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I have switched ad agency and they promised the popups would only display once every 48 hours on average per user. I have gotten a few mails from some of you who have just received tons of popups.


I got about 25 of them in the past 12 hours myself.


I have turned them off until the agency can figure out what happened...


I'm *really* sorry about this - I dislike popups as much as anyone but I am sure there must have been a technical glitch here.




Good point! I like Mozilla Firefox. I can also recommend Opera, the Norwegian browser - http://www.opera.com


I have heard from the Agency who apologized and were very professional about it - there was a human error on their end and things like that are bound to happen during transitions.




My son loves Opera. He says he is the big computer hacker and coder so he is right. I far prefer Mozilla and tell him that no matter how much more computer literate he is, I have a greater understanding of human interface, so I am right! lol!


From my take on it, Those that like Tab browsing prefer Opera. Window browsers prefer Mozilla. AOL users prefer IE!


I have installed Firefox also, but haven't used it yet.


Ah for the days of Mosaic! lol!


You have Tab browsing in Mozilla and Firefox too.


Anyway, I am going to ofer Opera for download from Hypography to try to move some people over to it.


This site is no longer readable to users of anything less than IE 5/Netscape 6 (but all mozillas and firefoxes and most operas). It will show but not pretty (how's that for "graceful degradation").



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