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why dont u guys try out with the name of any "alltime great" players.

i prefer Maradona,the gretest footballer.


what the...




we need to keep football as far away from the moon as possible...~~~~!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!


anybody that can throw a ball

catch one,

kick one,

and sustain beatings

((((((while receiving large sums of commercial ememas

the size of eggplants! Currency exchange



for ones with matching Hats,

and children

excitingly obidient on this day of sabbathtubs overflowing!))))))))))))))


is somebody no where near worthy of transfering his badge TO THE MOON!


NO human is,





But hey!

that's just my opinion!

We will always call it

what we will

no matter who claims it official

Hello luna,

bright and sexy

shines like well-dusted

moldy mooncheese

Fat girl smiling

Bald but


'cause if you've got cancer,

homologous with Our Moon,

Kiemo makes you bald


as if i were a maid-


the cobwebs off her eyes


moldy moonchese

and saving it

for summer.




  • 1 year later...

Funny question, yes why?


Grey leaved plants that glow in moonlight are called "Artemesia. . ." named in honour of the moon goddess.

the moon goddess Artemis, who is believed to hold these powers.

She is known also by Diana, Selene, and Phoebe.

In Hellenistic culture, Artemis was a goddess of the hunt, and protector of the forest and children.



Mugwort, the scraggly, horrible looking one, not the tall fragrant one used in perfumery, will make you have vivid, colorful dreams if placed under your pillow.( I have tried it. It works!).

So again another connection to the goddess, via dreams?


"Wort" is OE for "useful plant"

"Mug" translates to midge or biting insects.

So evenings could be insect free on your walk in the woods? Something to thank the goddess for.

I assume this would be the fragrant variety now used in a very large % of men's colognes and aftershaves.

(Another reason why men don't get bitten as much by insects as women?)

mugworts cool I used to smoke it

/make tea with it


it affects the human dream....


I replaced mugwort with amythest.

Nice, Orb.


Post a scribbling about your seemingly endless fascination with mind-altering drugs in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with it. This thread, matter of fact, is about whether the moon (nothing to do with drugs or tripping) should be renamed (nothing to do with drugs or tripping).


Please do the me and the rest of Hypography a favour and quit it now.


There's a good boy.

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