CD27 Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 ok guys, i have a question for you all. i just read something on an article, it said that einstein was 16 years old and was already thinking pretty deep into physics. i began writing my first novel wheni was 14. i finnished it with 60,000 words by the time i was 16 and immediately began on another one which was finnished with 34,000 words by the time i was 17. both were science fiction, the same basic idea, but different plots. i gave them to a professional book writer who loves sci. fi. novels. he said they were the absolute best he had ever seen since andromeda, star trek, and star wars put together. (i still haven't gotten them published quite yet, because i'm still only 17, i want to wait 'till i'm 18 so i know i get the money i earn and not my gardian. then i went into the music biz. i can play a mean rythm and lead guitar, metallica style. i've got over 100 of my own songs, and trying to start a band, but not working out so great. and then i have my theories, which has been pointed out to me is nothing more than a very good hypothesis. i know a few other people that are almost just like me, but not quite, and then i know a few that are above me. does being younger and more intelligent than the average person leave you to be a genius?
Tormod Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 Well, at least it does not seem to make you modest. And I think several here have not called your theory a "very good hypotheses" but a flawed theory because it does fail to take into account some rather fundamental aspects of physics (like what is time, and the properties of space-time). Having 100 songs is good - to you. Hopefully they are good songs, too. I don't htink playing a mean lead guitar makes you a genius (btw, did you know I studied classical guitar...) except if you're John Scofield, of course. And if you compare your sci-fi with Andromeda, Star Trek and Star Wars then you aim at a certain audience. Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas may be geniuses but mostly of the financial kind (if you ask me). Now, if your books could compare to Greg Bear, Peter Hamilton, Richard Morgan, Orson Scott Card (*struggling to remember any women here, my bad*) then I would certainly like to read them. See, we all have different opinions on what is hot and what is not. So I would stop comparing yourself to others and just be - plain and simply - yourself. I'm sure there is a lot of good stuff in you! Tormod
Tormod Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 BTW, moving this topic to the watercooler. Tormod
Freethinker Posted June 7, 2004 Report Posted June 7, 2004 Boy CD, you are really full of yourself aren't you? WOW, you can string 60,000 words together! And some un-named "professional book write" supposedly thinks you are better than anything in history! First a "professional book writer" is called an AUTHOR. I don't suppose we will ever be rewarded wtih the name of this leading Author? Everything you post smacks of selfrighteous conceit. Incredible books, that don't seem to make it tp press.then i have my theories, which has been pointed out to me is nothing more than...... unscientific rambling nonsense. I am not aware of ANY music critic that would list Metallica as having advanced music compostion. "Heavy Metal Power Cords" are barely a step above Rap. If that. Not that I don't enjoy some Metallica (esp from earlier, pre sellout days). In fact I have been told many times that I look like Lars. (both of our long hair days) On top of which you admit on another thread that you accept nosense from people you now know are intentionally lying to you. In what way does ANY of this show ANY higher level of IQ? People with high IQ's typically are not religious (there is a direct negative corelation shown between IQ and religousity, Einstein said he was a non-believer from childhood) Tend to like more complex musical forms. Actually get published when they write. And typically are not concieted about their abilities. The answer is simple. Take an IQ test. There are many of them published and oin-line. While there is much dispute realted to the outcome of an IQ test, if it does come out high, it does mean something. Or have you already taken one and did not like the results?
lindagarrette Posted June 8, 2004 Report Posted June 8, 2004 I'm pretty sure intelligence doesn't increase with age. My IQ has dropped several points over the years. Sad. But, I keep learning and think smarter.
Uncle Martin Posted June 8, 2004 Report Posted June 8, 2004 Good ol' CD's got 180 now, so I guess he can spare a few points as time goes by.
Tim_Lou Posted June 8, 2004 Report Posted June 8, 2004 good job, and keep on good work... "does being younger and more intelligent than the average person leave you to be a genius?" hmm, what do u mean "genius'??"genius" means nothing but a smarty. to be sucessful, hard work! is the only thing. (being smart does help you a bit) dont be over pround of youself, just be yourself.hard work will get paid one day. comparing is a real bad think, as i everything to yourself only, are you improved? or not? IQ means nothing!! nothing at all! IQ is based on a everyone-standard... which is nothing more than a little go beyond, you need not to have these standards! truely smart doesnt need a high IQ.
Uncle Martin Posted June 8, 2004 Report Posted June 8, 2004 Good point Tim, infinite intelligence without ambition is a useless thing. On the other hand, infinite ambition will get you somewhere, regardless of intelligence.(so long as you're not in a vegetative state) A nice combination of the two is best.
CD27 Posted June 9, 2004 Author Report Posted June 9, 2004 thank you al for your replies, they all meant something (freethinkers..still harsh, but still meaningful.) i of course don't belive what otehr have told me is nonsense until i have experienced the subject in person. when i was younger, i thought holding hands with a girl was just sick and stupid. but now i realize that it is a sign of compation. so, to me, it was nonsense, but to someone else, it was absolutely true. you may not ahve experienced my religion the way i have, but the experience i have in it, it jsut points me to a certain way to live, and i live by it. for one, i choose to believe what i belive, i choose to live the way i want to. i choose to not care how some people look (well, i take that back, old people seem to ick with me), and if someone tells me what i've been told is a lie, then i choose to belive a lie. tim, that is very true, i like how you answer the questions. for one, metallica is not jsut a bunch of power chords, i can tell you that much. i've looked over most all of their work, the old stuff, not this new junk they got out now. i actually play most of them as well. first of all, you have to have speed, and to have speed with music, well you can't hit one single note wrong, you got to get them all right. that is very difficult for people. also, my songs i have written, yes,. they are very good lyrics and have very good music to them, unfortunately, a set of drums, bassist, lead guitarist/or rythmist, and lead singer are needed for it to be a "song" in metallica style. my novels, also, are relatively good as well. i have not read those books you mentioned tormor, so i couldn't say if mine were like them or not. i just know that my novels follow star wars and andromeda's style of being inside the space craft with admirals and officers, just ranks in general. then, from star wars, it gives some of the fantasy parts from there. i also put my own little marks on my novels, so that they are unique to my own taste. i think they are rather good books, in one year, when i'm 18, i will get them published and we'll see how the rest of the world feels about them. again, thanks to you all for responding to my post. but really, the question wasn't jsut about me. it was about everyone. i just put myself in it. my question, i will re-state, was about this: does a young age and intelligence mean you're a genius? in other words, a little kid being able to do calculus, or a 16 year old understanding relativity, or a 4 year oold able to play mosark (i don't know how to spell that) those make people geniuses? at that age with that kind of knowledge? what are some sites that have great IQ tests? with accurate scores. no, freethinker, actually, i have simply never taken an IQ test, and if i did, i wouldn't be afraid of a score if it were bad, as tormor said, i am me, let me be me, i wouldn't want to change that...or would i?
CD27 Posted June 9, 2004 Author Report Posted June 9, 2004 i'm sorry that reply didn't came with any spaces in it...i guess it jsut didn't put them in there. i DID press enter, like sever or eight times. i tried to edit, but it wouldn't work. sorry guys.
GAHD Posted June 9, 2004 Report Posted June 9, 2004 LMAO, well an IQ over 160 generally indicates "genius". My IQ was 165 when I was 14, but has dropped to 145 because I haven't learned much in the periods between tests(IQ by age group, I technically increased 5 points over my old score, but the age grouping mods dropped the total by 20). I think the average american score is somewhere between 80 and 90, average canadian 95-110, average european in and around 100. These tests are by no means definitive(I actually scored 110 on one test, 185 on another, neither were timed) I choose to take the results of the 'timed' test I took at the local university as endo-defacto. The main thing I find useful about IQ tests are that the good ones rate you in various ways, much like a S.A.T. on steroids. My Test(s) indicated a strong mathimatical and spatial aptitude, with average linguistic skills, and slightly above normal reaction time and logic skills.Obviously this tells me that; I'm best at the skills I sharpened though everyday use(I did construction and carpentry for the better part of my life, still do on occasion), that I need to brush up on my grasp of language( the 3 and 1/2 I know{and am learning} constantly bleed into each other grammatically) and that my brain is in good shape thought wise but it could be stronger. I.Q. tests are a tool, nothing more or less. Along the same lines A personality profile is likewise useful, though mainly for employers. My mind is of the INTP type; more prone to solving problems and administration than to long term planning and such. On the lines of arrogance; yeah you're arrogant, but so am I, so is FT.....the superiority complex seems to be a staple of people with high convictions and intillect.EDIT; of people in general come to think of itOn the topic of not being able to add spaces; what browser are you using? I use firebird without problems, IE as well.
Freethinker Posted June 9, 2004 Report Posted June 9, 2004 Originally posted by: CD27thank you al for your replies, they all meant something (freethinkers..still harsh, but still meaningful.)Your getting clever. Good for you. Don;t let anyone take away your self pride. Just don't take it too far. You come off like an *** if you promote yourself too much. you may not ahve experienced my religion the way i have, but the experience i have in it, it jsut points me to a certain way to live, and i live by it. for one, i choose to believe what i belive, i choose to live the way i want to. i choose to not care how some people look (well, i take that back, old people seem to ick with me), and if someone tells me what i've been told is a lie, then i choose to belive a lie.Yes, in order to continue to believe in a religion, you must intentionally alow yourself to live a lie. You only have one life and you have to decide what that lif3e is worth. If it is worth nothing more than lies, well that is your choice. It's just a real waste of a life and harmful to the rest of society because you will never be a valuable part of society, just a drain on it. But as you say, you choose. my novels, also, are relatively good as well. i have not read those books you mentioned tormor, so i couldn't say if mine were like them or not. i just know that my novels follow star wars and andromeda's style of being inside the space craft with admirals and officers, just ranks in general. then, from star wars, it gives some of the fantasy parts from there. i also put my own little marks on my novels, so that they are unique to my own taste. i think they are rather good books, in one year, when i'm 18, i will get them published and we'll see how the rest of the world feels about them.And I will order a signed copy of each. does a young age and intelligence mean you're a genius? in other words, a little kid being able to do calculus, or a 16 year old understanding relativity, or a 4 year oold able to play mosark (i don't know how to spell that) those make people geniuses? at that age with that kind of knowledge?Well these descriptions could also be a "Idiot Savant" in many cases. From WWWebster:Etymology: French, literally, learned idiot1 : a person affected with a mental disability (as autism or mental retardation) who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (as mathematics or music) -- called also savant2 : a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else So what you are describing is someone that is outside the norm for the bell curve. It could be either end.
CD27 Posted June 9, 2004 Author Report Posted June 9, 2004 well, um, i guess tat would be a correct assumption. i don't know if i'm not normal...but i'm guessing im not. lol. i seem to deal well in physics and mathematics. i just have this mind set. if something doesn't affect my life, then why should i waste my time with it? i mean, i hate Lit. completely. can not stand it for a second. i know that learning how to use words and grammar, thatis important..but romeo and juliet? sheesh, i fart on that. i could care less about what some gay guy wrote before even my farthest ansesters were born. as for the "lies" i belive. well, to you, they may be lies, but tome they are the truth. not lies. and yes, i choose to trust and belive in them. and they HAVE gotten me a great ways through life, protected me from many things, and saved me from many others. not everything was meant to protect, it was also meant to test and teach. a child not knowing how to tie their shoes. would you rather tell them, " tie your shoes or you'll hurt yourself", or jsut let them walk around with them untied and let them learn what it means to listen to your parents adn to tie their shoes? i would choose the second one. i might just let you get a signed copy of my novels..both signed, enthusistic jerk. lol, jk.
Uncle Martin Posted June 9, 2004 Report Posted June 9, 2004 "insanity is questionable-stupidity is not" I have a question for you CD........No, on second thought I don't.
CD27 Posted June 9, 2004 Author Report Posted June 9, 2004 ok guys, i took two IQ tests from the internet. one said 117 and the other said 136. the one that said 136 had a table that was kinda like this on how it averaged it's scores: Average: 85 - 115 Above average: 116 - 125 Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135 Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145 Genius: 146 - 165 High Genius: 166 - 180 Highest Genius: 181 - 200 Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200 does that shed any light to the subject?
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