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I'm a young male neuroradiologist, with an undergraduate background in animal and evolutionary biology, biomechanics and animal behavior. My hobbies include music production, art, film, photography and travel. I have areas of interest in physics, medicine in general, comparative religion, and the history of science and philosophy.


S'Dias to you JK. If you go to the search button on the menu bar, you can search the site for your topic of interest & find all the threads where it is discussed. After you have 10 posts, if you don't find existing threads covering aparticular nuance, you can create that thread yourself.

How did you find this place by the by?


I came across a link to the site while I was researching something interesting on a website called whonamedit.com. I was searching for biographical data on the man behind a medical eponym - The Circle of Willis. He was an interesting guy; a founding Fellow of the Royal Society (contemporary of Newton, Boyle, Wilkins, Pepys, Ashmole, Huygens, Liebniz, Hooke, Locke, et. al) making him so incredibly cool.

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