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ok lets say that there is this huge black hole . . a bajillionkazillionbabajillionjillion^10000000000 miles wide and it sucks in everything that exists. What happens? Does this stuff end up somewhere else or is it gone . . forever.. somewhere


I guess I would most trust the answer of the person who has done this.


Black holes actually have been found to release crucial matter for creating new stars. I read that new stars have been created at the center of our galaxy near our black hole. From here I will leave it to more of an expert


hi everyone.. new to this site, but just like to say that everything has a purpose dosnt it? i'm sure black holes have theirs too... transportation of matter perhaps? would our universe go on without them? they are of great mass and according to einsteins theory of special relativity that can be changed into energy cant it? wot do u reckon? :shrug: :cup:


It goes into an ever increasing density





it does this because after it pulls light in nothing can escape. The near infinite(by near i mean ever increasing)mass next to it puls it even closer. Once of big enough size everything eventually will be pulled into it. But nothing ever really goes into it since time stops for the particles next to it because the inside is indfinite and time stops. Everything else though that is around it would see the particles going into it but for the particles state they never would unless a black hole of larger density was placed near enough to pull it from the 1st black hole where time would start again but the particles would still be at the state where the other objects observed them so this would create a lapse and a new alternate universe is created. One for the particles and one for the observers.



All of this was thought up onthefly so there may be inconsistansies. Please comment on my ideas.

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