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What Is The Defenition Of Rationality If We Dont Like Edmiting Were Wrong About Our Choices. People That Can Judge Themselves And Admit They Are Wrong Or Have Done Wrong Have To Choose If They Will Learn From It Or Not.


Get Ready For A Long Read On Rationality Very Soon.

What Is The Defenition Of Rationality


Paraphrased under Fair Use from Tormont Websters Illustrated Encyclopedic

Dictionary 1991 Edition


rationality - noun - 1. The quality or condition of being rational. 2. A rational belief or practice.


rational - adjective - 1. Having or exercising the ability to reason. 2. Of sound mind; sane. 3. Manifesting or based upon reason; logical. 4. Mathematics. Designating an algebraic expression or equation in which no variable appears in an irreducible radical or with a fractional exponent. [Latin rationalis, from ratio, reason]




Rationality allows one to see the causual relationships in the world around as well as the world within them. An important part of rationality are the data one uses by which they base their reasoning. To be totally rational one needs to reason plus have solid data along the cause and effect axis. For example, if we assumed the air is composed of fairly dust, one can still use their power of the reason, using this data, but the result will not be rational. That is why someone can rationalized bad behavior, due to faulty premises or data on their cause and effect axises.


There is no truth. You make your own truth as others make their own.

This relates more to sociology in terms of folkways, norms, and etc.


What I like to call, "The truth of now"


The truth of now: Something taken as true among a common population of people within the general vicinity.


What may be true to one nation, may be false to another.

This brings in ethnocentrism and a lot of other factors.

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