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Turtle's Birthday New Years Contest

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:xparty: :D :eek: :) :D :lol: :eek:

___It is something of an inside joke that I regularly change my birthday in the Profile section. As an Old Year Going Away Gesture, I have my real birth-day in permanent place, which is January First, 1/1, New Years Day, Capricornus, party 'round the world, nearest we all often come to the sound of one hand clapping.

___Happy New Year to you all in our world, & here is the contest: Between now & midnight my time (Pacific Standard Time US), I entertain guesses as to the exact Hour & Minute (specify AM or PM) of my birth. Any & all who guess correctly I reward with One Brotherly Conduct Approval. Tormod is the official judge as I have shared this information with him beforehand.

___Get set....GO!:)

:xparty: :D :eek: :) :D :lol: :eek:

___It is something of an inside joke that I regularly change my birthday in the Profile section. As an Old Year Going Away Gesture, I have my real birth-day in permanent place, which is January First, 1/1, New Years Day, Capricornus, party 'round the world, nearest we all often come to the sound of one hand clapping.

___Happy New Year to you all in our world, & here is the contest: Between now & midnight my time (Pacific Standard Time US), I entertain guesses as to the exact Hour & Minute (specify AM or PM) of my birth. Any & all who guess correctly I reward with One Brotherly Conduct Approval. Tormod is the official judge as I have shared this information with him beforehand.

___Get set....GO!:)

Happy birthday my friend Turtle; I'll take a stab at guessing that hour & minute if I may?


How about..............5:26 in the P.M.


BTW.....................And many more, and a Big Happy New Year to you also

Happy birthday my friend Turtle; I'll take a stab at guessing that hour & minute if I may?


How about..............5:26 in the P.M.


BTW.....................And many more, and a Big Happy New Year to you also


___By all means friend Infy...by all means. Your guess is logged. I didn't specify how many guesses per person; shall I say 2? If a persson guesses 2 guesses that are the same, & if those guesses are correct, I'll give 2 Brotherly Conducts.:xparty:

A toast to Brother Infy.:eek:

___Logged Brother Orby; a toast to Brother Orby. :eek:


___On the Eve of my birthday, I take a moment for my Mother & my Grandmothers; Daughters of the American Revolution all. Long Live Liberty.:) :lol:

I will gladly accept the honor of being the Judge. :)


___Superb! A toast to Brother Tormod & a song in his Honor.:xparty: :)


___A toast to my Father & Grandfathers; Masons, Engineers, Doctors, & Veterans all. Long Live Lady Liberty!:D


___A toast to Hypographians we haven't seen in a while: UncleAl, Maddog, FreeThinker, Buffy, Bo, Sanctus, Tinny, FishTeacher, Beaker, Biochemist, & others as I recall!:xparty:


___Finally, a toast to that strange day 11 months ago when we had 337 members logged in!:lol: What the heck was going on that day? No...really. I want to know what was so special that day! What the heck?:phones: :xparty: :lol: :eek: :lol:


yeah i have wondered about that for so long...what was going on that day?

chicken noodle soup in the early morning mmmmmmmmmmmmm (9 is extremely early for me, im usually not up for 3 more hours. but i love rainy mornings)

anybody else going to guess turtles birthday time??

yeah i have wondered about that for so long...what was going on that day?

chicken noodle soup in the early morning mmmmmmmmmmmmm (9 is extremely early for me, im usually not up for 3 more hours. but i love rainy mornings)

anybody else going to guess turtles birthday time??


___I have been up since 6:30 am; way early for me too. Today is Saturday so Ace (the guy who owns this computer) is off work & when he gets up I may have to give over the machine to him.

___Raining here too; I'm not in the earthquake predicting business, but if I were I'd say the next 2 or three days have potential for some moderate to larger rockers. If we get one such here with the ground saturated by over 4" inches of rain in 3 days, we're in for some major slides! The next rainstorm is expected tomorrow.

___Don't forget Orby that you get two (2) guesses, either the same or 2 different. Two for the price of one for every-one.:xparty:

oh, well in that case, log me for midnight as well.


___Now that is an interesting arithmetic problem. Inasmuch as I specified guessing to the nearest minute & midnight exact is not yet the next day to the nearest minute, I think I must correctly log you as 12:01 AM. Does this meet with every-ones' approval?:xparty:

A grand Happy Birthday and New Year to you sir. I'll cast votes for 5:36 AM and PM in search of a coincidence.


Logged & logged. A hale & hardy New Year Toast to C1ay, Scribe, Geometer, & Mathemagician in his own right!:xparty: To the 10 of us! :lol:


I have a son who is the other bookend in your annual party - Dec 31st. I am guessing that you are the first person born in your year of emergence, so the time would have been 12:00:00, right at the stroke of the new year, just before "Auld Lang Syne" begins.


Happy birthday!




Turtle, I have another son born on Jan 3rd. I tried to lure him out by Dec 31st to get the tax deduction, but no such luck. *details of baby baiting ommitted* Anyway... back again to double up on 12:00 Midnight as the birth time.


Many happy returns!



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