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what is a relationship, at least in highschool. everyone in one is still hooking up with other people. so its not excluded. is it like a comfort thing, you say your in one, so it designates one person you can talk to, hang out with and hook up with anytime? What do you think it is?


"relationship" can be many things. Lots of times, when a human hears the word relationship, it's associated with two humans who've commited to eachother.... but humans are full of lies. Kids in highschool may thing, at the time, that they can stay commited(or maybe not) but when it comes down to it, every being has very strong instincts to reproduce. Cheating happens all the time. It all depends on how much you love you allow yourself to feel for your spouse. The deeper your love, the harder it'll be to cheat.


I think it's your level of commitment/loyalty that prevents you from cheating. Drinking and drugs can interfer with this level because they seem to cause you to focus so much on the "here and now" without even considering consequences


actually did oyu guys know that the chemical imbalance that is "love" only slasts about a year? any relationship that lasts longer than that is just two people lying when they say it, they dont actually feel it. haha, just a fun fact.


I think people seek it because it's just a part of the stage of growing up. People who don't go through this stage never truly begin to understand other people and their feelings. I recommend that everyone at least tries to date someone once in their lifetime whether it be a LDR or a school dating scenario.


I read somewhere that people at Harvard are often clueless to the dating scene and don't understand many concepts of why people act the way they do.


Just remember, with the more exp. you get, you level up and then evolve. :eek2:

actually did oyu guys know that the chemical imbalance that is "love" only slasts about a year? any relationship that lasts longer than that is just two people lying when they say it, they dont actually feel it. haha, just a fun fact.


I doubt it just stops after a year. Everyone has a different chemistry. And even if the chemical that is love fades after a while, your spouse can still be considered your best friend, right? I mean, there has to be a reason why my parents have been together for 16 years, right? Of course, they aren't as deeply in love as they used to be... but they still care for each other... atleast I think they do. And if they don't, that's a little depressing. I study done to prove this as "fact" was probably kinda shady... everyone's chemical balance is different. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now, I don't feel quite the same as I did when I first got with her... but it is still a beautiful feeling I get when I am in her presence.

Just remember, with the more exp. you get, you level up and then evolve.

So true man. Expierence is a lot. Yeah people are different, some people are book people, but man, i am a peson that needs to do things in order to learn. I can't just have people tell me "this or that is bad" because they can't provide me with why its bad, or make it seam like its only bad for them, of course things that are universally bad for us (such as being lit on fire, or being shot) are obivious ones, but some things aren't bad for people. I.E. people take medication for problems they have, some people the medication gives them problems, some people it takes away their problems, how do you know whether or not something is good or bad for you unless you've tried it. Exp. is everything. I've been cheated on, i know how it feels, now i know why its bad. I've cheated on my gf, i know how that feels, and i know why its bad, but it didn't feel bad at the time...humans, we are just another animal, the only difference is we are smarter than the lot, or at least we convince ourselves of this. You don't see an animal beat the **** out of another animal because he stole the other animals mate, you don't see other animals being with eachother forever. Yeah. Cheating is bad, especially if you do it to hurt the person, but if you do it for yourself, as an expeirment, and the other person never finds out, never even thinks or asks about it (so you don't have to lie), your not really commitin a crime. especially when your in highschool, nothing is permenant, and your not married are you? (maybe im justifying it because i did it, because i certainly still think its wrong if my gf does it to me, but at the same time, if i don't know about it, it doesnt hurt me)

I doubt it just stops after a year. Everyone has a different chemistry. And even if the chemical that is love fades after a while, your spouse can still be considered your best friend, right? I mean, there has to be a reason why my parents have been together for 16 years, right? Of course, they aren't as deeply in love as they used to be... but they still care for each other... atleast I think they do. And if they don't, that's a little depressing. I study done to prove this as "fact" was probably kinda shady... everyone's chemical balance is different. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now, I don't feel quite the same as I did when I first got with her... but it is still a beautiful feeling I get when I am in her presence.


trust me, i knwo what you mean, but i was just restating somethign that i once heard on the radio...haha.:eek2:

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