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I think this belongs in the Math forum, because the only reason it's in Theology is the numerical value in question.




---Number is where you find it. I have started discussing Figurate/Polygonal numbers in the Katabataks thread in the Math Forum as well now.


___The reason this belongs here is that the "number puzzle" does appear in the Bible; the number puzzle is subject to no end of mis-interpretation that is rooted in the lack of the mathematics understanding required to solve it. If you have the wrong interpretation (not mathematical) & then procede to use it to justify religious conduct etc., you have strayed from the path the masters meant to guide you on.


ωδε η σοφια εστιν ο εχων νουν ψηφισατω τον αριθμον του θηριου αριθμος γαρ ανθρωπου εστιν και ο αριθμος αυτου εξακοσιοι εξηκοντα εξ.




to quote:


"The Number of Its Name

Rev 13:16. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17. so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.


Variant In some editions, the number is six hundred sixteen! This is significant to claiming an identity of “The Beast” for the number designates the name of a man. Remember that the Revelation is originally written in Greek. Consider the Greek ‘name’ of the sixth head, Neron Caesar:


Κ[20]αίσ[200]αρ[100]ο[70]ς[6] Ν[50]ερ[100]ο[70]ν[50] = 666.


(Kaisaros Neron, “Caesar Nero” in English letters)


The proof of this identity is in the variant reading. The number 616 (rather than 666) comes from the Latin version of the Revelation translated by St. Jerome and issued in 410. Jerome knew the exact identity of the Beast. In the Latin language, the man’s name is not Caesar Neron, but Caesar Nero. Loss of the ‘n’ in the translation also subtracts 50 from the total of the Greek letters, leaving us with 616! Nero is the 6th head and his name adds up to 666 when written in Greek and 616 when in Latin.




The Mark of the Beast

The mark of the Messiah consists of the first and last letters of his title from the Greek: χς, which stands for (CH)risto(S) “Christ.” χ (ch) = 600 and ς (s) = 6. In the Greek language of the Revelation, the number 666 is written out the long way, “six hundreds sixty six.” The dragon or serpent symbol, xi (ξ), has a value of 60. If you put that in the middle, you have the mark:


χξς = six hundreds sixty six = 666.


This is the mark of the false messiah, which is the mark of Christ with the serpent interposed."


___As I said, this is a math riddle. Either you understand the math as I explained it or you don't. Those who created it certainly did. I have quoted above all the math content of your post as well as those parts that add to my expositon.:cup:

"Don't get your loin clothes in a knot."



___Now more to the point, because on reflection you made mention of one math point I have heard before. That is that the number is sixhundred sixteen or 616. Indeed, if you read & understand what I have exposited in regard to this math puzzle, six is taken as/for one in the decryption. That it already stands as one(1) in the other writing does not diminish my assertion, but rather amplifies it.

___All of these math concepts of Perfect Numbers, Triangular Numbers, Vesica Piscis, equi-angular Spiral, etc. predate any of the Greek you have shown or in fact any extant written works anywhere. They originated as oral discussions & diagrams drawn in the dirt with a stick. The language(s) used is superfluous to the counting.

___On a side note, I saw an example of Linear A graven on a stone the other day on a science show on TV. The text is written round a spiral & I noticed contained in the symbols is the very Gnomon of Triangular Numbers I have under discussion here, & in other threads.

___The scary language is a load of huey & I say so. Turn the other cheek does not mean submit; it means tit for tat, slap for slap the other's cheek.:cup:

χξς = six hundreds sixty six = 666.


This is the mark of the false messiah, which is the mark of Christ with the serpent interposed."

Very interesting. I see the "serpent interposed" into the "mark of Christ" as representing a sort of a distorted version of Christianity, say something like Catholicism.


To add another layer of meaning to the 666 verse, I once heard an SDA (seventh-day adventist, I once was) preacher state that the words on the pope's funny hat, saying in Latin "Vicar of Christ", when interpreted as Roman numerals, add up to 666.




Other than being tatooed or branded, I wonder what it means "to be marked". That same preacher (Doug Batchelor - amazingfacts.org) refered to a mark in the head as a belief system or religion, and refer to a mark in the hand as deeds. He also pointed out that the saved had been sealed in the forehead but not the hand (Revelation 7:3) meaning good deeds don't save, but the "thoughts and intent of the heart."

Turn the other cheek does not mean submit; it means tit for tat, slap for slap the other's cheek.:eek2:

Beside the point I'm sure, but I see it as meaning 'to fight for peace is to die for it, peacefully.'

Beside the point I'm sure, but I see it as meaning 'to fight for peace is to die for it, peacefully.'


___That doesn't seem beside the point at all, rather a well writ restatement of the point.

___ Tit for tat, this for that, yin for yan, the thread follows the needle, and per se take action on the universe in the way you want the universe to take action with you.:eek: Anti as a prefix musn't connote opposite in a derogatory sense, it means right angle congruent. If you go on a walk-about & wish to go back where you came from, you make either two right turns or two left turns or any harmonic of one-hundred eighty degrees in order to retrace your steps, or in other words follow the anti-path.:eek2:

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