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Mushrooms effects ( i didn't know where to put this)

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Just that one specie, or the whole genus? if it grows on your land, can you get in trouble for "possessing" them? liberty caps grow in europe and north america, pretty widely spread where its cooler....be interesting if you could get in trouble if they are in your own field....


I know a man who thought running down the street with a tomohawk while chasing people was incredible fun and the right thing to do on mushrooms. he'd had plenty of trips before this with no 'craziness' involved.


Another thought robbing a takeaway stand with a gun for a can of coke was very funny - 7 years.


Others who 'found the lord' and are now religious zealots.


Forgetting to breathe, hmm ,harmful?...


Insanity, schizophrenia? Harmless?....


The night I thought the world had ended was a bad trip for me. Convinced it was 8 in the morning by friends who'd put the clock forward, the sun hadn't come up. I wandered out to the highest hill and climbed it, looking for the sun.


So here's a man completely smashed climbing a steep mountain with rope hand holds and cliffs all over it to see if the sun is coming.


Dangerous, hell yeah!


None of the arguements here are valid for legalising the substance. It is illegal because it is a very strong mind altering drug.


Those who take it do so at their own risk, and have no right to tell others it is harmless, it is not. it MIGHT be harmless, it might be the last sane thing you do - conscientious objection to the law followed by consumption.

I know a man who thought running down the street with a tomohawk while chasing people was incredible fun and the right thing to do on mushrooms. he'd had plenty of trips before this with no 'craziness' involved.


Another thought robbing a takeaway stand with a gun for a can of coke was very funny - 7 years.


Others who 'found the lord' and are now religious zealots.


Forgetting to breathe, hmm ,harmful?...


Insanity, schizophrenia? Harmless?....


The night I thought the world had ended was a bad trip for me. Convinced it was 8 in the morning by friends who'd put the clock forward, the sun hadn't come up. I wandered out to the highest hill and climbed it, looking for the sun.


So here's a man completely smashed climbing a steep mountain with rope hand holds and cliffs all over it to see if the sun is coming.


Dangerous, hell yeah!


None of the arguements here are valid for legalising the substance. It is illegal because it is a very strong mind altering drug.


Those who take it do so at their own risk, and have no right to tell others it is harmless, it is not. it MIGHT be harmless, it might be the last sane thing you do - conscientious objection to the law followed by consumption.

I can't speak about mushrooms.. never done any, but isn't LSD the same? I agree that these drugs should not be taken by the stupid, and or irrational,since it only amplifies what is in your nature, but they indeed have a use in expanding conciseness. Scary and dangerous in the wrong hands yes, but look what it did for music and art.


I definately agree they can expand one's thinking. And for those who can't think about anything uncomfortable so believe all the nonsense their leaders tell them, well, mushrooms could well drive them mad, or wake them up.


But - what they did for music and art?


I respectfully disagree.


I know a lot of artists. Musicians, painters poets sculptors comics... Those who took hallucinogenics did not progress any faster than those who did in terms of skill or creativity.


Most artists I know get much better original imagery in dreams than on trips.


Even cannabis, a mild hallucinogenic (nice sativas, yes) can give the user a sense that what they are doing or thinking or creating is profound. This does assist focus but is not as profound as one believes, however the belief creates energy, which will help the creative juices.


Epiphanies and original thought come to many people under the influence or not, what I've found with drug addled epiphanies is that 9 times out of ten they are nonsense.


I'm definately interested in seeing what a trip would be like for Bush or Cheney (but lock them up in case they think God's told them the red button is the only solution instead of realise they are evil bastards).


People should be careful making such generalizations. Clearly, individual differences are of the utmost importance when discussing the effects of drug use. There is no one size fits all comment that will ever be valid, except that individual differences are of the utmost importance when discussing the effects of drug use.


Drug... what a silly word. There's caffeine, nicotine, viagra, cholesterol meds, and all manner of other drugs. When I was in college, I tried many things, and I'm glad I did. At least now I have a first hand perspective on the experience, and do not have to rely on the propoganda regurgitated to me from others. ;)


So here's a man completely smashed climbing a steep mountain with rope hand holds and cliffs all over it to see if the sun is coming.


Dangerous, hell yeah!


the problem is you KNOW that it is going to distort your reality, so really it was your own self not being responsible. if one is going to take such substances they should of course be with someone to watch them. to be on your own and do stupid ****, is not only due to the mushroom, it was do to the user not being the least bit responsible. it is no different than getting drunk and having a designated driver! if you drink and drive yourself, whats the difference?


I always wonder when i hear stories like these. why does a man that is on mushrooms have a gun? or a tomahawk? if someone is really that mentally "special" in a sober state, they should probably not take ANY chemical without a doctors go ahead. any time i have engaged in various mind altering activities i have prepared everything. nothing stupid or dangerous around, and a close friend to be with me (not a friend who tries to play with me and change clocks).


quite frankly, i don't care much about the legal issues...to be honest it is WAY easier for people to get illegal things than legal things in many cases...when i was in grade school, illegal drugs (such as weed and mushrooms) were everywhere....but it took days to get alcohol.


my BIG pet peeve is to have drugs that are INCREDIBLY *physically* damaging 9such as tobacco and alcohol) legal while others that are FAR less *physically* damaging illegal. mushrooms are not physically dangerous as far as damage to your body is concerned. your mental wellbeing is totally unknown as Infinite said, everyone is different in that regard.


we will probably all agree that all these narcotics (i include alcohol here) have varying effects on ones mind. Alcohol is very dangerous mentally and physically (it kills), where as mushrooms are only mentally dangerous (potentially).



on creativity, i think hallucinogens do play a very large roll. these plants/fungi are a very large part of human society...very large.the mandrakes/henbane used in europe by "witches". to the shaman of northern places like Norway using Amanita mushrooms (there is a theory about the use of these mushrooms and the creation of santa clause). Or many south american tribes using things from Yage (DMT) to Brugmansia in brews....these plants have strongly shaped their society and religion. tobacco and peyote for southern USA indians have helped mold their societies. All sorts of things in the Aztec/Mayan areas such as mushrooms, morning glories, DMT, and other tropanes. all tehse things have played a huge role in many societies development. so does it help with creativity? only if you think it has formed and evolved religion creative.


a quote from Shultes' writing :naughty: this is La Barre talking with a native american (Charlie Charcoal) about peyote hallucinations.


Charlie) You know, it's kind of different for and me. I mean, like once i was going down into a canyon with large pine trees. As I looked back, there was a steep bluff. I had to keep going downward until I was lost. And then a voice spoke to me and guided me out of the canyon. Then that voice became a squirrel. And I thought that was interesting......


All these white men come to study peyote, and they don't see no animals. Animals don't mean nothing to them. They just see people, people playing music. Now, Indians don't see no piano playing, but they catch songs from the wind blowing and they make music from the birds singing.


this also reminds of teh movie "fear and loathing in Las vegas". do you remember the part when tehy check in and he is on LSD. he starts watching TV which has a war show on then it becomes reality.


In my opinion, these substances only draw from what is already in your mind. If you are a person who lives in nature you will likely great visions of animals. If you are a soldier/warrior you will likely get visions of great battles and the like. in fact this is documented quite well. if you watch "Blade" and eat mushrooms you will likely had a messed up vampire trip. if you watch a yoga video on some tranquil beach you will probably have a peaceful relaxing trip.


mood, setting, mental state are HUGE factors when tripping....which is why they can be beautiful music and ultimately ecstacy, or a nightmare from hell.

I definately agree they can expand one's thinking. And for those who can't think about anything uncomfortable so believe all the nonsense their leaders tell them, well, mushrooms could well drive them mad, or wake them up.


But - what they did for music and art?


I respectfully disagree.


I know a lot of artists. Musicians, painters poets sculptors comics... Those who took hallucinogenics did not progress any faster than those who did in terms of skill or creativity.


Most artists I know get much better original imagery in dreams than on trips.


Even cannabis, a mild hallucinogenic (nice sativas, yes) can give the user a sense that what they are doing or thinking or creating is profound. This does assist focus but is not as profound as one believes, however the belief creates energy, which will help the creative juices.


Epiphanies and original thought come to many people under the influence or not, what I've found with drug addled epiphanies is that 9 times out of ten they are nonsense.


I'm definately interested in seeing what a trip would be like for Bush or Cheney (but lock them up in case they think God's told them the red button is the only solution instead of realise they are evil bastards).


It worked for me the product of cannabis and cappuccino. Your are correct in how it works its more of a reward system in the brain an epiphany or an insight is amplified therefore more likely repeated as a cyclical behavior. Your are in essence addicting yourself to the creative process useing a chemical receptors in your brain.




Did you know NZ Taranaki farmers sprayed their fungi with a chemical that caused physical collapse of the people eating them. It was never mentioned, I found this out in a report about fungicides 2 decades later. I've personally witnessed many of these collapses. The drug culture were convinced it was the strychnine in them and this was common misbelief, probably still is.


I studied amanita muscaria and it's 2 almost identical cousins that could poison you so badly as to bring death or permanent damage.


I studied ergotamine, and the artwork (childrens scrawl filled with demons and witches) around the period. Possibly a major influence in the burning of witches at that time.


The arguement that mushrooms are safe is utter rubbish. They should be controlled, and new users should definately have an experience guide.


As for a world without potential weapons and practical joking friends - what? - mushrooms are safe - if there's no weapons, and you are supervised, and no-one has a laugh with you...


I might add that while climbing the mountain it was dark. The potential axe murderer is a childs nurse, the coke can hold-up was a guy who'd never harm an insect, let alone a human...


Quote "these plants have strongly shaped their society and religion"


Anything that encourages religion should be outlawed.


the thread was about Psilocybe mushrooms, not amanitas which are toxic of course.


read carefully what i am saying. Psilocybe mushrooms are not *PHYSICALLY* damaging. everyone here is in agreement they can make you do stupid things, this is why you should have a responsible friend...they do exist.


ergot, amanitas and allothers have varying degrees of toxicity, but please show me a real report describing the negative PHYSICAL of Psilocybe sp (presumably the thread starter is talking about P. cubensis).


they are as safe as you make them as far as doing stupid things when high. some people react very negatively to these things, user beware.


when compared to alcohol, which one do you honestly find safer?


look at this thread as well for a more on topic discusion: http://hypography.com/forums/medical-science/10963-good-narcotics-bad.html


That is true so far as I know too. Psilocybe and psilocybin mushrooms don't do physical damage. Anything untowards from mushrooms has been from the medium they're grown in (manure for several species) or sprays.


Effects. OK.


I like them. I had plenty of great times on them too. I especially enjoyed music and live music on them. Jumping around with lots of noise, ahh, was brilliant fun. I've ate 5, I've ate 10, I've ate 80. I've lain on a 10 degree slope thinking I was sliding down the hill while every leaf of every tree was a muppet face laughing in glee. I ran across a pathway and looked back to watch my legs running to catch up with me. Later on on the beach islands slowly rose and fell in the sea. And I knew that none of it was true, and it was bloody good fun.


Adding to that they are self limiting, instead of addictive. All the heavy shroomers I knew either went to opiates and died or got over it and went on with their lives. I must also add here, the opiate users were already users, that **** kills people. Mushrooms were not a gateway drug to this. One problem with illegal drugs is potheads and trippers exposure to harder wares.


I still maintain mushrooms are potentially very dangerous.


I don't know why alcohol enters the debate.


The time I went tripping and climbed a mountain to look for the sun I was 16. My friends were good friends but they were very young too. Kids today wanting to take shrooms are going to google it, and they might just take the time to read some of this thread. I was at the library devouring plants of the gods and similar books at that age. If we had the internet back then I'd have googled instead.


And really, it was a funny joke, They actually had me thinking the sun hadn't come up :)


I'm on both sides of the fence on this one. On the one hand I think people should have a mushroom experience, it is very profound. On the other I worry about the mental roulette. That is serious ****, life affecting.


yes, i agree.


i bring up alcohol as a controlled substance. Where i come from (BC, Canada) it *was* only sold in pubs/bars and government liquer stores. now it has freed up a lot but they still need to be government licensed as far as i know....cant buy anything in 7-11 or grocery stores like any other countries.


i am not saying it will stop everyone, but it is very difficult to get alcohol when i was in school, because it was so tightly controlled and regulated by the government. pot was FAR easier to get....i am just saying that in a controlled way, pot and mushrooms could be controlled a lot easier, and with a profit, if legal. but this is veering off topic, we discussed this in the thread i posted.


mushrooms and any hallucinogen are for the mature, strong headed and prepared people with a backup plan. unfortunately there is no limit of stupid people, but hopefully when they read this thread, they will in it's entirety and learn something about responsible use...and hopefully research more on the topic.


my old bosses son was getting into that stuff at 16-17 years old and he and his friends wanted to eat these little brown ones they found in his yard...to me, the biggest danger about mushrooms is wrong identification of wild picked species...there are a LOT of deaths related to this....its not magic mushrooms, its deadly look-a-likes. finally i ended up giving his son my field guide...i figured, he is going to eat them no matter what, i would prefer him not to die eating something else.


Yes, education is paramount.


One reason the stupid are stupid is they fail to see the value of education. When I look back, well, I was a really bright kid, yet my naivety and idiocy knew no bounds. Stupid would be a kind word for my attitude back then.

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