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The self manifesting neo human evolution

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I understand and fully acknowledge that most of the things i think about are not even in english!

they are occuring in my mind in such strange fashions that i have dedicated my life to finding new and better ways to say what it is that i really want to say.


Now, with that said,

there is something that i figured out in my head

one night visiting the nonordinary reality realm

described as follows:


THESE ESTIMATES ARE ROUGH, i havnt done that much research


it took roughly 2 billion years for life for occur

100,000 years for our evolved hominoid

about 10,000 for our conciousness

400 years for our society to evolve (agriculture, scientific revolutions, etc.)


looking at the nature of this evolutionary paradigm

its evident that we should be seeing this NEW evolution manifest itself


a NEW evolution

not the old, sterile, efficient way of evolution

but a new evolution of SELF

that stems from two types of information

digital and analog.


++++the digital being artificial intelligence


++++the analog being electro biology (the cloning of the organism)


and you link thedr two together with neurobiology.




in the old evolutionary paradigm

one organism would conquer the other

one would live, while the other would die off


but in the NEW evolutionary paradigm we would all exist as a mutually supportive grouping.


evolution now becomes an individual centered process, eminating from the needs and desires from the individual and not an external process, a passive process.


now imagine a neo human with a new individuality+

a new conciousness

this is only the begining of the new evolutionary cycle

because as the next cycle proceeds

the input is now this new intelligence

as intelligence pawns on intelligence

as ability pawns on ability

the speed changes

until what???


you reach a crescendo!

in a way, it could be imagined as an instantaneous fulfullment of human, and neo human potential.


it could be something totally different

it could be the amplification of the individual!

the multiplication of multiple existences!

parallell existences

now that the individual is not restricted by time and space.


these manifestations of neo humans COULD also be dramatically counter+intuitive.


these manifestations will be those of social adaptation:


parasitism, dominance, morality, war!!


These will be subject to deemphasis!

these will be subject to DeEVOLUTION!! :)


The new evolutionary paragidm will give us traits of truth, loyalty, justice, freedom, and this is what i hope to see.


Now, with all of that said......

I could NOT put this into words, when i thought of this concept.

I imagined an instant fulfullment of man, as we spun at infinite speed

as a species learning.


I watched a movie the other day that sparked my conciousness!

one that perfectly made sense about all of this

and it took OUR idea

and explained it for me

and now i have presented it to hypography to see what you guys think.


i would really appreciate any form of feedback because these thoughts are driving me crazy,

I feel like pacing around the roof of a tall building

just talking with my own short concrete echo


...evident that we should be seeing this NEW evolution manifest itself IN OUR LIFETIME a NEW evolution

not the old, sterile, efficient way of evolution

but a new evolution of SELF

that stems from two types of information

digital and analog...

i have presented it ...to see what you guys think.

I think that you're on to something.

I think you may be right.

But will WE think this change is good?

Or will it be a blight?


Will it leave US strong and golden,

With skills and power and might?

Or will its coming replace mere US

With something we can't fight?


Will People Prime look back on US

As monkeys in the dark?

Will they appreciate the fact

That from us They did spark?


Will mega evolution leave

Any room for US on Earth?

Or will WE live on in newer skins

The parents of our birth?


I understand I think the words you do not use Orby. I think it is like an egg, like a chrysalis, like a seed. They all look so nice in their egg-hood, chrysalis-hood, or seed-hood. Well formed, tensegretic forms with surfaces too varied to mention. Beautiful things by any other words. Yet, they must break away, & all in a sudden too! Breaking, cracking (all things crack in 3 did you know?), breaking open an acknowledged wonder before something even more new can grow.


It's not anything to fear. Don't children & adults alike huddle round to see the chicken's egg hatch, or the butterfly emerge from the chrysalis, or the seed sprout? It is something to draw closer to, not away from. :)


i think, pyro, the answer to your many questions comes with time. here is a few more.


will all of our family lines eventually evolve to psudo-humans?


depends, will current human and psudo-humans want to/be able to reproduce together?


will current humans freak out and kill all of the neo-humans "for our own good"?


turtle, you are right, its nothing to actually be afriaid of...but we cannot forget in this discussion that humanity and society fears the unknown, and the real answers lie in how people will react.


that is assuming that discrepencies between psudo-humans and surrent humans are noticed before we all just evolve without even realizing it. hehehe.


Waking Life was a good movie, indeed, and that segment was one of the best. If you look at the rate of scientific and industrial progress, and the rate of cultural evolution made possible by human consciousness, the implications are pretty staggering. I especially like the dude's optimistic outlook regarding the de-evolution of primitive agressive traits. The globalization of citizenship, and general decrease in nationalism within industrial societies, is great evidence that this is happeining, IMHO.


By the way, in many ways this is creating friction within our society presently. Take, for example, the people in the US who are mistrustful of the UN and the idea of globalization (a paranoid minority, I admit). Also, consider the constant struggle between assimlation and "multi-culturalism" across many societies. Collective consciousness and global citezenship are considered, by some, to be quite eccentric ideas.


unresticted by time and space? that may be a bit far out, even for you orby.


i can understand the time aspect...time is a man-made concept, at least, we saw that it was there and we gave it a name. a sort of a measure for why the sun comes up and then goes down every "day" most likely. *not to be confused with the dimension of time. if these beings were excluded from that, would they be immortal




as far as space goes, if these beings existed on the planet Earth...they would have to be made up of matter and therefore would have to have a mass and therefore would be effected by gravity. what else exists in deep space besides objects of mass and gravity fields?


isnt that being affected by space, then




you will not understand until the next step in evolution is beemingly evident

and neither will i

you arent grasping the concept of what i am saying at all, mr ((()))

but dont take that personally

because like i said THREE THOUSAND YEARS AGO IN ANOTHER WORLD its my fault that you dont

because i didnt explain it IN EASY CONTEXT

and knowing me, its probably fragmented

and makes no sense to the public





i can //(#$/%#$ fly with omni directional eyes through dimensions of a moved assembleage point!


that can be experienced

as if lived

and ive done it


i believe i can do anything





throw some of my thread into a metaphor soup

think about conciousness, creativity


and maybe like BINGO


it will click or something



ah yes, clearly there is something being talked about here that i cannot yet grasp. though, i make an eligant effort to grasp it, my hand-mind seems to still remain small.


i cannot yet catch up to the sun, but i will continue to try, and tommorow i will run faster.

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