they've reinvented the wheel, or, perhaps ventured to re-name the Dunkin' Doughnuts franchise?>; but I tend to think that the process, as a process, is - at any given moment - asymmetrically developmental, and as such, that the ever increasing mass value is manifest - constantly resulting in -an asymmetrical 'standing field'.


(I am using - and innovating - the non-mathematical terminology here, since I am very weak in mathematics. On the other hand, Infmy, and Turtle <and certainly whomever else you invite>, by all means continue your mathematical expressions as you deem appropriate. I don't get much out of them, but, between persons - vital contributors - such as yourselves; you may reveal major breakthroughs via mathematical innovations, insights, and/or translations; about which you may trade ideas and information, and maybe even, somewhere along the line, cause me to understand a lot more of what I 'already knew', that does after all, seem to be the way things proceed in these realms, no? There's all kinds of variations on this theme, which trades off between mathematical expressions and non-mathematical translations, and conversely.

If and when I make contributions, it will be when I find another way of saying what - correct - mathematics correspondingly reflects and confirms.


Whereas: In many cases of avante garde theoretical physics, I am persuaded that the math transcends the comprehension of whatever the mathematical expression is responding to <if the math isn't accurately responding to an existential physical condition, then it's non-metric math and disqualified from correctly representing whatever reality it alludes to. I'm sure you both understand this; just wanted to remindfully review that>. In my harlequin-educated opinion, the extreme value of mathematics still digresses somewhat when the mathematician loses conceptual contact with what the mathematics describes, even when a given formula or series of connected equations are correct...

With few exceptions, in my experienced opinion, theoretical physics has transcended a conceptual grasp of what it's mathematics is alluding to, and sometimes pays the price by proving something that is otherwise not recognized, or, recognized something that is not confirmed - yet - by mathematics; though I do very much respect and recognize the value of mathematics, et al, I am also wary that comprehension is too often disconnected from the mathematical expression of 'what's happening', and/or 'what was, is, or, will be'...


By all means go on with your mathematics my Dear Colleagues, for in that realm I am a waif in a whirlwind; whereas, that whirlwind includes stuff like E=MC2, and as we all understand, that's not really a mathematical formula, that is a mirror of a condition that exists whether the mirror is held up to it or not. My work desperately relies on mathematical translations. On the other hand, I seem most avid in intuitively sounding out and blazing trails via the non-mathematical translation, which is certainly, after all, what the mathematics is literally and figuratively all about...



Not sure if I've made myself clear on the scientific definition of 'work'. There's two axiomatic requirements on that note:


Force - F, and,

Motion - M.


Those who choose to ignore, patronize or rebuke General Relativity (GR <and their rat packing, big bangologist ranks are dilating to increasingly broker a bankrupt 'beginning'>), do not recognize or acknowledge that 'work' is being done in the realm of a given test object 'at rest', on the earth's surface, for example; because, the 3-D cubic-landers (who pay empty, dysfunctional and often resentful - when not flat denial-tainted - homage to the 4th D) have several degrees of inquisitional posturing - piously questioning how effects of gravity can fulfill 'work', since 'gravity is *force - F', but, 'how can it be fulfilling the **motion half of the work equation (F and **M), when 'space time curves' (the cube-landers have no idea what this means either, while maintaining lively criticism of it. Ignorance is one thing, arrogance another; whereas, the often cynically stigmatized 'curvature of space-time' <what else might it be more appropriately generalized as being; while the democratic majority - dominant, anti-scientific paradigm of the so called 'scientific community' continues to impatiently and tenaciously ball park it, that 'obviously matter is not expanding'?> is the omnidirectionally accelerating expansion of the entire physical frame of reference 'bending' itself around a +'descending' object :P <+which is actually ascending, but at a rate increasingly overtaken by the accelerating frame of reference which out-paces the still upward-ascending 'free-falling' test object' :lol: >, which begins to be out-paced the moment it is released into 'free fall' and consequently disconnected from further ongoing inheritance of whatever or whomever is continuous with the radius of the expanding coordinate system it's free falling 'toward')...


This up-lifting and down-drafting, high pressure and partial vacuum innovating roll may require several recon fly-overs, but I think it Sch'wings?


Good to see you in the bouyant parley, InfmyStdfst. You jib is well trimmed and you're making way: swimmingly.


Still on a cyberspace away mission in search of graphically non-verbal illustrations...

(Juggling can be excellent alpha-wave therapy during such search patterns? <Sure is nice to know who yer friends are?> Everyone who knows what that means, means what that knows?)



- Foop


And now this:


A word to the one-up-manship motivated, exhaustive gotcha' gonzo'leers (Venice, your Ordu stressed, desperate sanctuary taking az & other cheap shooitng pee sprayers who would impose upon, harass or threaten this esteemed thread - namely orbsycli ('The universe is shaped like Jazz. Duh' 'Gleefully burn Einstein's historically overlooked, now translated work to the ground' - paraphrased <'bartender guy', is it... Oke.>),



Hard Science,

Cold creation

and a generally pillow case and rap-sheet raimanted, Lon Chaney impostering multitude of - shape changing; morality and rationality shirkers: KaiduOrkhon is not a vindictive persona, whereas, all of you - and a precisely inventoried stock of others like you - are video-audio taped before, during and after casting yourselve's into the yawning Hollywood Guild pit, into the Jaws of History (Re: Hotel HotFurnace - where U can check out at will, but never inherit a moment of leave or departure).


That is. Poof doesn't hold a grudge, whereas Mystic Horse and Keyboard MacColley invariably preclude all altitudes and invariably quantum leap to a higher place from which to pee upon any and all who attempt to place themselves above - or without the justice - of slipping the surley bonds of whatever coordinate system, reaching out, to touch the face of God.


(((The undeniably impressive massive plurality of U: have me now.)))


"Having listened to your imperatives, I have a question for you and all those of your stripe 'n plumage.

('What might that be?)...

"How are you gonna get back down that hill?"

- Paul Newman, *HOMBRE

(Re: Romance language entendre doble: squared)



((We like some movies))

(Are you not entertained?)


Carry on. Love is incontrovertibly upon you.

(Sure as piddle from a higher place in unlimited outer space?)

((So good to be there?))

(((We've only just begun.)))


<Can U say 'Mangudai'? Can U spell it?>



"Man-goo-die," said she of blonde hair and small brain...


Yes my mountain flower,



I'll get the shovel; one way or another one way we'll need one.


Yes my mountain flower planter,




Bravissimo Muchisomo, Senor InfamySteadfast (Aka, Infamous):

We are at-one at this juncture for sure:

"I suggest that these 6 degrees of freedom spiral out from the center and return likewise completing the unity between the macro and micro."


Macro to micro to macro to micro to macro to micro; squared, to infinity (approximately if not somehow specifically comparable to alternating current, if not an alternating definiton of it?):

There's very strong evidence that we're witnessing a self sustaining en perpetuatem system here; likely combined with the SpecRel 'rule' that "mass value increases with velocity". As I non-mathematically perceive it, the ever recycling round trips from center mass to north pole, to upward and outward maximum, to then - reversing directions - curve 'downward' parallel to the center system, to then 'enter' at the 'south pole' to then 'go upward through the center of the system, etceteras, ad infinitums... There seems an implication here that the generally torus shaped structure subjected, may be approximately 'pear shaped' (an upside down pear, or a rightside up pear; oblates spheroid may also be morphologically appropriate here); due to the collective systems omnidirectional expanding acceleration from center, where the flux of kinetic energy is increasing in mass value as it proceeds to take on more mass - not all at once and at every point of the system, but rather at one of what I speculate to be the two most likely locations - where the flux 'whips out of' the northern - topmost - portion of the considered dipole, or, as it 'whips in to' the south ('bottom') end'. The issue I'm trying to profile here, is that possibility that one portion of the system may be at a different stage of development than other portions of the 'simultaneous' field morphology; while the collective system remains in a stable dynamic of general expanding acceleration.





Allow me, Sir Puff, to attempt a non mathematical disection of the formula which I formerly presented. Firstly, the standard formula for determining the volume of the sphere is as follows: (r^3 * ((4/3) pi)=volume of the sphere where r is equal to it's radius. Several years ago I discovered this new formula: ((Dia^3 * pi)/ 6)= volume of a sphere where Dia. of course is equal to it's diameter. As I pointed out earlier, by juggling the formula we can achieve the resultant formula: ((Dia^3 * pi)/ volume of the sphere) is equal to 6. Now to understand what all this means, one needs to set up a hypothetical situation. Imagine empty space without matter or energy present. I realize this is never completely possible because perfect vacuum is never obtainable. However, for the sake of this thought experiment, we'll need to visualize space as a completely undisturbed medium. Ask yourself the question; What is the geometric character of such a state? Because no curvature is present, I believe this geometry can be represented as cubical. Therefore I submit that empty space is cubical in nature. Matter, on the other hand, can be characterized as spherical in nature. The geometry of matter is a result of charge, changing the straight line structure of empty space into a spiraling pulsing orbital sphere we recognize as matter. This then can be defined by the 6 degrees of freedom. In the formula, the Dia. represents the straight line nature of space times pi, where pi is the curvature, divided by the character of spherical volume, MATTER, equaling the 6 fundamental dimensions of physical reality.


Matter manifests itself as the product of an expanding cubical space opposed by the contracting influence of charge resulting in it's spherical character. The competition between expansion and contraction gives way to a slight advantage for the expansion resulting in the observed gravational effect.


The great question before us now is: If reality is nothing more than geometric relationships, what comes first, the geometry, or the charge? Maybe the geometry is only, what one might define as a spin-off of straight line acceleration.....................something akin to a resistance, spatial friction, or drag............as yet, I have no answer to this question...................Infy


___I'm back with that shovel. It's my old mining shovel from just nearby & long ago when I completely non-metaphorically, non-figuratively took ill with Gold Fever in the rugged Cascade Mountains.

___In my usual uniquely idiotic way I researched the whole prospect in the archives and in the field. In the process of scrabbling across steep slopes, fording fast water, and generally perambulating with my kit I availed myself of many walking sticks of many different woods. Sooner or later, I broke them all on some intractible boulder or log & to this day a walking stick doesn't last me beyond the next intractible boulder or log.

___There is gold in the rugged Cascade Mountains, but it's by and large not worth mining on a small scale. The archives said as much but I found content going to find out & entertain some digging. My claim('s) expired. Over & Out.

Allow me, Sir Puff, to attempt a non mathematical disection of the formula which I formerly presented. Firstly, the standard formula for determining the volume of the sphere is as follows: (r^3 * ((4/3) pi)=volume of the sphere where r is equal to it's radius. Several years ago I discovered this new formula: ((Dia^3 * pi)/ 6)= volume of a sphere where Dia. of course is equal to it's diameter. As I pointed out earlier, by juggling the formula we can achieve the resultant formula: ((Dia^3 * pi)/ volume of the sphere) is equal to 6. Now to understand what all this means, one needs to set up a hypothetical situation. Imagine empty space without matter or energy present. I realize this is never completely possible because perfect vacuum is never obtainable. However, for the sake of this thought experiment, we'll need to visualize space as a completely undisturbed medium. Ask yourself the question; What is the geometric character of such a state? Because no curvature is present, I believe this geometry can be represented as cubical. Therefore I submit that empty space is cubical in nature. Matter, on the other hand, can be characterized as spherical in nature. The geometry of matter is a result of charge, changing the straight line structure of empty space into a spiraling pulsing orbital sphere we recognize as matter. This then can be defined by the 6 degrees of freedom. In the formula, the Dia. represents the straight line nature of space times pi, where pi is the curvature, divided by the character of spherical volume, MATTER, equaling the 6 fundamental dimensions of physical reality.


Matter manifests itself as the product of an expanding cubical space opposed by the contracting influence of charge resulting in it's spherical character. The competition between expansion and contraction gives way to a slight advantage for the expansion resulting in the observed gravational effect.


The great question before us now is: If reality is nothing more than geometric relationships, what comes first, the geometry, or the charge? Maybe the geometry is only, what one might define as a spin-off of straight line acceleration.....................something akin to a resistance, spatial friction, or drag............as yet, I have no answer to this question...................Infy



Gosh. Infmy called Puff, 'Sir'.

Well, it isn't the first time. Sir Infamous doesn't quite sound right, I think it oughtta be Sir Steadfast. Oh well.

Fer an amateur (she or he who loves his or her work) you seem to talk a lot like others who know what they're talking about more than one might expect (I like to think that 'amateur' includes myself. It's a raspberry at the so-called 'pros', as it were. Sort of like, the 2nd USA publication of my work - 1970 - was 'An Hypothesis on Gravity' re-titled to 'The New Gravity' and 1stly mass produced in small press in a 'comic book' format, by 'The San Francisco Comic Book Company'.. It had a comic book format and saddle-stiched <stapled> cover, containing a typewritten physics essay with line drawn illustrations. Poople have chanced to gaffe me for that, whereas, it seems to this cobbler that those shoes are on the other dogs..). A reminder that science is full of amateurs who pioneered what became professionally blushing turf.

From what I can tell, Sir Infamous, you've automatically included the transciency of pi in your equation(s). Soitinly is interesting how pi does carry on, har. As though, somehow, the obligation to keep up with the real space-time of the circumferential circle was inadvertantly or deliberately engaged by whoever it was that started using the formula (Archimedes?).

You know, if everything really is 4-Dimensionally expanding ever faster, it's bound to be showing up all over the place (at a snail's pace? And the celerity of the ram that am?), even though, for the most part, its traditionally cast aside as 'some sort of a mathematical or experimental phantom', or a nuisance - obviously an absurd bug-a-boo; etceteras. Probly an undigested volume of swamp gas, or maybe a weather balloon in Scrooge's off season UFO recipe of humbugs?


Interesting question - 'What comes first, the geometry or the charge?'. Since geometry is a man made - though naturally manifest - tool, I tend to say the charge precedes the geometry, though I don't think it would be wrong to say they occur simultaneously, since the word geometry had an existential counterpart without our having a word for it. We needen't have a vocabulary for something that exists without any word for it. On the other hand, as present company probly understands, a given quotient of intelligence actually thinks better, proportionate to increased vocabulary is that important.

(So simple a self proclaimed small brained cave dwelling blond can understand it? The way our Resident Slayer communicates, it sounds as though somebody is gonna hurt somebody, whereas, she probly knows the adversarial elements in this story are a past tense whistle whip gooey mob of self flagellators floundering in their own decompositionally mutated testesterone? We may only hope that His Off Topic Eminence, GAHD, finds her inherently inferior contributions worthy, lest she be omnipotently hurled into the limbo of revisionist purgatory? Someone may yet name a retinue of consecutively numbered drinks after the spontaneously generating ensemble of jet wash vapor-paper-trailing finks <Hic-up?> ? It seems that the self designated all male baritone, 5 O'clock choiring shadows at point here, have one-upped the established method of thinking with their weenies, to thinking with someone else's... <Even when they're lucky enough not to own one?>) Crying havoc and let-slip the wardogs...

As 'arguably one of the most colorful - if informal -animations on Hypography', have we not the license to poach whatever flocking deformation of green headed mallards, hazards the dare-devil peril of colliding with the established squadron of lofty halyards? (By the leave of Fleet Admiral Tormod and his Commodores?)



The Where We Were


The universe may be shaped like jazz, duh. But it's more likely to be finite (*at any given moment) in space and unbounded in (*tensor coordinated) time, sorta like an acclerating spiral and several natural manifestations of it in specific types of seashells.


The structure of a well defined whirlpool proffers the same (negative cavity) example of certain lagarithmically spiralling shapes as produced by and within nature.

A fellow named Don Wainwright, of Berkeley, California wrote to me in a letter postmarked March 4, 1970, [/b]"If water is drained from a tub in the northern hemisphere (*above the equator), the whirlpool spins in a clockwise direction. In the southern hemisphere the spin is counter-clockwise. (*On the other hand) Hurricanes originating in the northern hemisphere spin in counterclockwise direction, while, typhoons originating in the southern hemisphere spin in a clockwise direction...

"It occurs to me that this might be connected to the right hand rule for a magentic field, produced by current flowing through a wire."

(*refer p. 132, THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS - Einstein/Infeld; refer p. 262, INTELLIGENT PERSONS GUIDE TO SCIENCE - Isaac Asimov)



It may be that someone or group among you 'Searchers' may find any number of the right questions or answers evoked or invoked from the following sources (if you haven't already?)


Enter Logarithmic Spiral in google (*Not to be confused with Archimedes' spiral, which is not logarithmically accelerating)

The illustrated shape will not transfer to email, though it is in Part VII of TOTAL FIELD THEORY at forums.delphiforums, which Turtle has seen and read and will probly be happy to elaborate on and guide you to...


When you enter in google, 'Ram's horn spiral' you access a series of illustrations and 3-D constructs by David Hop. (*The logarithmic spiral was considered a door to the spirit world by several Native American nations and tribes.) There are also some directly related ^ shapes and triangle/tetrahedron series one might not expect, if not prepared for it by Turtle and Infamous, for example, who (somehow) learned of these relationships before I did, then inadvertantly guiding me - and anyone else - to them as their recent and previous posts give testimony.


Google entry - Logarithmic (accelerating) Spiral - continued:


The logarithmic spiral is a spiral whose polar equation is given by




where is the distance from the origin, is the angle from the x-axis, and and are arbitrary constants. The logarithmic spiral is also known as the growth spiral, equiangular spiral, and spira mirabilis. It can be expressed parametrically as






The logarithmic spiral can be constructed from equally spaced rays by starting at a point along one ray, and drawing the perpendicular to a neighboring ray. As the number of rays approached infinity, the sequence of segments approaches the smooth logarithmic spiral (Hilton et al. 1997, pp. 2-3).


The logarithmic spiral was first studied by Descartes in 1638 and Jakob Bernoulli . Bernoulli was so fascinated by the spiral that he had one engraved on his tombstone (although the engraver did not draw it true to form) together with the words "eadem mutata resurgo" ("I shall arise the same though changed"). Torricelli worked on it independently and found the length of the curve (MacTutor Archive).


The rate of change of radius is




and the angle between the tangent and radial line at the point is




So, as , and the spiral approaches a circle.


If is any point on the spiral, then the length of the spiral from to the origin is finite. In fact, from the point which is at distance from the origin measured along a radius vector, the distance from to the pole along the spiral is just the arc length. In addition, any radius from the origin meets the spiral at distances which are in geometric progression (MacTutor Archive).


The arc length (as measured from the origin, ), curvature, and tangential angle of the logarithmic spiral are given by






The Cesàro equation is then given by




On the surface of a sphere, the analog is a loxodrome. This spiral is related to Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio.


SEE ALSO: Archimedean Spiral, Golden Rectangle, Logarithmic Spiral Catacaustic, Logarithmic Spiral Evolute, Logarithmic Spiral Inverse Curve, Logarithmic Spiral Pedal Curve, Logarithmic Spiral Radial Curve, Mice Problem, Spiral, Whirl. [Pages Linking Here]



Archibald, R. C. "The Logarithmic Spiral." Amer. Math. Monthly 25, 189-193, 1918.


BioMedNet. "Art Gallery: Spira Mirabilis." http://news.bmn.com/hmsbeagle/89/xcursion/artgalry/.


Bourbaki, N. "The Most Mysterious Shape of All." Quantum, 32-35, March/April 1994.


Boyadzhiev, K. N. "Spirals and Conchospirals in the Flight of Insects." Coll. Math. J. 30, 23-31, 1999.


Cook, T. A. The Curves of Life, Being an Account of Spiral Formations and Their Application to Growth in Nature, To Science and to Art. New York: Dover, 1979.


Gray, A. "Logarithmic Spirals." Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 40-42, 1997.


Hilton, P.; Holton, D.; and Pedersen, J. Mathematical Reflections in a Room with Many Mirrors. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.


Lawrence, J. D. A Catalog of Special Plane Curves. New York: Dover, pp. 184-186, 1972.


Livio, M. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number. New York: Broadway Books, pp. 116-120, 2002.


Lockwood, E. H. "The Equiangular Spiral." Ch. 11 in A Book of Curves. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 98-109, 1967.


MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. "Equiangular Spiral." http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Curves/Equiangular.html.


Steinhaus, H. Mathematical Snapshots, 3rd ed. New York: Dover, pp. 132-136, 1999.


Thompson, D'Arcy W. Science and the Classics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, pp. 114-147, 1940.


Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. London: Penguin, pp. 67-68, 1991.



Eric W. Weisstein. "Logarithmic Spiral." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LogarithmicSpiral.html




© 1999 CRC Press LLC, © 1999-2006 Wolfram Research, Inc. | Terms of Use



Dear Infamous, Turtle, IrishEyes, Tormod, Resident Slayer, and ('Arguably the most colorful') Craig:

Please let me know if you grab or are grabbed by any of this resource information


Apparently, illustrations are not transferable in email or posts such as those we're vehicularized by, here at Hypography.

So, if and when I can find some more cogent illustrations, it looks like I'll have to find a way to transfer my own from the 1979, 627 page edition of GIT4thD, or from any number of the sources accessible in various locations on the net.


Best Regards to the entire flocking singular

and collectively airborne, high flying migrations of You.

I am your grateful servant

(It's feeling less and less lonesomer in here?

<"Oh! My God! Am I in here all alone?!" - Dylan>),






- Foop





(While any one or all of you were

OUT TO LUNCH slaying

endemic neighborhood

or remotely trolling vampires?)



Chinese Mongolian:

"The siege that ends only when

the self appointed enemy merges

with their vanquished limitations".


Re: 'Every man has got to know his limitations' - Dirty Harry

(I.e., If & when he doesn't, he'll learn them the hard way.)


(Incidentally. We here at Alpha Beta Chi Sorority do not cotton to self deprecation by so called small brained blonds. We refer you to Irish Eyes, Turtle, Ifmy or Tormod - or any of their improved halves, for a full regimen

of rehabilitation. Prego.)


- Foop

(We useta be outta the loop?)


Gosh. Infmy called Puff, 'Sir'.

Well, it isn't the first time. Sir Infamous doesn't quite sound right, I think it oughtta be Sir Steadfast. Oh well.

Fer an amateur (she or he who loves his or her work) you seem to talk a lot like others who know what they're talking about more than one might expect (I like to think that 'amateur' includes myself.


Thank you sir for that vote of confidence, truthfully however, I do consider myself just an amateur. Never-the-less, I have often thought it not a handycap, but rather an asset that contributes to the freedom to think about the unconventional, and even the unlikely possibilities. I fear many a ship has gone down because the Captain did not listen to his amateur assistant shout, "Iceberg ahead".



Interesting question - 'What comes first, the geometry or the charge?'. Since geometry is a man made - though naturally manifest - tool, I tend to say the charge precedes the geometry, though I don't think it would be wrong to say they occur simultaneously, since the word geometry had an existential counterpart without our having a word for it.
I also, have seriously considered the position of simultaneous or maybe more precisely, equally responsible. It's very difficult for the mind of anyone to completely understand the vision another has in their own. For this reason, many times people may actually have very similar personal views but for lack of communication are unable to translate the thoughts of another. I've said this frankly, in hopes that if for one reason or another, we find bases for disagreement, hopefully we can still proceed with the faith that it might be likely, that we have only failed to properly communicate our personal vision.


Having said that, in my feeble attempt to express the vision in my own understanding, I will point out that my gut feeling is that in some way, it all goes back to the issue of Geometry.


In the structurally cubic universe, energy moving in straight lines meets a resistance or drag at right angles to it's chosen path. The result is, the formation of spiraling constructions leading to spherical formations of matter. Characterized by all 6 dimensional constructs formerly discussed...........................Infy..............alias; Steadfast..............


What just occured to me is this; The resistance or drag I've been talking about is simply overcoming acceleration. Curvature can also be the result of perturbations in the presence of either a gravitational field, magnetic field, or electromagnetic field. With respect to quantum fluctuations, where both an electron and positron are created from the vacuum, there must surely have been some disturbance within the local frame to account for these phenomenons occuring................Infy

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