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Todays Herb :)


PARSLEY (Petroselinum sativum): This is another herb I grow out on the deck.

It's pretty easy to grow , But I find it does best under some shade. :)


Do you wonder why Parsley sprigs are usually found on the side of dishes you order at a restraunt??? :)


Its because PARSLEY is a natural antispasmotic and is very good for the digestion!


Eat the parsley sprig if/when accompanied with your meal. :)

You can also make a relaxing cup of tea with Parsley by steeping a few sprigs in hot water for several minutes.


___Ahhh Racoon! I wanted to ask about Garlic & its benefits. I tried growing it one year, but planted it in Spring & later learned that I must plant in Fall if I want multi-clove bulbs. Is it too late now to plant?

___Also, does cooking garlic (& other herbs) reduce the active ingredients? Thanks.:)


Re: Garlic

I was gonna get to Garlic, but it is a page worth of writing! :eek:

You must be mind-reading my next moves Turtle-san.


GARLIC (Allium sativum) : Garlic is natures Wonder Drug. :xparty: It has been used since ancient times. ( The Egyptians fed it to their slaves to keep the buggers' Healthy and to keep em' slavin' away!!!)

Garlic research has proven it to be potent. Louis Pasteur experimented by putting Garlic cloves in a petri dish full of bacteria. The results, to his pleasant surprise, was thay Garlic could kill troublesome micro-orginisms!

Dr. Albert Schweizer used Garlic to treat cholera, typhus, and amebic dysentary while working in Africa.

During World War I and World War II, before available antibiotics, Garlic was used on the battlefield to disinfect wounds and prevent gangrene: by rubbing it on the wounds. :lol:


Garlic is probably the best natural medicine for improving your cholesterol level.

Garlic is also being studied in some cancer researches, because of its inhibiting properties.


I haven't really grown Garlic. I know its pretty hardy. Now that I think about it, I will dedicate a little space in next years garden by planting some. :D


Daily dosages are recommended between 1 - 3 capsules daily.

Stir frying cloves for a few minutes will help eliminate garlic breath. 2 -3 cooked cloves will reap you maximum benefits. :)


Todays herb!


CHAPARRAL (Larrea tridentata): We learned about this versatile herb from Native Americans! I have never tried growing it, but here is what I found:


Chaparral contains a powerful antioxidant "nordihydroguaiaretic acid" (NDGA)

which is a strong free radical destroyer! :xparty:

The importance of neutrilizing free radicals is now well understood.

From my chemistry class, Free Radicals are missing an electron, and therefore search out normal, healthy cells to "grab on" to the electron its missing.

This interferes with normal cell growth and function.


Anywho's, Chaparral also helps the body ward off infection, helps prevent parasitic infection, helps reduce excess water weight, reduces inflammation, and may help slow down the aging process!! :lol: (by disrupting said free radicals)


Take 1 - 3 capsules daily or mix 10 - 30 drops in liquid 3 times daily.

You can apply extract directly to injured skin.


Has anyone ever used this stuff? I might have to look into this one a little more. :eek:


All righty then...


Todays herbal discourse is about a couple South American Herbs. :xparty:


In South America, (Latin America) Herbs are still the number 1 drug of choice!

There is much we still do not know about S.A. herbs here in the US.


CAYENNE (Capsicum anuun) : Yes, that red hot pepper! :lol: They have been used in folk medicine for over 7000 years!! They originate from the N.Eastern coasts of South America. They're really good for you!

I grow them every year in my pepper garden, for making homemade Salsa.

I cannot eat them because they give me severe burning and hiccups! :eek:

I wish I could though.... I have a friend who can eat them straight.


GUARANA (Paulina cupana) : You've probably heard about this guy already. The seeds of this plant are about 5% caffeine and it used for its stimulating effects. (ie Energy Drinks and such)


SARSPARILLA (Smilax officinalis) : This herb has been popular as a flavor in root beer and soft drinks. Its from Central America.

Bodybuilders use it as another way of increasing muscle mass, but scientific evidence has NOT found any evidence to back up claims.


PAU D' ARCO (Tabebuia species) : This herb is a folk remedy for cancer and fungal infections in Brazil. Studies have shown it to be antitumor and antifungal. You can find this herb fairly widely in US.


I often make my own velarian extract for getting to sleep at night, it quite literally is one of the worst smelling and tasting herbs ever(smells like old socks) but its really effective.


Valerian root Zil.


I grow it to, but the damn Labrador keeps digging it up.

You're right, its smells good, and grows like a fern.

It's the root you want to cultivate! ;)

Hopefully you don't have curious dogs, and you can just let that sucker grow!

Its good sleep medicine.


Which is probably why my dog digs up Valerian Root and then take a 'Siesta' :)

Valerian root Zil.


I grow it to, but the damn Labrador keeps digging it up.

You're right, its smells good, and grows like a fern.

It's the root you want to cultivate! ;)

Hopefully you don't have curious dogs, and you can just let that sucker grow!

Its good sleep medicine.


Which is probably why my dog digs up Valerian Root and then take a 'Siesta' :)


Fortunately I don't have any growing I keep mine well sealed anyway only opening it as a last resort to make that god damn awful tea *shiver*


Catnips another herb I find good for relaxing,


Herb O' the Day!


SAGE (Salvia officinalis): This herbs name comes from Latin "salvere", which means to save. In the Middle Ages, (remember those good times? :rolleyes: ) Sage was used to help night sweats that accompany Tuberculosis.

Culpeper prescribed Sage tea as a mouthwash for sore gums.

This popular cooking herb is reputed to be good for the digestion.

It may also help with excessive perspiration, stomach cramps, and gas. :)


I grow a variagated Sage, thats a pretty yellow and green, and just a plain old green one. They are easy to grow, and you can pluck branches off without disturbing the beauty of the plant. They keep coming back in their container, year after year.


Todays Herb, Ginkgo...:P


Ginkgo Tree (Ginkgo biloba) : Gingko trees date back more than 200 million years! and some trees live up to 4,000 years!

Chinese herbalists have recommended Ginkgo for more than 5,000 years!

It has quite the history, and also the research to back it up.


Ginkgo has positive effects on the vascular system, with studies showing that Ginkgo extract increases blood flow to the brain and lower extremities. It has also been shown to improve memory and relieve signs of senility. :lol:

Ginkgo has also shown to help prevent clots and is also an antioxidant.


Ginkgo improves mental functioning and ability to concentrate.

So, I bought a dropper bottle of extract recently, for college purposes;

We'll see if I can notice any difference after a couple weeks!


Thanks for the suggestion Khan.


:rainbow: Todays Herb:


GOTU KOLA: (Centella Asiatica): This herb comes from the 'Ayurveda' in India, where it was probably first used. .

It is also mentioned in the 'Shennong Herbal'. It is used throughout the world for a wide variety of ailments; From skin inflammations, to memory and relaxation. It is also used to bring down fever and releive congestion.

Studies suggest that Gotu Kola has positive effects on the circulatory syatem.


Usage: 1 -3 capsules daily; or 5 -10 drops extract up to 3x daily

in liquid form daily.


Todays Herb:




Okay... I can't resist. Sounds like a subliminal message sent out by the Pepsi corporation.



:eek::Guns: :) ;) ;) :(.... ;) ... :rainbow: :angel: :rain: :lol::rainbow: :eek:

"....Go to cola..... oooohh..... Go to cola..... oooooh....."



In all seriousness though Racoon, this is good information of which to be aware. Thanks for putting it out here. I look forward to the next herb or root. What about Ginger???



Cheers. :)


Herb of the day



GINGER (Zangiber officinale):

You remember Ginger from 'Gilligan's Island' right?

It can also be the name of a stripper at your favorite strip-club hangout.:beer:


No but seriously,the Chinese have been using Ginger for well over 2000 years. Japanese serve Ginger slices between Sushi courses to aid in digestion.


It sems that from research by Dr. Leung, an expert in Chinese medicine, that " the juice of fresh, crushed Gingerroot is an excellent treatment for minor burns and skin inflammations."


Ginger also helps ease cold symptoms, and is a good remedy for "morning sickness". ( In case you knocked up your girlfriend and need to calm her down, :cocktail: )

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