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Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK


The Revelation of Jesus Christ , the last book of the Bible , says the Ark of the Covenant , the Ark of the Testimony , is below Heelstone , also known as Heel Stone , sometimes as Helestone , written as Hele Stone


The Heelstone ( Heel Stone , Helestone , Hele Stone ) is at Stonehenge , also known as Stone Henge , sometimes as Stonehedge , written as Stone Hedge , in England , UK , the State of Great Britain , United Kingdom


What should the Las Vegas odds be for the

Ark of the Covenant being at Stonehenge ?


Please , just the odds Please


Garry Denke

Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK


The Revelation of Jesus Christ , the last book of the Bible , says the Ark of the Covenant , the Ark of the Testimony , is below Heelstone , also known as Heel Stone , sometimes as Helestone , written as Hele Stone


The Heelstone ( Heel Stone , Helestone , Hele Stone ) is at Stonehenge , also known as Stone Henge , sometimes as Stonehedge , written as Stone Hedge , in England , UK , the State of Great Britain , United Kingdom


What should the Las Vegas odds be for the

Ark of the Covenant being at Stonehenge ?


Please , just the odds Please


Garry Denke

Odds are an illusion Gary. Nothing is 'equal', everything is 'congruent'. The only way to get at the truth of it is to dig. Are they going to let you dig? Please keep me posted.


I learned only recently that the replica of Stone Henge built just up the Columbia River from me by Mr. Hill, was built on the false premise that Stone Henge was a site for sacrefice. The replica was built as a war memorial. Keep diggin Gary.:naughty:

Odds are an illusion Gary.

Nothing is 'equal', everything is 'congruent'.

The only way to get at the truth of it is to dig.

Are they going to let you dig?

Please keep me posted.

Hello Turtle. How have you been Turtle?

If all folks can agree in January yes.


See my last post Turtle at bottom of thread:


The book in Vegas (and in London) needs more input,

for calculating odds with universal polar-flip odds.


Congruently not helpful but thanks Turtle. :naughty:

Hello Turtle. How have you been Turtle?

If all folks can agree in January yes.


See my last post Turtle at bottom of thread:


The book in Vegas (and in London) needs more input,

for calculating odds with universal polar-flip odds.


Congruently not helpful but thanks Turtle. :naughty:


Hello back Gary; missed you. Read [say 'red', as in 'I, Turtle, did read] the post as you directed; the devil really is in the details isn't it. How is the venue planned? That is, public invited or not, casual or formal ware, etc.. Under what circumstance do you particpate? January you say? Do keep me posted & thank you. Turtle

the devil really is in the details isn't it.

How is the venue planned?

That is, public invited or not, casual or formal ware, etc..

Under what circumstance do you particpate?

January you say?

Do keep me posted & thank you.


I am in the middle of it now,

but don't tell anyone Turtle.



The Review will be managed by a Steering Group consisting of representatives of Department for Transport, Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Highways Agency, Government Office for the South West, English Heritage and Natural England.


The Review will be carried out in two stages. During Stage 1 the Steering Group will take forward the work under items a - c in the Terms of Reference and prepare a summary report of its findings, including options recommended for more detailed consideration.


a) update the costs and benefits of the Published Scheme put to Public Inquiry;

:D update the costs and benefits of the alternative options put forward at the Public Inquiry, and possible variants, on a like-for-like basis with the updated costs and benefits of the published scheme;

c) identify a shortlist of alternative options judged worthy of further detailed consideration in pursuing the Government's objectives for the scheme;



Public January 2006

d) consult widely on the key findings from tasks (a) to © above;


This will be issued for consultation with key stakeholders and others who wish to have their views taken into account in the Review. In Stage 2 the Steering Group will carry out a more detailed assessment of the performance of shortlisted options and carefully consider the results of the public consultation exercise. It will then prepare a report to Ministers setting out the results of this analysis.


The aim is to complete the work in Stage 1 by the end of 2005, to consult on the options in early 2006 and to put a final report to Ministers on the results of the assessment of options and the public consultation exercise by early summer 2006.



Department for Transport Website:


Public Enquiries: 020 7944 8300

I am in the middle of it now,

but don't tell anyone Turtle.



My sharp beak is sealed. If you come across one of my old shells, be a one & toss it back across the pond to me when you've finished with it? I think I left some notes on the bottom of it.:xx:


Always nice to communicate with a Gentlman Gary,

Turtle :xx:







My sharp beak is sealed. If you come across one of my old shells, be a one & toss it back across the pond to me when you've finished with it? I think I left some notes on the bottom of it.:naughty:


Always nice to communicate with a Gentlman Gary,

Turtle :xx:







Are you getting excited about your birthday next month? The big one zero four. Wow. That is great Turtle.

Now that I had Sir Michael Lyons' head office of the new Gambling Commission at Victoria Square House (in central Birmingham at Brum) remove Three (3) Insider Trading Tips today, the same Three (3) Insider Trading Tips which were advertised to the Public by The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts' (RSA's) page at:




being Three (3) Insider Trading Tips appearing in Public yesterday as:


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Ark Covenant Heelstone Testimony Stonehenge UK

Started by Garry Denke, 04/12/2005, last message added 04/12/2005, 1 message(s)

Cross Government Steering Group

Started by Garry Denke, 20/11/2005, last message added 20/11/2005, 1 message(s)

6th Century BC Heelstone Scroll Trench

Started by Garry Denke, 19/11/2005, last message added 04/12/2005, 2 message(s)

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not appearing at RSA's page any longer, London casinos may follow at EVEN ODDS with Vegas casinos that began yesterday. The Howard Hughes - Roland Totera desire that it would be Vegas to first cast lots for Garry Denke's Ark of the Testimony at Heelstone of Stonehenge has occurred, on December 5th, 2005 (written 5th December 2005 for UK historians). I hoped that London would first cast lots for Garry Denke's Ark of the Covenant at Heelstone of Stonehenge, but RSA's displaying in Public the above Three (3) Insider Trading Tips up until this morning, together with Chancellor Gordon Brown's new commission (formerly the Gaming Board for Great Britain) relocation problems, prevented it. Sorry London, I tried. And so, both archaeologically and historically then, it was Vegas which first cast lots for Garry Denke's Ark of his Testament at Heelstone of Stonehenge, the same which was never lost, only hidden. According to all of my on the ground sources (everyone) and all search engines, London has still not cast lots as of this posting, dated 6th December 2005 (written December 6th, 2005 for US historians).




The ark of the testimony was never lost,

how can anything never lost be found?




The ark is below Rev 4 sarsen stone,

the same inside Rev 2 white stone.


According to The Fellows, this is about their study of European History, more specifically, their study of "Embarassment initiated Action in our European History". And so, this is about The Fellows of London casinos, and The Fellows of Vegas casinos, first, followed by The Fellows of all casinos, unto the last Fellow, casting lots, in the name of "Embarassment initiates Action in our European Society".


The Fellows are saying, The little book, is very interesting:


( scroll down )


Stonehenge Ark Heelstone ( Heel Stone ) United Kingdom ( UK )

GarryDenke ( Garry Denke ) Texas ( TX ) United States ( USA )

Ark of the Testament ( Rev's Testament )

Vegas make book




London make book

Ark of the Covenant ( Rev's Testament )

GarryDenke ( Garry Denke ) Texas ( TX ) United States ( USA )

Stonehenge Ark Heelstone ( Heel Stone ) United Kingdom ( UK )


( scroll up )


The Howard Hughes - Roland Totera written recommendation dated 1st April 1961 (written April 1st, 1961 by US historians) to cast lots, by unrestrained hand, in Vegas casinos, and London casinos, "for", or "against", the Ark of the Testimony at Heelstone of Stonehenge, solely owned by Garry Denke d/b/a A Texas Tycoon, a/k/a Garry Denke, Geologist, the second President of Denoco Inc. of Texas, on December 5th, 2005 (written 5th December 2005 for UK historians), has given The Fellows Action (see top Action this post).


EVEN ODDS. Cast lots. Jesus Christ. EVEN ODDS.



Just watched a special on Stonehenge on cable science channel; a guy built a complete full scale foam model to experiment with the astronomical alignments as well as accoustic phenomena. How very intriguing this all is.:cup: Keep up the good works Garry.:cup:


Just watched a special on Stonehenge on cable science channel; a guy built a complete full scale foam model to experiment with the astronomical alignments as well as accoustic phenomena. How very intriguing this all is.;) Keep up the good works Garry.:cup:

Now that Royal Society 'holy people' (Dan:12) are scattered (The Fellows),

the Steering Group 'yellow guys' (Mal:4) curse Garry Denke (circle page 1).


Forty-two Fellows


12 December 2005 backdated Lord letter



Question: Is publication of human life studies worth more than the gold

below Heelstone, or is the gold below Heelstone worth more than

publication of human life studies?

Status: Royal Society Doctors say publication of human life studies is

worth more, Royal Society Lawyers say the gold below Heelstone is worth

more. Open Archivangelism:


Open Access Archivangelism


Keep science off web, says Royal Society


Royal Society attacked for 'negative' open access stance



The publication of all RS studies will release the backdated RS gold below Heelstone study. Will Garry Denke d/b/a A Texas Tycoon's Heelstone 96 hollowstem auger core samples of 1st April 1985 (and Doctor Garry Denke's Heelstone 96 auger core samples of 1st April 1656) prevail? Will the History Channel (post office) come clean? Stay tuned cable :cup: tooler!


"Raise Green see Gold Ark"




I will keep you posted Turtle,

Happy 104 Birthday 19 days!

. . . . . . . :cup: . . . . . . .


Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!




1. Inigo Jones (Published)


2. Dr. Garry Denke (Published)


3. William Hawley (Published)


4. Robert Newall (Proofing)


5. Richard Atkinson (Published)


6. Stuart Ernest Piggott (Published)


7. Dr. John F.S. Stone (Proofing)


8. John G. Evans (Proofing)


9. Michael W. Pitts (Proofing)


10. Hilary Howard (Proofing)


11. Alister Bartlett (Proofing)


12. Andrew David (Proofing)



May the Swartz be with you.


Quiet for redigging 1985 hole.

Softspot below flying eagle. :cup:




Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!


Garry W. Denke


Denoco Inc. of Texas

Wildcat Station, P.O. Box 866488

Plano, Texas 75086.6488

Tel #972.422.8268

Fax #972.423.6337

Cell #940.521.1667



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