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If we look at energy trying to escape a strong gravtiational field it will red shift. This implies that the energy expanding with the extreme gravity field of the primordial atom should have red shifted into cooler or lower energy value quanta. Using the conservation of energy, since gravity caused this lowering of energy potential within the expanding energy, the energy associated with gravity of the expanding promordial atom would need to increase by the same amount. This occurs via the condensation of matter within the cooling energy. More mass means more gravity.


Since energy escaping gravity will red shift, the opposite should be true, or energy entering gravity should blue shift. Since blue shift implies that the energy will gain potential, i.e., x-rays become gamma rays, etc., using the conservation of energy, this implies that the energy associated with gravity must decrease. This is implicit of mass decreasing thereby lowering the effects of gravity.


When a critically lower mass and a critically high blue shift of energy occurs, the primordial atom will expand. The expansion cools the energy and increases the mass. With gravity low at the beginning but increasing with the expansion, this allows the BB to expand and galaxies to condense out quite early in the expansion.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hydro, If, for the sake of discussion, I could survive at the center of a black hole and I look at photons trying to escape, they would appear blue shifted with respect to me, because they would be gaining potential energy as they fight their way up.

Hydro, If, for the sake of discussion, I could survive at the center of a black hole and I look at photons trying to escape, they would appear blue shifted with respect to me, because they would be gaining potential energy as they fight their way up.


don't think so...


Hydro, I hope this is not too much to ask. Can you please help me understand why light would red-shift when escaping from high gavity?


Does the gravitational field act like, for example, a body of water. And the light moves slower while in the water, but regains normal speed when past the influence of the gravity? The light thinks it is always traveling at the same speed, unaware that space/time is compressed by the gravity? If space and time are equally affected wouldn't the light when it escapes appear normal? (as opposed to a doppler effect where only space is effected, but not time) Does the gravity well make everything inside look like it is racing away from you?


I am trying to understand this and need some more guidance.





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