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What's your favorite style of music?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite style of music?

    • Pop
    • Rock
    • Progressive Rock/Metal
    • Heavy Metal
    • Hardcore Metal
    • Country
    • Rap
    • Weird Stuff (Electronica, etc.)
    • Blues
    • Jazz

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However I also love Gregorian Chant, Rap, Rock, Classical, Jazz, The crooners, and have a small set of 78 records that I listen too with music that is not available in modern formats. I’ve not found a genre that I don’t like (except Yoko Ono).


Favorites are.

Eric Clapton, Kid Rock, Beatles, Robert Johnson, Toby Keith, NickleBack, Sinatra, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Kurfman, BB King, Keb Mo, and Oh man I could go on.......


I love non traditional Jazz, but i have been more and more drawn into Beat music, i guess i like to listen to people that i know or know through a friend like Dan Svelt, DJ Midas and many others... that or my friend's stories about the 36 hour 4th of July party at 135 db with 6 kegs and loads of famous DJs and 2 police departments searching for the source of havvoc on the side of a mountain surrounded by forest in New Hampshire.... (the music was heard 40 miles away...)


those guys went from NYC jewish hardcore-but-not-really thrashy punk rock band, to a bunch of stoners just making chill music incorporating sometimes annoying, sometimes fun, hip-hop singing or whatever you want to call it, TO FULL ON NYC hip-hop.




i think their first album, and check your head" are my favorites.


even though they suck they're fun to listen to!



  • 4 weeks later...

Classical wasn't up there. That'd be my number one.


My choice depends on what I'm feeling. There are a few that work all of the time, like classical. I chose Jazz cause that's the closest to auditory art in my mind. Sometimes I'm in a punk kinda mood, others hip/hop, and still others country (My old friends in NY are screaching right now. :shrug:)

  • 2 weeks later...

classical music has some of the craziest musical pieces of all time.

Some composers get insane with the way they structure their pieces, their movements, reprises and solos-


Classical music appears boring to the ear that only Hears,

and does not Listen.


Just backing up bach,



Whoah there orb, i never said that classical music wasnt great, and i listen and know quite a few musicians and pieces, its arguable about the best musicians, i mean i know some real crazy jazz musicians that do crazy stuff (like playing a mario theme song on a 12 string base, or do 12 note cords on the piano (yep you only have 10 fingers, right) followed by some of the craziest runs you have ever heard), but never floccinaucinihilipilificated classical music, it is great, i love it at certain times, so shush, i was busting infy's chops, K?

  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

my sonic space-buds have grown to encorporate more and more tastes.

hurray for expanded horizons.


lately the list has been:

-electronica- (psytrance, ambient, breaks, drum n bass)

-rock- (experimental, "classic" (as if that's specific...), psychedelic)



-hip hop (the beats really, not the goofy *** mainstream rappers)

-true rap (poetry blasting you in the face)

-reggae and dub



and more stuff that i can't really classify.




so glad to be human,


  • 1 month later...

Pyrotex (Quote):

I selected Rock because that was the music of my youth. Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Stones, Beatles, Clapton, Crosby Stills & Nash, Jefferson Starship. That's what I play on my car stereo when I can find a station that plays it.


I do listen to others but Rock is number one. :phones: :lol:

  • 3 weeks later...

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