arkain101 Posted December 2, 2005 Report Posted December 2, 2005 I have been learning of this somewhat unknown mission going on around the eart.There is an entity who calls himself, Monjoronson. People from different places around the world have been recieving so called transmission from this divine teacher over the past decade or so, recording all of the scripture and preparing it for a time when millions upon millions will strive to get there hands on it. Here is a few of the most interesting scriptures (?) of what Monjoronson speaks to us about. ------------------------------------------- Monjoronson: “When you are born into this world you find yourself naked and alone, and divorced from all you know and comprehend. The journey of your life is to piece together that from which you came, that which you are, and that which you will become. “There are veils around you in all ways, forging a barrier between you and your true Divine Self, between you and your colleagues, and between you and your own sense of the reality that sits beneath that which you perceive; yet with care, effort and love within your heart, you start to chip away at those veils to discover yourself and the wondrous entities that share their worlds with you, forging the veil into a new structure, no longer a barrier but a device to allow you the wonder of experience life fully on earth. “Do not be distressed by your apparent separation from that which you feel as home, but instead delight in the glory of all that is on Earth, which you are unable to experience in any other place within this universe. If you saw already what the true nature of reality was then you would be stripped of the wondrous motion towards perfection and of the childlike delight formed when discovering that which is new to your perceptions. “Think of this life as a game, a game in which there are no losers and many, many different paths to the final stage. It’s a game of exploration, of fun, of joy and of sorrow, and like all good games it would not be exciting without fear, apprehension and anxiety at times. “These moments help to stand you in good stead for a future as Divine Being, to empathize and understand those still encompassed within the lowest planes of the ascendant mortals. “Know every move has been calculated and its potential assessed, though it remains your own will, which dictates which potential is followed. We delight in progressing our paths alongside you, watching the way you tackle emergency and trauma, and comforting you when it all becomes too much. “Know that your efforts, always valiant are noted and recorded and when the time comes to look back on your lessons you will often see that those which form the greatest part of your ‘learnings’ are the ones that passed unnoticed within your own times. “In all that you are and all that you can be, you are perfected beings finding the way of will in a world of dichotomy and inconsistency. Each turn you take is a marvel and part of God’s plan to experience how life becomes itself when separated from all that it already knows. “Feed from the light of the sun, find sustenance in your communion with others, and look to the heavens for inspiration and fortitude. We are by you side and we will never leave you until your journey on this plane is through. “By the morning, all will be clear.” --------------------------------------- Topic: Announcement Teacher: Monjoronson (TR’s, Jo Ann & Mary Jo) January 29, 2004, 8 PM Mountain time [This message was received by two novice T/R’s on the night of Jan. 29, 2004. We acted as a t/r team, so there are two voices. We were expecting everyone to receive the same message/announcement and agreed to listen in to sharpen our t/r skills, thinking we could actually check our work. We were chagrined at first to see that we did not receive the same message as our group, but enlightened by the directive to piece together the messages. Because of that directive, we offer our first transcription to our friends in spirit in the teaching mission.] MONJORONSON (1ST TR): Children of Earth, I salute you! I am Monjoronson; I am he of whom you have been speaking. I have a mission and I have called you together because it is fitting that you should hear me as one. For those who read this message, you are here in spirit now. This message is for ALL who happen to come to it, in whatever way. I shall sometime walk your earth, walk your soil. I remain aloft (?) for the time being. I am here in a very real way to each of you. I am accessible to you, each of you. No, this is not a dream. Your planet has been lovingly, carefully watched and nurtured, lo theses many eons of time, and it is no different now. Even more so are you watched, cared for and protected. This world of the cross is a very pivotal and intriguing sphere. Your Father/brother Michael sojourned here, as you know. He chose with deliberation this planet. Great and momentous occurrences are at hand. The Universe is poised with anticipation and joy to witness the re-balancing, the re-...(2nd t/r) ...connecting of the circuit of light and life, as it is infused into the rebellious planets of your system. We come with light to scatter the darkness. We come with love to dissipate the hatred. We come with gifts to shatter the greed that exists everywhere on these rebellion-torn worlds. Come join with us to carry the light to those who sit in darkness. You yourselves have been drawn to this light. Absorb it and reflect [it] out to others. The path you take is your choice. (1st t/r) You are my beloveds. I am close to your Prince; I am here with his blessing and approval. The time is drawing nigh for the world to be informed and upstepped by the information. There will be confusion, disbelief, anger, [and] fear. For this you have been prepared, you are BEING prepared. I am not here to tell you the time or the day, only to gather you, as it were, to anoint you, to let you know these things are coming to pass and that your participation and cooperation is greatly appreciated and also greatly required (or needed?). It is time to take the prerogative of co-creation into the arena of the world. You have been testing and trying this for many years, many of you and manifesting truth, beauty, and goodness in your personal spheres. You must be witness now to the greatness and power of God, his loving kindness, and the all-encompassing love that is the Father. It has ever been thus, so many crying in the wilderness. You are to be the light; you are to be the water. You are to be the bread—not you—but God through you. Be humble, be patient, be tolerant and kind. Be kind to one another. (2nd t/r) Proclaim this message of saving joy: One is coming who will put aright many wrongs that have been on this planet for a long time! Magisterial missions are judicial; adjudication is part of my mission. Things being set right on the material level may cause somewhat of a chaotic interim. Let this not concern you, but know that it will be a fact. The anguish felt by those who trust not these messages, the consternation they will feel is not of Spirit. Be one with us when these times come. When these individuals approach you, comfort them. Let them know that in the Father's Universe all is always well. Invite them into the Kingdom where the deepest of peaceful feelings is available to each of you always, no matter the appearances from the outside world. Peace is plentiful; light is bountiful; abundance is yours through this joyful work. Deeper we ask you to commit yourselves to carrying the light forward with your hands held by celestials as you go. Fear not; you are not alone. We are with you always. Shining light into the darkness is what we ask of you at this time and from this time forward. Will you step forward with us at your side, all around you as it were, to continue this work? To pledge yourselves individually to helping people expect the good and experience the happiness that comes from the certainty of the Father's presence for each of us? (1st t/r) I will someday walk with you; I will someday meet you. We will all someday be together in the flesh, perhaps not for all of you but for many of you. However you must be patient; you must live your lives as they are; you must not falter or faint by the wayside. Know that help is always but a thought away. Be not afraid; be of good cheer. Experience the stillness, even in your busiest time. REMEMBER the stillness. It is enough just to remember the stillness in order to experience it. This will refresh you, rejuvenate you, and prepare you to better meet your lives as they unfold in this time of waiting and correcting. The "bottom line" as you say, is God-consciousness at all times. Strive for this. We are legion here, who watch and want to help. We all come in the Spirit of Michael and in the light of truth, beauty and goodness. We love you with a love that would almost astonish you were you able to truly appreciate and feel it. We understand your condition here and we love you all the more for it, for your willingness to seek higher experiences, the faith that there are such experiences to [be] had, even on this unfortunate but beautiful planet. Fortunes change children, and your fortunes here are about to turn for the better. Do not expect immediate results, but do expect results. With your continued cooperation and help great things WILL happen, for we are not willing that you should perish—any of you. We are not willing that your planet should languish in error and ignorance, greed, depression and fear. The tide is turning; can you not feel it? You are on the vanguard, and we take the point with you in joy and true brotherhood. Talk with one another. Yes, compare notes. You will always find us faithful. Much love to each of you. ------------------------------------------------------------ MONJORONSON: My daughter take down these words you hear me speak. My mission on earth has indeed begun. My spiritual presence has been active around the globe and in individuals' spiritual lives for some time, but the recent events on your planet have launched a new era of cooperation between the planetary administration and mortals of the realm. We stand ready to assist you in any way we can as you help with the preparations for our arrival in material form. Decisions have been made which are critical to our effort, and it is this which has caused us to move forward with the next phase of our plans at this time. We will be making morontial appearances to various groups and individuals in the coming months. These visitations, should you be gifted with one, will be at first, a source of great skepticisim to many. I share this communication with you now, that more of your number may be prepared to receive and acknowledge the reality of such celestial visitations. These visits between mortals and members of the Magisterial Mission will serve many purposes. Initially, it will help to calm the fears of mortals who have never previously been in the presence, however fleeting, of a visible representative of the celestial administration. As these visits become accepted among those who have 'eyes to see and ears to hear', so will their transistion into our full time presence in the years ahead be facilitated. A second objective is the spreading of the wonderful news of our re-connection on the material level of existence with those who would be about the Father's will on the planet. Many of our visits to individuals will focus on the areas and tasks which they can participate in to further plans for our impending arrival and the re-establishment of a visible planetary headquarters on the sphere. These individuals, many mortal members of our magisterial staff, will receive instructions, guidance and encouragement as they proceed with the tasks they do on our behalf. Lastly, these visits will serve to stimulate a quickening of spiritual interest around the planet, causing many to be encouraged to turn with renewed vigour to their own personal relationships with deity. Women on your world have long suffered from inferior status and imbalances in power. This situation must be rectified; just as the circumstances in New Orleans point out glaring racial inequities that must be corrected, so must the gender inequities on your planet be addressed as well. Women will play a critical role in the unfolding events, and they should anticipate that some of our first appearances will be to them. No one should be frightened by these visitations, but instead look forward to them with the anticipation you might feel at meeting in person a friend you have known and loved for many years through long distance correspondence. My daughter, you have served us well and I greatly look forward to my ongoing association with you. That is all. Until we meet again my friend. ------------------------------------------------ Topics: Teaching Mission Archive Project Importance of early history/ Explain precursors Preparation for Monjoronson’s appearance Preparation for a large volume of Internet “hits” Co-creative assistance available Technique of “working teams” Packets of material Devise schemes of implementation Expect immense difficulties Q & A-Editing guidelines Group decisions/identities Clarification of requested mission Difficulties to be faced Posting guidelines Advisability of parallel process Volunteers Translations Teachers: Rayson & Monjoronson (TR, Daniel) January 8, 2004 Daniel: We will take a few moments to relax. (Pause) I would suggest that when you think of your intention, that you also erase any agenda. If there is a singular intention, then the agenda should be washed away. (Pause.) If you haven’t already, please connect to the merkaba and visualize the energy circuits around it and in it, and that you are a part of it. RAYSON: Good evening, this is Rayson. (Good evening and welcome.) It is a pleasure to be here with you and thank you for coming on such short notice. Tonight we have a guest, who will become less a guest, but a frequent visitor in the future. Tonight, Monjoronson is with us, who has a special message, and the reason for calling you here tonight. I hope you understand that it is very important that a group forum be maintained as it allows others to ask questions, which validates the process. MONJORONSON: Good evening, this is Monjoronson. (Welcome!) We have called you here tonight—I would not call it a special session, but simply another one of our meetings—on short notice. The major topic we will be discussing is the archives, the archives of your Teaching Mission material that you have received in the years since the beginning of the Teaching Mission’s entrance on your planet. We continue to solicit for text of the transcripts, either in hard copy or on electronic form, for eventual submission to the archives. As you know, the archives are maintained in an electronic medium. You may ask for special assistance to aid you to arrange the transformation of hard copy to the electronic medium. We have an interest in this and wish to have the archives as complete as possible. The early years are important as they chart the exploration of the Teaching Mission, as you know it. As this process becomes more complete in years to come, there will be additional archival material submitted from other sources around the world. This meeting tonight concerns those who are in the business of Teaching Mission archives. We wish you to think of them in a new way—one day, my presence, my appearance will be made known to your planet. For now, I am here and I am there; I have appeared, but this will not be a continuous process until it is timely to do so; there are so many preparations to make now for that eventuality—the archives is one of them. Some of you must realize that the Teaching Mission archives are the only source that will be available to explain precursors to my appearance. A few of you have realized how important these archives will be, as millions—tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people—get on the Internet and search for these archives. It is important therefore, to design the archives in a manner in which they can be easily accessed simultaneously by many thousands of people. There is not an urgency to this at this time. We wish you to consider various ways and means by which the archives can be accessed simultaneously by many thousands of people. You take great joy in seeing a web site of your friends or your own receive “hits” of a dozen or so per day. And for other web sites of larger organizations, maybe thousands a day. We are speaking of many thousands per day. We are acquainted with your telephony techniques for receiving many hundreds of calls simultaneously on one line. I believe you call this “cascading.” We do not want to set the course of how you do this, but again ask you to work with us co-creatively. Your archival team should—we recommend—have a TR on staff when you meet. We have given you a course of action to pursue; the ball is on your court. Therefore, you will meet, discuss this, and come to some conclusions. Then you may wish to confer with your TR, at that point. This is one working team technique. You can find a means by which your celestials can work with your team through a discovery process—this too is not set. We only ask that you strive to co-creatively develop the techniques for this work. Further, we suggest that you devise prepared “packets of material” that can be shipped over the Internet promptly. There may be half a dozen or several dozen of these packets prepared in expectation for the person who accesses your site. The idea is to keep these very brief; as example, the history of the Teaching Mission on your planet should occupy perhaps no more than two of your typewritten pages. This will give the reader a prompt and swift answer. Numerous links within these packets will aid the individual to develop their inquiry to discover the information they seek. Thus you may see a plateaued or tiered level of material available to individuals. We perceive, at your technological level now, that individuals could get a concise packet of information in a short visit, allowing many others to “hit the site,” as you say. Now perhaps, you may feel this is overwhelming, but my friends, where else will the world get this material? Will they get it from the Fellowship, as friendly as it is? Will they get it from the Foundation, as resourceful as it is? See these sites as providing additional backup research references for your archives. We suggest that you work on these tasks and develop those plans that are feasible —plans that could be implemented quickly, once you become aware that my appearance is imminent. We do not wish you to waste your resources at this time, but to develop your thoughts into plans and how to implement them when they are needed. Does this give you an example of an earnest, sincere search by one who wishes to know more? Consider these questions: Will a glossary be needed? What is the Teaching Mission? What is the Correcting Time? Who is Michael? What is a Magisterial Son? Why do they come here? What is the purpose? What is a “Urantia?”—for instance. What is the individual’s role on this planet? Why are mortals here? What is the relationship of the individual to God? Of course, you will have a table for frequently asked questions, major plateaus, sub-tiers, and so on, much as the form the Concordance took. We know that this is a formidable task, yet a necessary one. This is in keeping and following with instructions and guidance of Rayson and other teachers to continue the archival process. As Rayson has forewarned you about my arrival and difficulties it will cause for your world, this too will cause immense difficulties for your archives. What will you do if, and or when, there are so many hits? Will your site go down? Perhaps, you may think of alternative sites for shunting or shuttling inquiries to them. These difficulties have already been experienced by popular sites on your planet. Do your research and examine these. You are not without resources. You will find that the resources will be available when you need them, as you need them. They will not fall out of the sky, and you will not be given a passbook to some bank account, but your needs will be fulfilled. Your needs are our needs. As concerns my presence today, I wish you to know that I work with many groups, and yours is one. I am known by many names; indigenous peoples have been expecting me. They may call me “The Wanderer,” “The Visitor,” “The One,” or similar terms like that. Those who are close to the earth know that there is extra assistance to this planet at this time. Now, I will be glad to address questions concerning this issue at this time. Student: Monjoronson, one of the difficulties that I have already run into with this archiving project is that a lot of the early material is not in very good shape. There are differences of opinion among the members of the group as to how much editing should be done. Can you speak to this, please? MONJORONSON: Certainly. First, the language must use good grammar, that your sentence structure, paragraph structure, content, be reasonable. But when one comes to a point where the mortal says, “Maybe the teacher meant this ____,” and changes the words, that would be inappropriate. It is appropriate, however, for the mortal editor to bracket their editorial opinion, at that time, or make further reference to other materials. Would you further explain, “in bad shape?” Student: Let’s see, how do I put this…. It seems like besides the grammar being not what we would like it to be, in many cases the sentences are short and choppy, there is no flow—it just has a totally different “feel” to it than the transmissions that we are getting now through people like Rayson, where everything just works together, and is well organized. I’m sure a lot of that is from the early TR’s, but there are times when I think that people looking at that material for the first time, might discount what the Teaching Mission has to offer, because it doesn’t fit in with the standards set by The Urantia Book. Does that help you understand …? MONJORONSON: Your explanation makes sense. We ask that you not remove this choppiness, or the sentence structure, as it reflects the developments of that era. If you were to look from a point 1000 or 2000 years ahead, looking back at this material, you would want the material in its earnest, sincere given form, as it was received and recorded at that time. Grammar, syntax, paragraph structure change with the culture; culture changes, but the material is consistent. When it is not, it is easily apparent that it is not. We urge readers to be discerning. Novices may/should be given instructions or guidance about the development of the TR process and the fluidity/choppiness of the given text. We wish the authenticity of the material to remain intact. As little intervention as possible is requested. The proof or believability of the material rests not in its crudeness, but in its message. Other questions? Student: I have a question about some of the student input, if some of this is a bit rambling, where there seems to be a great deal of repetition from one student’s question to the next student’s question, if there is any desire to have any of this consolidated or made a little more concise? MONJORONSON: And where would that occur? Student: I am thinking of some of the transmission that I have read recently. I am afraid that the teacher may not be saying much more to the individual other than, “You’re doing well, you’re making good progress, keep it up,” kind of thing. MONJORONSON: And do you have a suggestion? Student: (Pause.) I think if a question seems… within one question there is a good deal of repetition, I think that that might judiciously be condensed. I’m not sure what to say about the teacher’s response to various students of encouragement and support. They certainly seem valid. MONJORONSON: (Pause.) [This is Daniel. I sense a puzzlement about the question or request.] Another student: Perhaps I can clarify it a little. In the transcribing that I have done, sometimes the students, because they are speaking extemporaneously, have a great deal of difficulty getting their question out, without long, rambling sentences, and I have often taken their questions and extracted the “meat” out of them and presented the question in a concise form, but then I include the entire answer from the teacher. Is this acceptable? MONJORONSON: Yes, if that process is acceptable to the members of the group, who have had their rambling questions made more concise by the transcriptionist. This is a group decision. Student: A follow-up question on this subject: Is it part of the teacher’s objective, Teaching Mission objective, to answer the personal questions of individual students as we have been discussing, or is this something considered separable [superfluous (?)], to be left out, perhaps of the transcripts? (Monjoronson: Is your question complete?) Yes. MONJORONSON: As you are well aware, various groups have their own identities, their own agendas of issues for exploration, some of which are personal. We have no hesitation to accept this material into archives; it is not a bump in the road, causes no difficulty, and only reveals the nature of that group and the willingness and compassion by the teacher to address the needs of individuals at their level of presentation. This, as you know, has not been a part of the forum of this group, but it is for others. We have no objections to either format. (Thank you.) Student: Another question I have: Some groups use the names of the students who are participating, and other transcripts do not. What is the preference, or does it make a difference? MONJORONSON: We know you by name; it makes no difference to us, and it too, is a group decision. Student: Considering the assignment and the…it sounds like you are asking for us to consider setting up personal web sites to act as an extension of the archives and did I understand the requested mission? MONJORONSON: The mission in its simplest form, and the simplest statement, is to prepare for an inundation of requests for information, simultaneously at the archive web site. How you achieve this is for your discussion; how you achieve this is the task of your mission. It is of necessity that this material be readily available, worldwide, to many people—as many people as possible—in the shortest amount of time. For some, my appearance will cause immense panic. Imagine investors, wanting to know more about this, to project how this will affect the markets. Think too, of those who are devout, religious individuals of some Christian faith, and they think this is part of the apocalypse, part of the rapture, part of the time to go home to heaven, and they will want more information. Millions of people will want “straight answers,” as you say; they will want to know how to do that. We wish this site [to] empower people in the beginning of their new journey. If you are the media, you will want access. Imagine all the media, worldwide, simultaneously inundating this site, without consideration for individuals, it would be overwhelming. We know already, that this is nigh-on to an impossible task, but it is important to be able to recover quickly, or to possibly avoid it as long as possible. Student: Has the site manager been apprised of this need and is he working, and is he accessible to us as a team, to know how best to link in to the archives, or to back up the archives? MONJORONSON: All the questions of that nature should be addresses to him. Student: There has also been a lot of discussion on the site about which transcripts are acceptable to be posted and which aren’t. For example, some individuals feel that only group transcripts should be posted, but there are many excellent TR’s who do not have groups available. So I am asking about whether we should include transcripts from those single TR’s that have material that would be of interest to the planet at large? MONJORONSON: All material related to the Teaching Mission/Correcting Time, Michael’s work on this planet, is valid for submission. We suggest that these transmissions be tagged as group or individual. There must, there needs be an anticipation for the way researchers glean and search material in the archives. One researcher may wish to research only single, individual TR sessions; another may want to research only those which come from Canada; another may wish to identify groups whose TR’s have biblical names—there is a way to do that, as you know. At this point we are not overly concerned about the minutiae, but rather the strategic development of the archives. We advise that you be patient with one another. Apply the wisdom of Michael, both as Jesus and as Sovereign Administrator, Creator of Nebadon, for his concerns for the Correcting Time, for those who come after you, long after you have gone to the mansion worlds. Look to these matters in large perspective. Think of it in terms of inclusion, rather than exclusion. Allow researchers, whether individuals or organizations, to do the exclusionary work by the criteria they assign for their research parameters. Student: When this movement gets to the point where hundreds of thousands, or millions of people are going to be searching these archives, I wonder if some of the TR’s are going to bombarded by individuals wanting special sessions, or interviews, or have curiosity questions of one kind or another. Is that something that the TR’s should be concerned about? (Monjoronson: Would you?) (Pause.) Yes, I probably would be concerned, because not everybody on this planet has pure motives. MONJORONSON: Let us leave this issue at the present as speculation. We have no answer to give to this question at this time. These matters will be addressed in the future. One thing at a time; we would not want to eat the whole elephant at once, would we? (Group laughter.) This concludes my comments and my statement for this evening. Are there further questions before we close, and I turn this over to Rayson? Student: Yes, I have one question. Is it advisable to enlist the help of group members or individuals who are part of the Correcting Time to aid in this effort, or would it be more concise to have one or two heads of this project? In other words, would it be advisable to do a parallel process for the archival, the categorization, all of the different types of work that are required in this archival process? MONJORONSON: Are you speaking of mortals or celestials? (Student: Mortals and… well mostly mortals, at least in terms of the collaboration of individuals in the project of actually putting this information, or cataloging this information on the web sites.) We suggest that individuals, who are interested, submit their names to volunteer for assistance. This will be a large task and many minds will be needed to resolve the numerous issues involved. Individuals who have experience in libraries or archival situations, in storage, and records, will most likely volunteer. They may wish to organize a local working team of their own to work on a particular issue. These groups then would submit their material, suggestions, to the central archive committee or working team. This is only one of numerous suggestions that could be made to answer your question. Certainly, many will be needed, many groups will be needed, both to design the various means for access to the archives, and for the technological techniques that can be used. We do not wish to outline too specifically, only generalize at this time. We have made our need known in very general terms; we now, however, have not spoken of a timeline, as there does not exist one at this point, but ask that you begin with a sense of necessity that this be accomplished, rather than a sense of urgency. Do you perceive the difference? (Group: Definitely, Yes, Surely.) Student: Do you perceive that there will be a need for our thousands of pages of transcripts to be translated into other languages, or is English, being the most dominant language, could we just leave our material in this form? MONJORONSON: Numerous answers will come to you from The Urantia Book. There is a necessity for a single language in the eventual future of this planet. Your civilization will eventually have one language to communicate its culture to do business and its social affairs. This is the answer we provide to you at this time. Thank you for your attendance, we wish you well. Remember that the resources you need will be provided. If you are stumped by a problem, have a question, remember too that Nebadonia, Cosmic Mind, Universe Mind [is there for you (tape turned.)] … in these moments and you will receive answers before very long. Thank you. RAYSON: This is Rayson. Thank you too, for being here on short notice. This will not occur very often; we are grateful for your indulgence to do this. We wish you well, my friends; we look forward to working more closely with you, with the passage of each week and each month in the future. Good evening. Quote
Turtle Posted December 2, 2005 Report Posted December 2, 2005 He communicates so much & says so little. What little he does say, he immediately veils, & says as much, & that is the twist of the dagger. Whatever he knows, he is not going to share except in return of material gains. Tip over the money changer's tables. The truth will set you free because it is free. You will see them & not know them, & you will only see them in yourself. :naughty: Quote
insight Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 I have been learning of this somewhat unknown mission going on around the eart.There is an entity who calls himself, Monjoronson. People from different places around the world have been recieving so called transmission from this divine teacher over the past decade or so, recording all of the scripture and preparing it for a time when millions upon millions will strive to get there hands on it. Here is a few of the most interesting scriptures (?) of what Monjoronson speaks to us about. Behind veil:eek: Quote
arkain101 Posted December 3, 2005 Author Report Posted December 3, 2005 What do you mean there insight? Quote
Queso Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 He knows how to manipulate. maybe he picked it up from a gypsy. Quote
cwes99_03 Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 That was one of the best arguments for limits on post length. Quote
goku Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 sounded like an shakes spear play to me :xx: oops, i've never read a shakes spear play :naughty: Quote
my brain hurts Posted December 31, 2005 Report Posted December 31, 2005 The next one will be the first one. Quote
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