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Here is something to meditate on. I have shown the errors of using positional based number systems to figure the riddle of...

six hundred threescore & six

It 'is' a riddle and it 'does' involve number. In Matthew Jesus says the first chosen is the last to go. Translation: reverse the order. So...

& six threescore sixhundred


First:The symbol [&]; we read this as 'and' but its full name is 'ampersand' & its translation is 'per se, and' .(Up until the late 1800s "&" was the 27th letter of the alphabet) The translation for 'per se' is 'as if'. So 'as if' six. This means one. Treat six as if it is one.

Second: threescore. It is an apparent middle term, but the middle is not the center. The middle of a single line is at its end. It is not three times twenty equal sixty; it is three squared, which is nine.

Third: Do unto me as you do unto others. The middle term is masquerading as a simple multiple, but it is really a square. The sixhundred is six times one hundred and one hundred is ten squared. We do to one hundred what we did to the others, which is reverse powers to addends. Hundred here is not ten times ten, it is ten plus ten which is twenty. (twenty used the square here again to give a hidden five: foursquared times five)

Fourth: The six before is just six.

Now we add, because a thing is the sum of its parts, the very definition of six of a perfect number as described by the Pythogarians. So one plus nine plus twenty plus six equal thirty six. Thirty six is the sixth perfect square, it is the eighth triangular number (Pascals triangle & the binomial cooeficients) Six is the second Perfect Number (One is both Perfect & Prime). There is much more on what six is, but you need some time to meditate on this.


Suppose for a minute that what above is really the riddles unfolding, i.e. the anser to it. In all your searching for 'the answer', how much time have you spent thinking about what you will do when you find it? When you have a master key, you can go through the eye of the needle.




A mind in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by another mind. For every mind in motion, there is a congruent & opposite mind in motion. - Roger Thelonious George


Now the entire riddle is not complete as I have only decoded the number & not the name. Therefore, 'the beast' is self-similarly congruent [coded], as is the number. The first rule, 'the golden rule' is also the same as the 'first in/last out' rule', which is a rule of reversal employing two right angle turns.

Applying this to 'the beast', 'the' is the first turn, the hinge & when you turn 'the beast' back on itself around that hinge you find 'the lamb'.

The number of the lamb is thirty six.


I always thought 666 was connected to numerology. The letter a=1, b=2, ..., k=10. To keep things a single digit 10 is 1+0=1, so l=2, m=3, etc., u=1, v=2, etc. For example Fred would be 6+8+5+4=23; 2+3=5. or Fred =5. If we add all the sixes of the first middle and last names of 666 we get 18. To keep it a single digit we add 1+8=9. This is the number of months for a human preganancy. In revelation there is the Divine Woman pregnant with child.

I always thought 666

Yes, you thought: past tense. As did I 'think' about it as did everyone who saw it think about it. Over time , you, I , and they, so we have each our 'one' thought that is what we think it means. It what? It the riddle.

I am done thinking about it because I have solved it, & this thread is my explanation of what I saw.

If you read again the entire thread, 'see' that I said 'I have shown...' What I shewed [proved in the strictest possible mathematical & syllogisticically logical terms;QED] is that numerology is only extant in a positional, digit/symbol using, including zero, internally consistant by Kurt Godel number system. The symbols are NOT the numbers. Therefore to understand the numbers here under elucidation, you must not use any description of number but words.


Now, without other numeral/symbol use except words, there is more. Not only is the beast a lamb, it is not a single lamb. That is to say lambs, as in more than one lamb. What 'other lambs'? Why you of course! And by extention every 'one' is a lamb. The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of everyone clapping at the same time. Without a first lamb, how do you count many?

sorry, but, what you've said here makes absolutely no sense to me :confused:

I fail to follow as well. Turtle said it was incomplete, didn't he? Allow me to help.


First, a "beast" in prophesy is a "nation". (Daniel 7:23) Daniel is especially important to understanding Revelations. Read Daniel, then go back and read Revelations 13.


I wrote a couple fairly indepth posts regarding the "beast" issue in another forum.


First of all the prophesies were written 2000 years ago in the symbolic language of the people of the time. The number six was the number of days for God to create the universe. The number six shows something in flux. God rested on the seventh day. The star of David is six sided with two interconnected triangles or the tension of an upper and lower trinity. Again is implies a state of flux and tension. The Roman worshipped the seven planets. If we factor out Sunday or the Sun God there were six planets left over. The sixth planet or day of the week is saturn. Saturn was often considered similar to God of the old testament being a paradox of opposites (could kill or give life) The 666 was a hybrid of Roman and Old Testament both of which were resisting the change.


If we add the three sixes to eighteen and then the 1+8 we get nine or the creative flux of a human pregnacy. The beast being a lamb is symbolic of a symboitic tension of opposites between the Divine Woman pregant with child and Satan. Within that tension of good and evil, the childish Christian spirit spread until it became the state religion of Rome at the time of Constitine.


Well, that's pretty thin. Why would numbers inherently refer to months or planets? The verse reads "the number of his name".


And I'm not yet convinced by scripture of the trinity doctrine. Rather I was unconvinced of it by scripture.

  • 2 weeks later...

___The point is that this is a number problem; strictly arithmetic. You don't need any other verse to shew it. I included the reference to Jesus in Matthew because I think it shews he knew math; knew it well. Knew in fact what I know about counting & its intricasies.

___The beast aside, the number puzzle refers to the set of Triangular Numbers, the Tektrakes(sp), the Pythagorian Perfect Number, the seal of Soloman, etc.. It has its meaning without resort to algebra or any particular written enumeration system. It is fully capable of oral explanation on the set of Cardinal Numbers.

___I mistated the ordinal position of thirty six in the set of triangular numbers in the original post & I have corrected it. Thirty six is the eighth triangular number. This knowledge predates by far any biblical reference.


___Below find the first few ordered elements of the set of Triangular Numbers:




The Algebraic expression to derive them is N= (n*(n+1))/2 where n is the ordinal position in the set. For example to find the 8th Triangular Number you have (8*(8+1))/2 = 72/2 =36. Algebra is sufficient but not necessary to derive them. A visual arrangement of dots - called a gnomon - is easily constructed which counts & orders the set, & in fact the gnomon of Triangular Numbers by far predates their Algebraic derivation.


How can this ultimately be used to finger the crook, so-to-speak?


___Good point (finger/point; get it:hihi: ) Southtown. I do like & respect your insightful analysis of my assertions over these last few months.

___The 'crook' is a mathematician/geometer, & the print of the crook's finger is math & geometry. No matter what culture or time, the line is a line & the count is a count, & both begin with "one" & build up. The explicit mark (geometry/arithmetic) is either extant in a work (book, scroll, stella, etc.) or it is not. If the explicit mark is extant, it is there on purpose & logically grounded.



You know me, all business. :confused: Thanks for the compliment.


As for the crook, I got my own gu-estimation. The number thing is still a bit outa my grasp, but what the hell? That's what time is for, right? :cup:

You know me, all business. :eek2: Thanks for the compliment.


As for the crook, I got my own gu-estimation. The number thing is still a bit outa my grasp, but what the hell? That's what time is for, right? :cup:


Yes indeedy, that's what time is for. Two weeks ago, I could only say what this number puzzle was not. Now, I can say what the number puzzle is. No less the curious is the import of this change in regard to Buckminster Fuller, et al. I get the distinct impression South that you mean as well as I do to get to the bottom of this.:confused: Srictly business without getting our loin clothes in a knot.:confused:


As to the perp... well, that's another ball of wax. You can count on me in any case.:confused: :confused: :confused:

___Below find the first few ordered elements of the set of Triangular Numbers:




The Algebraic expression to derive them is N= (n*(n+1))/2 where n is the ordinal position in the set. For example to find the 8th Triangular Number you have (8*(8+1))/2 = 72/2 =36. Algebra is sufficient but not necessary to derive them. A visual arrangement of dots - called a gnomon - is easily constructed which counts & orders the set, & in fact the gnomon of Triangular Numbers by far predates their Algebraic derivation.


I think this number set is more important than prime because it is independent of a base. In other words, an ET could send information using this series without necessarily having ten fingers. Right?

Numbers themselves are independant of base, much less schemas, primes included. Base notation only denotes how far we count before we rollover and start reusing characters, so that we don't have to design a new emblem for each numerical value from here to infinity.


Ever see "Contact" with Jodie Foster? They catch a signal from Vega that is pulsing. It pulses once, then pauses. Then it pulses twice, then pauses. And the signal continues "pulsing" all the primes until 101 (a hundred and one—not five =P), and then repeats. Numeration is a concept of quantity, and all its principles are independant of notation.


The movie's a prime example, nyuk nyuk. And that's why in the movie they call math "the universal language".

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