fairwind Posted December 4, 2005 Report Posted December 4, 2005 Hi folks, I am a 68yo, retired Electrical Trade Instructor, retired Electrical Contractor, retired electrician, retired boat builder, retired parent. I haven't retired from grandparenting yet. I live in West Australia, have done all my life, never been overseas, yet. My current occupation is studying Forex Online Trading, just about ready to start my next career!! My other interests include dinner or theatre out with my lady, cosmology, astronomy, history, reading ( forex trading strategys and general ). Also spend a bit of time on our 47 foot cruising yacht that I built in our backyard over a 12 yr period, see My Pics ( if I can figure out to upload them !! ) OK, I have just discovered that I cannot upload an attachment until I have 10 or more posts I have opinions on other subjects which I dont get too involved in, psychology, real estate investments, local and world politics, current news, religion ( I am not religious and will never join a religious group. I am however quite spiritual ). I read these forum pages when I am watching a trade unfold into a win or lose. Quote
infamous Posted December 11, 2005 Report Posted December 11, 2005 Hi folks,A magnificent Hi to you sir; Welcome to Hypography.....................enjoy..............Infy Quote
BEAKER Posted December 11, 2005 Report Posted December 11, 2005 Hi folks...Also spend a bit of time on our 47 foot cruising yacht that I built in our backyard over a 12 yr period...I read these forum pages when I am watching a trade unfold into a win or lose.May your yacht sail on fairwinds, and your investments split exponetially!:) Welcome to Hypography.:) Beaker. Quote
Crayoon Posted January 17, 2006 Report Posted January 17, 2006 Dear Honorable Hypography People - subscribers and administators:Hope I'm not cutting in line in front of FAIRWIND, in the realm of 'Introductions', or anyone else at any other Hypography location. Hopefully, the duration of this missive redeems itself and is self explanatory.Please bear with me. It is presently uncertain whether or not this communication can be posted at Hypography Science Forums - 'Walking Stick And Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory'; or, any other location at Hypography.Hence, this cogent message is included here in this introduction.Thank you. I guess this is how and where to introduce myself. Caryn H. Robertson. Retired jr. high school Biology & English teacher, in N.J., former Arabian Horse ranch keeper; still follow and for a long time subscribed to a number of domestic and international equestrian organisations. Former court mediator. Presently do my best to handle everything in my boss's psychiatric practice, except psychiatry! Student of most all the fine arts - including grandmothership. Enjoy reading of many subjects with emphasis on the sciences This is my first membership in any science forum (the ways and means of the internet and www are still largely mysterious, here). I don't know what my husband may think of my enrollment; though whatever else I may read, write or contribute, my initial incentive for becoming a Hypography membership, I must forthwith clarify, is to emend what several others I enjoy friendships with have suggested that I see to. Anyone who may have an interest in that is respectfully informed of the option of noting what I guess will be a first entry, aside from (and included in) this introduction. I feel I owe that not only to whomever it may concern, but also myself. Though I do not owe it to my husband, who is Kent Benjamin Robertson, very dear to me for over forty years. I wish it to be available information that Mr. Robertson holds the Science Forums Hypography website at large, and certainly it's administrators and memberships, in very high and grateful regard; even in consideration of (from what limited knowledge I have of) his recent banning, which in turn, is likely, for the most part, no one else's fault but his own. As I understand it from several others - besides Mr. Robertson - who happened to be following the discourse with interest, Mr. Robertson foreordained the dissertation to closure, when no such ending of the thread (he thoroughly enjoyed and commented several times to me, that he was preoccupied with, honored and humbled by) was necessary, and which was, as I understand it, in fact, altogether avoidable. I have not closely followed his participation in Hypography Science theoretical physics section, though I am of course very aware of his work and happy to say that due to its unexpected simplicity, understand most of it. Something I thought I would never be able to say, when we first met, in early 1960, when I likewise began to learn of his primary interests, studies and progressing contributions to physical science. My present foreground concern is not so much the fact of his banishment from Hypography, as it is the manner in which he dismissed himself, in what proves to be his last post at 'Walking Stick And Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory', in the Hypography Lounge... (I am advised that Mr. Robertson may have more appropriately carried out the featured dialogue in the category of what Hypography Science Forum People have designated as 'The Water Cooler'; for those relatively few persons familiar with his idiosyncrasies, no further explication need be made. On the other hand, I have likewise been made aware that Mr. Robertson was very respectfully received by several persons in particular, including administrators, and that he was accomodated in the Hypography Lounge, for reasons of its approximately cavalier ambience). I wish to make it clear on my part that the irony of this message and its import is not without its effects on me personally, and, I entreat the forebearance of whomever may be similarly predisposed. It's a properly qualified foregone conclusion that I write this introduction with more direction than a simple installation of acquaintance - any such perception is entirely justified. May this be an acceptably practiced opportunity to offer that this communication is neither a vicarious apology on behalf of Mr. Robertson, nor any appeal that he be reinstated with Hypography membership. That, having been said: This introduction asks additional allowance as provision of reasonable grounds for better understanding that: Mr. Robertson was advised by several of his few close friends that his apparently deliberate closure from participation in Hypography communications will as likely as not be interpreted as a gesture of anger toward Hypography administrators and memberships in general, which Mr. Robertson's confidante's, including myself, know is not the case. He - Mr. Robertson - balked the advise and the opportunity to rephrase his closing statement - hours before he was banned and while he still had the opportunity to re-word his - ostensibly tumultuous parting statements. Particularly the parting statement per se (Which Mr. Robertson steadfastly refused to revise even when benevolently admonished that it might be honestly or perfidiously misunderstood)... A study of the preceding statements (at issue) does reveal a qualification that the apparent generalised anger (which certainly may easily have been more specifically worded) is an address tospecific individuals, the listing of the identities of whom (still specifically unknown to me, but which persons are reliably described as having been issued - due to their alleged untoward indulgences in Mr. Robertson's dialogue with one nombre de plume, 'Turtle', and several others - all of whom, with the exception of the alledged, unredemptively intruding interlopers, several times in events preceding the 'falling out'; with no puns intended) was a main point of contention. Especially in view of Mr. Robertson's transference of the last individual adversary's ex parte question, from a realm of 'Private Messages', to the realm of the 'Walking Stick & Turtle', originated by the latter personage ('Roger Thelonious George' - an apparently avid student and teacher of scientific issues, as is Mr. Robertson),off the more usually traveled main path of science issuing 'threads' themes in 'The Lounge'; which is, Mr. Robertson has repeatedly acknowledged against the rules of 'terms of service'. The 'question' that was asked of Mr. Robertson, in 'Private Messages' (I am told by several reliable sources, the conclusions of whom are based on what I understand is still posted on the issued thread) preemptively inquired why Mr. Robertson was 'insulting' the questioner, and a handful of his previously, and, so it is said, disingenously imposing, administrative ranked cohorts - all of whom had earlier made (what is allegedly still in evidence on two different threads) superfluous and/or inappropriate 'corrective' appearances in previously issued subjects, not only on the 'Lounge' thread of 'Walking Stick & Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory', but on a thread originated by one 'Sergey500', entitled 'What IS space'. It is not my wish or intention to reengage further contention, but, rather, to mediate and resolve whatever extant differences there may be. On the other hand, if any information as I describe and apply it here, proves out to be incorrect, I respectfully allow for what differences there may be, to be expressed in response to this introduction and deposition. With regard to much of what is at issue here, many of the cases in point, if they have not been removed, remain posted in the respectively subjected 'threads'. It is my understanding that, on or about 10 December, one 'some time administrator' who calls himself 'GAHD' ('Splendid to behold'), and,who photographically icons himself as a patch-eyed, whip weilding 'pirate', forwarded a 'Private Message' to Mr. Robertson, 10 December 05. The emailed message was entitled 'respond immdiately' (sic); the content of which proclaimed that Mr. Robertson's recently posted "style" was unacceptable and/or offensive (paraphrased), and, that Mr. Robertson must cease said 'style' (the meaning of this was not defined), 'or be banned'. Thenceforth, on that same day, Mr. Robertson was in fact 'banned', for what was said to be three months, to be re-allowed to post, with a lifting of the ban, on 10 March 06. Three days later this 'ban' was discontinued; Mr. Robertson was cordially re-invited (by Hypography Editor <and founder?>,'Tormod', of Oslo, Norway) to continue his active membership and dialogue (with four Hypography memberships, all of whom are administrators; including 'Tormod', and all of whom Mr. Robertson did then and still does reserve only marked respect, for many reasons, including the fact that Mr. Robertson was deeply touched and humbled by their respect for and sincereity with him <Turtle, Tormod, Irish Eyes; InfamousAliasSteadfast, Sergey500, and CraigD>). None of whom are among those who are reliably described as unnecessarily and punitively harrassing Mr. Robertson. Tormod explained that the ban had been imposed due to 'multiple postings'. Mr. Robertson replied that he was very grateful, but that he was unaware of any 'multiple postings' on his part. Concurrent with and preceding the10 December 05 time window, were a series of written complaints about, off topic interruptions of, and manifest deletions of Mr. Robertson's posts. One 'orbsycli', who alternately claims to be and not be an administrator, interrupted Turtle's conversation with Mr. Robertson, with the off-topic statement: 'The universe is shaped like jazz. Duh". Turtle promptly reprimanded 'obsycli' for this 'off topic' intrusion. The next time 'orbsycli' made his presence known was when he publicly posted a statement that Mr. Robertson's titular subjection of 'Total Field Theory', was already a topic in Mr. 'orbsycli's' realm, that he, 'orbsycli' was 'a bartender kinda guy' in this realm (the thread, administrator 'Turtle' had created for the sole purpose of communicating with Mr. Robertson in the 'Hypography Lounge'; namely 'Walking Stick And Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory' <Total Field Theory' being one of several titles of Mr. Robertson's 45 year published, distributed and sold out, small press, ten editions, spanning the time period between 1959 and 1995>), and that Mr. Robertson should go check it out, and, that 'orbsycli' was tentatively going to *fire up and 'gleefully' burn down' Mr. Robertson's post entitled Total Field Theory (*in those paraphrased words). Everyone and anyone who was reading the Hypography Lounge thread, 'Walking Stick & Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory' is witness to this; certainly including a host of administrators. Apparently, tentative 'administrator' 'orbsycli' was unaware that the post (he was the self described 'bartender guy' of, that) he thought Mr. Robertson was 'duping', was initiated by Turtle, in honorific to Mr. Robertson (Aka 'Walking Stick'). All of this is to say, that to the best knowledge of this record, this was the origin of the 'multiple posting' reason for Mr. Robertson's three month scheduled, three day imposed 'banning'. Apparently lifted,after 'Turtle' informed Editor Tormod of the remarkable 'misunderstanding'. Administrator GAHD is on record, with the direct witnesship of administrators, Turtle, Irish Eyes, Infamous and Tormod, as well as anyone and everyone reading the 'Walking Stick and Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory'thread, as having repeatedly deleted Mr. Robertson's posted participation in dialogue with Turtle and the above named administrators as well as all other readers. The blank spaces seperating Mr. Robertson's disappeared responses to Turtle and others, were replaced with the statement: 'This post deleted by GAHD. Reason: That Rascal Puff (Mr. Robertson) is unworthy of google posts'... About a half dozen - maybe more - of these deletions occurred in a series of disappeared posts by Mr. Robertson, while the latter was in typographical conversation with Turtle and others. An earlier post by Mr. Robertson was edited (portions were deleted), 'Reason: Juvenile formatting'. No explanation was offered. In the three day period between 10 December and 14 December 05, GAHD posted the statement: 'Reason for banning: None'. 'Reason for banning: Multiple Posts'. All of the above described (and archive documented, massively witnessed, if not still posted) harassments were coordinated by 'Cold creation', 'Hard Science', 'C1ay, and 'administrator' 'Qfwfq'. When Mr. Robertson listed these names (in message number 77, at 'Walking Stick And Turtle Discuss Total Field Theory), about fifteen messages later, on or about 14 January, GAHD emailed Mr. Robertson (That Rascal Puff), in a 'PM' - 'Private Message', clicking to Hypography Forums Private Messages:'man, why you have to insult people and my fellow administrators' (paraphrased) That is when Mr. Robertson transferred the 'Private Message' to the 'Hypography Lounge', and the reason Mr. Robertson was thereafter, within a matter of about 12 hours, banned from all of Hypograpy ScienceForums. ('We gave you many chances. You broke all the rules')'Date ban will be lifted: Never."B] Thank you for reading this missive. Post Script: Since March of 2003, Mr. Robertson has been complained against and called to court to answer a petition, on two different occasions, by a cartel of persons represented by two petitioners (all of whom wish to remain anonymous and one of whom has been *identified as the creator of a world wide web accessed hate site, formerly titled 'whykbrsucks.tripod.com', and 'whykbrsucks2' <ordered taken down and permanently extinctified. The perpetrator is a certified network software administrator and convicted felon>*by State Trooper Sy Lee, of K Barracks, Salt Point, N.Y.). In November 03, after one of the petitioners was summoned for contempt of court, and each petitioner perjured themselves, under oath, repeatedly, the two petitioners capitulated all four of their four charges. The case was dismissed. March of 04, a near carbon copy case was brought against Mr. Robertson,by the same cartel. The case was dismissed, with court decision pending against one of the two petitioners; who are presently on the precipice of federal charges, ranging from trespass of firearms regulations by a convicted felon, with contingencies of 'redress of grievances', 'free speech', 'perjury',submitting a series of false reports to federal officials from Santa Cruz, California to New York City, and contingencies thereof. Thanking you I am sincerely, Caryn H. Robertson Quote
Queso Posted January 17, 2006 Report Posted January 17, 2006 Mashed up misunderstanding,i ay ay... Quote
Tormod Posted January 17, 2006 Report Posted January 17, 2006 Thanking you I am sincerely, Caryn H. Robertson Nice try. It's time for you to find another forum. Quote
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