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scamming. if people are that stupid to fall for it should we feel sorry for them?

Obiviously we don't do it to our family and friends and those we know or care about, but doing it to random strangers, is it wrong?

Morally i feel like we shouldn't feel sorry for people that bring things upon themselves.

Like girls gone wild half time games...if you've seen those, it is down right degrading, and what they put themselves through, and the commentary during it...yet, it is hillarious because they put themselves through that, they wanted the attention, i mean they had to try out and out of thousands of girls only like 50 or so we're picked.

I dislike stupid people, but they make the world go round. And i don't even know if it's that they are stupid, i just think they lack free thought, which is kind of an important issue.

i don't even know if i should post this, but it's something i been contimplating lately, and it's not just about girls gone wild, it applies to some people in my life lately, like this annoying kid named wylie. He is smart, but he uses it to annoy the crap out of everyone and because of that no one really like him, but they use him for things nad pretend to be his friend...should i feel sorry for him? It's kind of hard to when he is pushing my buttons..i just don't participate in the faking friendship with the kid or using him, but question, is that even wrong if he is bringing it on himself? Yes..being fake and using people under no circumstance is probably always going to feel wrong, so it must be. ANyways.:hihi:


this is such a confusing subject. granted that I myself can provide no answer to the questions that you have asked, i can speculate that scamming tends to be a smart way of taking advantage of a situation. for example, someone that i have never met hands me a signed, blank check by mistake. the question would be, do i take advantage of this situation and benifit from it, or do i do the morally right thing and point out this important oversight? homestly, im not sure which i would do. deductive reasoning tells us that both would feel good, and both have nice benifits to me. the thing that would prevent me from just making a decision is that, while both options would benifit me, both would also feel wrong. getting a little extra cash is always nice, particularly in the money-driven world. what makes this feel wrong is that on the flipside, i am scamming the other person out of some moeny and that just would feel morally worng to me.


on the other hand, giving the check back would unltimately make me feel like i should have taken the money, especially if i found myself in a particularly tight money situation. i could have used the money.


now. the girls gone wild thing isnt a scam, i dont think, they are being paid. PAID! the comedy in this, is taht they are degrading themselves for money. just another show of how much money drives the world around us. people are willing to degrade themselves for this special paper!


as far as using people for money and needs, this is called manipulation. i could speculate on this for a while, but i will spare you. your friend the orb knows more about this than me, anyways, and he could even teach you how not to feel bad about it. amazing skill.


also check this link out, http://hypography.com/forums/lounge/4974-human-behavior.html, i think that i ranted for a while there in a directiont that you may or may not enjoy.


you raise many interesting questions, sir, and i suppose it makes sense that you are inside the sun.





The ultimate yardstick to judge your behaviour in this respect by has to be, 'Does it serve to improve or harm mutual trust in society, especially between strangers?'


If you base your life on the premise of mutual trust, i.e. that you find scamming another person morally reprehensible and just wouldn't do it, you develop a reputation for trustworthiness from which will flow benefits that will more than make up for any short term gain you might eke out of a 'promising' situation, or any loss you may suffer from misplacing your own trust in an untrustworthy person.


(I hope I've understood the OP and responded appropriately.)


I dislike stupid people

is too broad.

And not well explained or stated on my part.

What i mean, is, "there is no excuse for ignorance."

And it bothers me, even angers me when people play dumb, their are a lot of intelligent people on this earth, this upcoming generation keeps on amazing me, with all that has been going down of course it needs to be. We are learning from our mistakes, and evolving. We are taking things from past generations that were positives, such as more and more people are being free thinkers, and indulging in activities such as smoking marijuana and going on mushroom expeditions. I been enlightening students at our school, taking them up into the mountains and into my world, with the aid of the hallucinogens.

Music, movies and art seamed to go on pause for a bit, but i see a lot of potential. thats what our generation is, potential. their is a lot their, and it gets frustrating watching people that you know can do much better than that, or are better than that, yet they are doing that. I care for people, all living things, down to plants..something that is alive but doesn't cry in pain or smile, yet i still take note that it does feel. My anger has deminished my patients and has masked my care with "i dislike stupid people." statements and thoughts. When what i really meant is what im describing here.

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