InfiniteNow Posted February 27, 2006 Report Posted February 27, 2006 Damn, yo! I'm feeling all zen master today! Word... :shrug: Quote
Turtle Posted February 27, 2006 Report Posted February 27, 2006 The good nature is contrary. Turtle Low Shoe Quote
Queso Posted March 1, 2006 Report Posted March 1, 2006 ___Freedom reaches man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make. That's where I found my mind, and lost it. Quote
Queso Posted March 12, 2006 Report Posted March 12, 2006 Do not run away; let go.Do not seek, for it will come when least expected. :) this is something i figured out 11 years ago.I LOVE LEGOS,and I realized that whenever I would look for one, I'd never find it.It's when I was in search of something else That I found the piece I wanted then. Quote
Drip Curl Magic Posted March 13, 2006 Report Posted March 13, 2006 this is something i figured out 11 years ago.I LOVE LEGOS,and I realized that whenever I would look for one, I'd never find it.It's when I was in search of something else That I found the piece I wanted then. I learned the same thing from playing with legos, tinker-toys, lincoln logs, and other such building toys. I really wish I still had legos.:) Quote
motherengine Posted March 14, 2006 Report Posted March 14, 2006 speaking of asian philosophy, i am partial to japanese haiku myself Horai yakame mo ko hosuhatsu-hinata*Island of Eternitya turtle dries its shell outin the rays of the new sun [from the web site 'japanese death poetry'] aesthetic appreciation of the natural world can bring comfort even in the face of annihilation. gotta love that. Queso and Racoon 2 Quote
InfiniteNow Posted March 31, 2006 Report Posted March 31, 2006 But Unmon shouted "KAN!" Meaning??? Maybe they just watched Star Trek II and were trying to recite the lines. :eek_big: Quote
InfiniteNow Posted March 31, 2006 Report Posted March 31, 2006 That's as zen as it gets, my friend. Racoon 1 Quote
InfiniteNow Posted April 3, 2006 Report Posted April 3, 2006 Enlightenment is not some final destination, but a path that is continually being traversed. Something as simple as sitting in the right posture is enlightenment, when you recognize you are right here, in the moment and the illusion of permanence evaporates. Quote
Turtle Posted May 13, 2006 Report Posted May 13, 2006 Only actions give to life its strength, as only moderation gives it its charm. :) Therefore embrace change, as it is inevitable. - :evil: Quote
Boerseun Posted May 15, 2006 Report Posted May 15, 2006 If you love somebody, set them free. If they come back, they're yours.If they don't come back, hunt them down and kill them. Panjandrum 1 Quote
IDMclean Posted May 17, 2006 Report Posted May 17, 2006 I Know only that I do not know and that I listen to understand. Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. “It is overfull. No more will go in!” “Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?” Quote
IDMclean Posted May 18, 2006 Report Posted May 18, 2006 Look, it cannot be seen - it is beyond form.Listen, it cannot be heard - it is beyond sound.Grasp, it cannot be held - it is intangible.These three are indefinable, they are one. From above it is not bright;From below it is not dark:Unbroken thread beyond description.It returns to nothingness.Form of the formless,Image of the imageless,It is called indefinable and beyond imagination. Stand before it - there is no beginning.Follow it and there is no end.Stay with the Tao, Move with the present. Knowing the ancient beginning is the essence of Tao.-Lao Tzu Quote
IDMclean Posted May 18, 2006 Report Posted May 18, 2006 The Meaning of Success 1. To earn the respect of intelligent people and to win the affection of children. 2. To appreciate the beauty in nature and all that surrounds us. 3. To seek out and nurture the best in others. 4. To give the gift of yourself to others without the slightest thought of return, for it is in giving that we receive. 5. To have accomplished a task, whether it be saving a lost soul, healing a sick child, writing a book, or risking your life for a friend. 6. To have celebrated and laughed with great joy and enthusiasm and sung with exaltation. 7. To have hope even in times of despair, for as long as you have hope, you have life. 8. To love and to be loved. 9. To be understood and to understand. 10. To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.Anonymous and modified by Ray Serway December, 1989 Not asain I know but it's applicable.Why are people starving?Because the rulers eat up the money in taxes.Therefore the people are starving. Why are the people rebellious?Because the rulers interfere too much.Therefore they are rebellious. Why do people think so little of death?Because the rulers demand too much of life.Therefore the people take life lightly. Having to live on, one knows better than to value life too much.-Lao Tzu Quote
Michaelangelica Posted May 18, 2006 Report Posted May 18, 2006 'First get the name right' Confucius Age is a very high price to pay for maturityanon Quote
Michaelangelica Posted May 18, 2006 Report Posted May 18, 2006 Learn to yield and be softIf you want to survive. There is nothing as soft or gentle as waterBut to compell the hard and unyielding it has no equal Quote
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