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If we look at the equations of Special Relativity, the only things that change from reference to reference is mass, distance and time, due to relativistic velocity and special relativity gamma. In spite of these changes, the laws of physics remain the same in all references. In other words, if one was to conduct physics experiments on a relativity type spaceship, one would get the same results as someone on the earth.


To put things into perspective, if after a hard days experiements on our relativity spacecraft we decided to take a break and trim our fingernails and threw these protein scraps outside the spaceship, if they they hit the earth they would have the punch of something stemming from a particle accelerator. Even though all the particles within the spaceship are so energetic, the laws of physics will remain the same. For example, charged dust particles would still gently float around the spaceship if though their magnetic fields near C should result in a different set of properties.


Inherant within the mass, distance and time relativity are all the adjustments needed by the laws of physics to alter them to the reference. This implies that all the laws of physics can be expressed in terms of only three variables, i.e., mass, distance and time, since pertubation of these three variables can alter all the laws of physics to reflect how the particles states integrate with the new reference.

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