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Turtle's Birthday New Years Contest

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I have a son who is the other bookend in your annual party - Dec 31st. I am guessing that you are the first person born in your year of emergence, so the time would have been 12:00:00, right at the stroke of the new year, just before "Auld Lang Syne" begins.


Happy birthday!




Happy New Year Bill & thanks for the greeting! A toast to Brother Bill, Father of a Capricorn, Knower of Songs & New, Well Writ, Hypographian.:lol: :xparty:


___Earlier on Orby chose Midnight, & first there is no restriction on chosing the same guess as another does; if both get it right, both get the prize. However, I made the point to Orby that as I specified the nearest minute, exact midnight is not the nearest minute of the New Year, that it is 12:01.

___With that distinction, I log Bill's first guess as 12:01 AM, the same as I did for Orby. Auld Lang Syne!:xparty: :lol:

Turtle, I have another son born on Jan 3rd. I tried to lure him out by Dec 31st to get the tax deduction, but no such luck. *details of baby baiting ommitted* Anyway... back again to double up on 12:00 Midnight as the birth time.


Many happy returns!




Another toast to Brother Bill, Father of TWO Capricorn Sons!:xparty:

Two votes logged from Brother Bill for 12:01 AM, the first possible full minute time of the New Year.

A toast to all Sons Of Fathers Of Two Capricorn Sons. :lol:


___Good Health & Good Fortune To All In This New Year:singer:


___I believe no one guessed my hour & minute of birth correctly; it must therefore remain a secret until at least next year.:xparty: :xparty:

___Neither did any one guess the secret rule, & that invokes it. The Secret Rule is, everyone who posted to this thread receives the Award. If I miss anyones' award, please bring it to my attention.:lol:

PS I presented all Awards succesfully save for webenton Brother Bill; I have to spread more reputation around before I may award you WBB.


Twelve strokes did I,

Upon my bell,

Ring the New Year,

Knelled in well.

Wait! I want to do the Judge work! Let's leave the guessing up for the rest of the day!


___Roger Wilco. Guessing is still open by Royal Decree! Now that we know some wrong answers, there is a better chance to get some right ones!:xparty:


Happiest of New Years All!:lol: :eek: :)


Turtle, in all of your posts, a lesson is learned. Your threads weave a tapestry of wisdom. My birthday gift to you is a riddle I recently answered for my eldest son.


What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer will be delivered in the last hour of your birthday.




didnt the chicken just evolve from whatever the hell it was before a chicken, and along with the chicken evolution it just laid eggs as it evolved?

and of course, the egg laying evolved from whatever kind of reproduction method the underevolved prechicken had to begin with-

which is funny

because the underevolved prechicken never began in the first place.


im looking forward to what you have to say because im sure its witty and logical, yet not as logical as mine above.

logical and alluding to illusionary make+believe logic.

Turtle, in all of your posts, a lesson is learned. Your threads weave a tapestry of wisdom. My birthday gift to you is a riddle I recently answered for my eldest son.


What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer will be delivered in the last hour of your birthday.




Thank you for those kind & humbling words. For any sand grain of wisdom I may have, I have a mountain of errors, poor judement, gaffs, & selfish acts to go with it. By all indications I may expect more of the same.


The gift of your riddle then; how very timely. Thank you. Having recently myself cracked open my head & taken to chatting with Humpty Dumpty, Dragons & their ilk, I know the answer now with assurance as before I did not. The Egg came first. :xparty:

didnt the chicken just evolve from whatever the hell it was before a chicken, and along with the chicken evolution it just laid eggs as it evolved?

Orb, you are correct about the "Prechicken" I understand on good authority that they were very tasty. A little know fact about the "Prechicken" that may answer another of our timeless puzzles - they always layed their eggs on the other side of the road.

The gift of your riddle then; how very timely. Thank you. Having recently myself cracked open my head & taken to chatting with Humpty Dumpty, Dragons & their ilk, I know the answer now with assurance as before I did not. The Egg came first.

Give the birthday boy a big peice of cake! Yes the egg came first. An ®evolutionary "Prechicken" layed an egg, and out of that egg came the first chicken. Its mother named him Darwin.


Turtle, I hope you like it!




___Logged & Awarded Brother Bio; A toast to you & your continued cogent contributions to Hypography in the coming year!:xparty:



___Raining here too; I'm not in the earthquake predicting business, but if I were I'd say the next 2 or three days have potential for some moderate to larger rockers.


How's this for a qualitatious quake? Dare we qualify its quakeatoodinosity predicated on not quake predicting business? Or dare we knot?



2006 January 2 06:10:49 UTC



Monday, January 02, 2006 at 06:10:49 (UTC) - Coordinated Universal Time

Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 10:10:49 PM (PST) - Pacific Standard (Los Angeles, Vancouver, Tijuana)








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